Rejected Pajamas Media logos and graphics.
Who knows what they had before the magic turlit swirl? How long did that one last .... five days? Ten? The bathrobe, what was that, four days? I'd like to think the new one will be five days max, by far the least imaginative of all. And I think we can agree that's saying a whole bunch. But I have a bad feeling this time. And you know when I saw it, I didn't even laugh. I was dumbstruck. How hard is it to pick a logo that is representative of a pair of pajamas? Maybe Einstein had it easier? WTFDIK? YMMV .... blah, blah, blah.

Casual, elegant, yet decisive. Don't know why this one didn't make the final cut?

Sure, a little braggardly and swaggardly (but maybe that's what they need?).

I know what you're thinking ... where's the individuality. Well, it wouldn't have been my first pick either. So, I'll agree with Pajamas Media on this one.

Some of the women bloggers weren't too keen on this selection?

Still a possibility (and Tony Pierce's first choice too).

Yep, a little stern perhaps. But still flamboyant compared to the current.

Well now .... tray chee chee. Ew lah lah. Take a chance .... oh well, risk takers they not be.

Ground control to Major Tom.

Take your protein pill and put your helmet on.
Ground control to Major Tom:
Your circuit's dead, there's something wong.
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Yes, it's true. I've been experiencing some Pajamas Media withdrawal symptoms. An inability to focus, not being able to select a blog topic. My life seemingly empty and hopeless. And I haven't always been able to score at my usual spots. Yeah, the nausea and shakes aren't pretty, but ...... I did manage to score a little bag . What the hey, I'll share. "Open Source Media. Your attempts at irreverence have been painful to watch - you can't fake sassy."
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basil's blog, Breakfast 12-07-2005/Dessert

Casual, elegant, yet decisive. Don't know why this one didn't make the final cut?

Sure, a little braggardly and swaggardly (but maybe that's what they need?).

I know what you're thinking ... where's the individuality. Well, it wouldn't have been my first pick either. So, I'll agree with Pajamas Media on this one.

Some of the women bloggers weren't too keen on this selection?

Still a possibility (and Tony Pierce's first choice too).

Yep, a little stern perhaps. But still flamboyant compared to the current.

Well now .... tray chee chee. Ew lah lah. Take a chance .... oh well, risk takers they not be.

Ground control to Major Tom.

Take your protein pill and put your helmet on.
Ground control to Major Tom:
Your circuit's dead, there's something wong.
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Yes, it's true. I've been experiencing some Pajamas Media withdrawal symptoms. An inability to focus, not being able to select a blog topic. My life seemingly empty and hopeless. And I haven't always been able to score at my usual spots. Yeah, the nausea and shakes aren't pretty, but ...... I did manage to score a little bag . What the hey, I'll share. "Open Source Media. Your attempts at irreverence have been painful to watch - you can't fake sassy."
Open Trackback
basil's blog, Breakfast 12-07-2005/Dessert
PJM Death Pool posted a letter from PJ's ad exec (?). Quoting fifteen million pages views per month.
Kinda scary really. It shows people are too lazy to explore the reaches of the web. And new, different, or innovative means doodley squat in the blogosphere.
Inertia and entrenchment, slow motion and reverse.
Merry Christmas Basil.
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