Saturday, September 19, 2020

Man Your Starships, Soldiers

(Joe, and his basement) Bid'n idn't hid'n, eez's lurk'n.

Said the new york times, on April 28 (as per Judge Pirro).

You know, like a child molester. Or even a rapist (or a murderous member ..... of Black Lives Matter).

So, that's Joe Biden's plan. He's going to lurk (in his basement). While  Kamala's campaign, and her over 600 ATTORNEYS. Attack and destroy the Election. 

And if they somehow succeed? Then Joe lurks no more. He swings into action. And then rapes Lady Liberty, in the you know what.

Nancy Grace, now on Fox?! That skankasaur(us), drove a convoy of gasoline tanker trucks. To ALL of the racial fires she helped start. All over this Nation (via the television airwaves). In partnership, with the one and only King Buraq Hussein. Her truly evil race baiting. Over the Big Lie (regards all things), Saint TreyVaughn Martin

There is no redemption for her. None. She stole years of my time. As I bled gallons of virtual ink, fighting her here (on this blog). In years past.

Even the President, made mention. In his airplane (hangar) side chat (tonight, in North Carolina). Of Fox's (mild) downward slide.

And now for something completely different. I picked up a Dyson DC 25, ball (type) vacuum cleaner. For a song, at the swap meet. Six months ago. And finally got around to comparing it, to our current machine. 

Utterly superb. Just smacks of brilliance. In design, engineering, and function. What a trip, having fun vacuuming.

Say la vee. Say lah gere.

Don't get overconfident in this war people. Stay focused. Stay sharp. Keep giving it your all. Your everything. For this, this is for everything that ever was. Or ever will be.

Whatever you got? You bring it, to this battle to save our Country. Or live out the rest of your life, in shame.

There is no money in it. There is no ribbon or medal award ceremony. There isn't even a Thank You. But there is the satisfaction of knowing. You valiantly fought, in the most consequential war. That the Universe has ever seen.

Man your Starships,  soldiers. And blast any attempt, to attack the Election.

G*d speed, my fellow Americans.

Sunday, September 20. Twelve noon. 


In the atomic mail, I received the following notice [as one of the truly lucky Americans, to have an Obamacare policy (twenty three million people, are enrolled in this State. Out of a total of twenty eight million, nationwide). And the airwaves are bombarded everyday, nearly nonstop. With ads, for "Covered California"], from our very own Commie monkey Governor, Gavin Newsom:

"Ways to manage stress" in "the Covid 19 emergency" .... "Take a break from reading or watching the news."

It's nice to know, that my tax dollars are going to such a good (communist) cause. Six printed pages, sent in an envelope, through the mail. That's how Gavin Newsom, manages our state's finances. Not to mention, however many millions (and millions) of dollars. Spent advertising "Covered California." And those cubic dollars. Flow directly to his pals, in the Fake News Industrial Complex. To create and produce the television commercials. As well the cost of airtime. Forget tens of millions of dollars people. We're talking hundreds. 

Also in the six pages of propaganda (under cover of my deathcare policy): "Is there any way I could lose my coverage, during the Covid 19 emergency?"

In answer, on the printed page: "Yes, if you die."

Brilliant huh..... But it goes without saying, that as a resident of a blue state. That even after I die, I'll still be able to vote.

Five pm

It looks like AOC, is now completely in charge of the Democratic party. Is driving the bus. And Pelosi, is onboard, but takes a backseat (and Harris & Biden, ride on top. On the luggage rack). And Pelosi, a hundred percent in concurrence, with all things AOC. 

YEP, that's right. Another pipewrench, tossed into the machinery of Trump's governance. Another impeachment, is now on the way (Pelosi could not have been more proud. To tell us about "the arrows in her quiver." This is SEDITION).

Other than openly threatening even more violence, in order to stop Trump's Supreme Court pick (and I'm sure she, AOC, was carefully watching her words. On the Brooklyn high school steps. During her and Schumer's presser). 

The Senate no longer has the filibuster. So the Dem's are employing their version, of the nuclear option. The Democratic party now no longer exists. They now are just subversive (as well violent) revolutionary communists. Nothing more (including  of course however many different loose marbles. From however many other different, anti American factions). 

I gotta believe, that if they throw the switch, on this plan. This nuclear option. And go ahead, with yet another stupid, idiotic impeachment. Displaying their (no longer funny) absurdly towering derangement. Once again. In repetition. They will not only lose Romney. But the House of Representatives, as well.

Go for it Nancy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Seven am. 

Biden can't back out now. They puffed up his .... and their chests. Poker faced they huffed, he was going to show up for the debate. Come heck or high water. 

Though I'm not sure, what the hell they thought. They were going to be able to bluff. On the debate stage itself. 

So, they went all in. And on the evening of September the 29th. They are going to have to show their cards. 

And everyone not in a coma, will be able to clearly see, they got nothing (a man with nothing, upstairs). So I believe, Biden will have a medical event, onstage. At the beginning of the debate. He gets credit, for showing up. And in turn, takes no heat, for backing out, (beforehand). And needless to say, he will have a very quick recovery. 

That's possibility one. Possibility two? 

The someone who whispers in AOC's ear (and writes the checks). And tells her (and the rest of the molotov cocktail throwing, racial arsonists), where to drive the bus (and how fast). The dark hand behind all of this evil. Makes a command decision. And without consulting with anyone else, running the campaign. Let alone AOC or Pelosi. Intentionally gets Biden infected, with the Wuhan Virus. 

So thusly, he has a note from his doctor. Explaining why he missed the debate. It of course goes without saying. That Kamala will stand in for him. And if he survives the virus. AND the Pagan G*d Odin, that Schumer summoned. On the steps of Brooklyn High School. Gives the NeoFascists, the White House as well? Then Biden will step down, two weeks after being inaugurated. 

I'm sure there's other possibilities. Though as deranged the whole lot of them are. I can't believe they will leap off this cliff. Into the unknown. And let him alone, on that debate stage. 

Well not really unknown. It would be a complete disaster. Ending the Harris Biden campaign, right then and there. Leaving only convicted felons, currently serving time. As the only voting block left for him. And I'm sure, they are each preparing a tall stack of mail in ballots. As we speak.

Wednesday, September 23. Seven am. 

This election, is getting more bizarre. With every breath we take. Bloomberg, now competing with Soros. As leader ..... of the Deranged Lunatic Billionaire Wolfpack. Eating our Country alive. With their dreams. Of pink sparkle ponies running wild .... everywhere. 

Bloomberg, bailing out 32 THOUSAND FELONS. In Florida, so they can vote. At a total cost of nearly twenty million dollars. And paying their court mandated restitution as well. Not just their fines and legal fees. Creepy stuff. Did I mention, that that was thirty two thousand black (and brown) felons. Where in Florida, blacks vote 94% Democrat. 

The rest of the evil, that Soros has wrought. Installing Secretary of State, Attorney General, District Attorney, Prosecutor, Mayors, and all manner of election officials. All across the land. In every city, every county, in every state. In order to torch the Constitution. And he has done some MAJOR damage [and yes, he's had lots, and lots of help. From the FNIC (fake news industrial complex). The Deep State [who unbelievably, still have their schlong, ALL the way up General Flynn's keister. This very minute (and they were openly, even proudly sniffing around my back door, in 2013 & 2014. When I was defacto co-editor, of The Dr*dge Report [no pay, no attribution, no accreditation])]. And the Tech Titans as well].

At a local level. It all seems so comical (but still pure unadulterated evil. 

None the less). The cavalier attitudes, the amoral behaviors, of these local elected officials. The practices they engage in. How they conduct the official business, of their jobs. I mean, it seems like we are back in Junior High School. We're in the Ninth grade, our senior year. And the election for home room president, is underway. 

I know, I ran for the office. Of homeroom president. And I won. The thing is, I really wanted to win. It meant ..... I would get out of English class (and attend Government class, instead). Should I mention, I bought half a dozen votes. Of people sitting next to me. In the back of the classroom. My total outlay. For seven different votes. Was $2.35. It was easy. Nuttintuit honey. 

What wasn't as easy. Was actually attending the (Government) class. Composed of the popular kids. The cool kats. The beautiful fashionable, fifteen years old crowd. Who all to a person. Were snobs. I, not being one of them. That was a cert. 

And this morning, watching the arrival of Ginsburg's casket, on the steps of the Supreme Court. Looks like a Russian State Military parade. All the good little Commisars, at attention, saluting Dear Leader. 


It is time. You must stand. And you must deliver. YOU MUST. Or all is lost. Everything. Everything, in all its glory. Everything that G*d has given unto us.

And well, I gotta say, way to go Ruth. If you hadn't overstayed your welcome, on the Supreme Court. If you had not failed to retire. When King Buraq Hussein, was still on the throne. We would not now be able to pay homage, to the Founders. We would not now be able to strike a blow. In the battle to preserve what is left of the Constitution. 

Thank You Ruth. From the bottom of my heart. Bwahaha bwahaha bwahaha............ Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. You useful (deranged) idiot.

11 am. 

Expect violence, in Louisville, Kentucky today. Expect blood to not just flow in the streets. Expect a flood of bloodshed. Whatever the Kentucky AG says, at his presser. 

As I'm watching MSNBC, and see not one. But two women. In broad daylight. On the downtown streets of Louisville. Slinging AR15's. 

If you are in Louisville, right now? You need to get the F*ck out of town. AND YOU NEED TO DO IT NOW! 

9 pm

Earlier, I'm watching the Louisville, Metro Police Department, video "Shots Fired!" Mere moments after its release. 

Body cam footage. Two officers assassinated (just like but a little time ago, here in LA. Sickeningly, the new normal). 

Though at this minute, the Officers, in hospital. Are not in further danger. Will survive their wounds. Thanks given. 

But as I am seeing the video. The weight and burden, of watching the Zapruder film. Engulfs me. As if I am watching someone die. I am back in time. Frozen in that moment. These Marxist insects attack, no different than the then toppling of (the top of) the Government. 

I can no longer put off moving away, from here in Los Angeles. Not a couple of years from now. In a slow methodical planned event. I gotta get a move on. Like yesterday. 

While CNN, and MSNBC, are peddling the same conspiracy theory. That Trump will not concede this election. If somehow [Aliiens from another dimension. And the ability (and really strange desire) to completely change the election results] Biden wins. 

With the astounding and astonishing nature, and boggling level of political and financial corruption. Directly associated with Hunter Biden. And laterally to Joe Biden. I think it safe to say, the Harris Biden campaign. Is now officially over. 

And you can see it in the faces, of the the two candidates themselves. 

So we wait, we watch, we see. What Election Night looks like? And yes, we will do a little hoping. And a little praying. That the dark forces will be kept at bay. And we can awaken, the morning after. And breathe Thee Biggest Sigh Of Relief, evvah.

Monday, September 28. Ten a.m.

A former director of  monetization, at Facebook. Sez that the platform is designed to be highly addictive (Facebook, studying the marketing practices of the tobacco industry. In the forties and fifties). And to rob people, of their atomic social lives. 

And in turn those people, ONLY virtually socialize. With people who are of the same, very narrow views and opinions (living entirely in an echo chamber). 

The Country drifts ever further, and further apart. And Zuckermaggot? Why that stanknasty, fascist piece of Kapo filch. He gets even richer. 

I will still be very, V E R Y surprised. If Biden shows up for the debate. Gets within a hundred miles of Cleveland. And if he doesn't bow out, at or near the debate's start? For a faked medical event. 

Look to see marked, pronounced deterioration at the end of ninety minutes. Joe's meds (benzedrine), giving up the ghost before then (look for clenched teeth,  at the start of the debate). He may have been shoveling sh*t, for the last half a century. As a politician. Doesn't mean that his mind, hasn't left the building in 2020. For places unknown. And half his body with it. 

What those surrounding him are doing. IS elder abuse. 

Oh, and I gotta believe the Marxist Filch (masquerading as the Democrat party). Will acuse Barrett, of pimping out her adopted children. For sex parties. Though I could be wrong.

10:30 a.m.

And I've really got to get to work, on my exodus. From the once Emerald City (Los Angeles). I cannot waste anymore time. 

I am simply not able to endure. The disgusting, unctuous, black on white. And brown on white ... racism. That now daily pervades. 

This, no longer my home. Only a fool. Only an idiot. Stays where they are not wanted. 

Being ready to throw down. At any minute. At every minute. Carrying however many lethal and non lethal weapons, at the ready. As an evening stroll around HateWhiteyville, now requires. 

I've gone BIGGER, on everything. Now Bear spray, and larger more gripable BG-42 folding blade. Even an actual light saber (and I sleep with a weapon. Believe that). 

Neither Freedom, nor the Constitution exists. In this sh*t hole. 

Be ready. Ready for ANYTHING. Ready, ready for EVERYTHING. The morning after the election. 

Stay away from crowds. From civic centers. From central city roadways. Be on alert. Be on guard. Do not place yourself in jeopardy. 

Expect the worst. And pray, pray, pray for the best.

Tuesday, September 29. Nine a.m.

The Harris Biden campaign, is requesting two thirty minute breaks. At tonight's debate. Which would allow Joe, to freshen up his stimulant meds. Allowing for not too high an initial dose. But a level, even distribution and metabolism. Over the course of the ninety minutes. 

I seriously doubt, their request will be entertained. But if it is? (Chris Wallace, bats for the other side. Yes he does). Then a drug test, would then be mandatory. Wallace, can't be trusted. For ANYTHING. Period.


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