Thursday, November 26, 2020

Give 'Em a Whiff

 The Country belongs to the electorate, not to the CTO, or the FNIC. Or all of the other bad actors, foreign and domestic. Who are engaged in the destruction of this Nation. 

No one voted for them, no one elected them. And certainly no one of a Right Mind, condones their beyond extra-judicial subversion. Of all that we hold dear, all that we keep Holy. Their perversion of our World, entire. 

And in their macro-criminality, lies the kernel, of any of our future actions. To right this ship, and restore the Republic. 

Should they succeed in this madness? Should they bash the populace upside the head, with an aluminum baseball bat. And actually trample their will, and succeed in flushing their votes down the toilet?

Then, in that moment, YOU should start making plans. Whatever you think will help. Whatever that may be? In the context of this absolute evil.

I might point you to a long deleted video. Of a gentleman and his drone. Modified to be a delivery platform. And not for pizzas. Or even that other gentlemen, and his ultra-light. Flying low and slow. You get the idea. 



Easy that be. They've scared the f*cking hell out of me. 

Do they really think we are going to surrender this Nation, to the likes of them? 

To the contrary. 

If they manage to destroy a free and fair election. If they manage to destroy the Constitution. If they manage to decapitate Lady Liberty? 

Then all bets will be off. And those of a free mind, will fight all their days. Until evil is dispatched. In any manner possible. In any manner deemed fit. We are Americans. And try they might, they will never be able to take that from us. Never. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. NEVER. 


And we will not rest. We will not stop. Until we take back that which they have torn asunder. That which they have destroyed. THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. The greatest gift ever known. And with every breath, with every beat of our hearts. Until it is returned unto its rightful owners. You, and me. 

F*ck them, and the digital ponies they all rode in on. All the way up, with a red hot poker. And you don't need my permission. Though you certainly have my blessing. 

We answer to a higher power. And it is He who has given us our rights. Who the f*ck do they think they are, that they so casually would take them from us? Really? 

Filthy, despicable little turdmonkeys. We will crush them underfoot, like the bugs they are. Get your can of Raid on. Give 'em a whiff. Heck, give them the whole freaking can. 

I pray they do not succeed. I pray with all my might (Pretty Please). But we will not need the L*rd's help, if they do. Because all of you, will know what to do. You will know exactly what to do.


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