Saturday, September 05, 2020

Swing MoFo's ..... Swing

In our Nation's history, the recent failed coup, was the second largest attack on our Republic, ever (the War among the States. Was number three).

And this attack, over the last four years, was from within. By our own intelligence agencies, by the FBI. By media. By members of Congress. By members of Cabinet departments, and agencies. Even the Judiciary (judge sullivan). I'm guessing, it's now f a r in excess of two hundred individuals. Many of them, are still on the Government payroll. And some of those, actively supporting the rampant destruction of our cities? Have their very own armed personal security. Paid for, by your tax dollars (and Brin, Page, Zuckerberg. Have their own private armies).

But the attack now underway, the attack on our election. Dwarfs any attack come before. And the alarm MUST be sounded. For it is the greatest threat our Nation has ever faced.

These Satanic Agents of Doom, will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. NOTHING. The Atlantic magazine attack, was very creative (kudos. What's next? Trump secretely planning to bring back slavery?). These endless virtual attacks, that they all (Zuckerberg, Brin, Bezos, CNN) are preparing and manufacturing. Will continue every day, until the Election. .

They will not gamble on losing. They will use everything at their disposal. Anything they can think of. EVERYTHING in their arsenal. They want a guarantee. A predetermined outcome. Like lying in wait, to assassinate Aaron Danielson. They control nearly all media (cue the voice-over intro, to The Outer Limits). And they have been working the last number of years. On controlling all of our elections too.

Anything you can bring to the battle? Now is the time to bring it my friends. Volunteer as a poll worker. Volunteer to drive voters to the poll (a box of fifty masks, are on sale for thirteen dollars. At Costco). Whatever idea you think will help, in holding the rising evil floodwaters back? Whatever may be at your atomic or virtual hand. YOU MUST STAND ....... AND YOU MUST DELIVER.


For should they somehow manage to prevail. Your shame will last a lifetime. If you dare not having lent a hand, in the struggle. For the Greatest Gift, that the L*rd has ever bestowed. This Republic.

There has never been a greater danger. This struggle underway against the Dark Prince, and his disciples. Many of whom comprise the Biden campaign. It is not a video game. It is not a popular series, streaming on the web. It's not a magazine (at your supermarket checkout). It is all too real, and it is happening.

It is now a crime, to be White, in America. And Commie-la Harris says there is no cure. No vaccine.

But we have a cure. Yes we do. We have a vaccine, against the likes of you. On November 3rd, this Nation will pull the levers in the booth. And flush your stinkin' traitor ass. Down the toilet. All the way. In fact, some are going to flush twice, just to make sure (requesting a provisional ballot. If their's has not been recorded).

It's time to start swinging Grabthar's Hammer, people. Not later.


Swing MoFo's, swing.

Sunday, September 6, 2020. Ten am. 

Nick Clegg (Facebook VP) on CNN, this morning, with the lil pink monkey, Brian Stelter (with a quite giddy mutual admiration society well underway). FACEBOOK, because of the election. Is now going to EVEN MORE AGGRESSIVELY CENSOR CONTENT. Or entirely remove (almost exclusively Conservative content). Discussing the actual process, the mechanics of voting.

"We believe in the First Amendment."

"It just needs guardrails."

Nick Clegg further:

There are Facebook members around the world, who don't visit the pages of Facebook's Conservative members (who live in America). And those people, are "Human Beings."

Monday, September 7, 2020. Twelve noon 

Commie-la Harris, going to Kenosha today? Going for ONE reason only. So she can bring her five gallon gas can with her (filled to the brim). That's it.

While Hiden Biden, hangs out with his labor bro's (in shorts). In the back yard, on Labor Day. But the AFL-CIO got today's ("Labor Day") script. Before today's backyard weenie roast .... it's the same DNC one, from the last three days. The fake, created and manufactured attack. By the fake magazine, the Atlantic. Which serves as one of big tech's MANY propaganda machines. And it is financed entirely, by same. 

The Biden campaign and enemedia, no longer even bother to hide. That they all sleep in the same bed together. Together ... with violent extremists and rioters, and Communist ideologues (I got your Russia connection for ya). All in bed, together. For a G*d less, mindless orgy of hate. Ecstasy, in every white beaten or killed in the streets (or a large crowd en masse. Forcefully trampling over those stupid enough, to go out to dinner in Rochester). 

They have been defeated in the arena of ideas (more commonly known as the First Amendment. And why they would like to take it away). All that is left, is to attack. Attack. Attack. 

Attack anything. Attack everything. Everything you and I hold dear, and keep Holy. The depth of their derangement is easily measured. Readily seen. Now, get this. They are attacking the vaccine! 

F*ck them. F*ck them all (and the horses they rode in on).

3 o'clock pm.

 And don't forget. Between now and Election Day. They will windup, roll up/wheel out. Jacob Blake (Jr.). Every chance they get. Every chance they can. To add fuel pellets to the fire. That burns in the single last voting demographic, that they have left.

But they keep trying, to win back voters, that they have already spat upon (no less). CNN today, finally, I mean FINALLY acknowledging "101 nights of violent protest."

In thus, the current Biden campaign/enemedia/antifa (they are all one and the same), flight plan. Is now transference. Attempting to shift the blame. For the personification of their own derangement. Trying to shift it .... to Trump.

There exists not one single chance. They can win this election, via the electorate. It's absurd.

They can however, sabotage it. Just like they have already done. To the then incoming Administration. Internally, and externaly. They can really f*ck things up. Just by merely jamming the works up. And tossing a pipe wrench, into the crankcase or transmission (they'd do it just for fun [like they are now doing with the vaccine]). [As different from something more sophisticated. And has yet to be revealed].

Should the worst happen. And they somehow manage to turn reality completely on its head. And Biden somehow "wins"? The day after, there will not remain even one gun, on one shelf. In even one gun shop, in America. Needless to say, computer systems supporting online gunsellers. Will overload and crash.

Sleep better at night. Sleep easier. And explore your self defense options. There are many new different, and excellent systems, now on the market. And quite worthy of your consideration. Don't wait until the very last minute, in a disaster.

You will be surprised, if you haven't visited your gun retailer in a while. Get your butt down there. Tomorrow, Tuesday. Bring money. Leaving your wallet at home, to prevent you from spending any money? Won't work this time.

Tyranny is at our doorstep, knocking. Knocking. Some even kicking it in. It's what fascists do. You have a responsibility, as a Citizen. A responsibility to your Country. To be prepared. And to be on watch. And at the ready. Not to just protect your own family. But everyone else in your community. By taking some responsibility, and pulling your own weight. Not relying on others, in an emergency. Sapping much needed resources. In this Nation at peril.

Should their wrenches not smash the election machinery. And should their evil machinizations, not pay off. Should there indeed be a free and fair election. I'm a thousand percent confident. The President, will be reelected. Of that I have no doubt. None.

I'm not a thousand percent confident, however. We will deflect every single arrow slung. Into the crevices of G*d's righteous armor. And in thus, disenfranchising or bypassing the electorate.

Don't be left holding your johnson, the morning after the election. There are no preordained outcomes. Other than those the radical left. Are attempting to install. 

Seven pm. 

Evil, f*cking evil. (Allegedly) Man rides his bicycle down the street. Positioning it just right. So he can successfully punch an elderly woman, in the face. As she walks down the street, in New York City (and I saw a different account. Which describes this attack, as a slashing).

Allegedly (but don't watch the video. And see with your own eyes. Noooh).

I guess his eighteen previous arrests, were all also allegedly (and one of those, was for slashing a stranger). This is what a "cash bail-free" city looks like. This is what Deblasio's New York City, looks like.

This is what propaganda brings. This is what systemic indoctrination yields. This is the face of hate. Naked ugly hate.

Cowards, hunting for defenseless White victims to prey upon. Carnivorous G*dless insects, with a hunger for hate. But it isn't racism. No. Because only whitey hates. It's in his DNA (said their King, Buraq Hussein). And there is no vaccine (said their Queen, Commie-la Harris). 

These mindless antifa/BLM monsters have taken my Country L*rd. Look what they have done. And for their own political power only. Destroying the Greatest Gift, Ever Known.

Truly, Evil is upon us. But that I had a magic sword, with which to vanquish it. Unlocking so many minds,  now enslaved by hate.

Eleven pm. 

I'm watching that little %=&$"* on MSNBC, "All In" (with whatever his name is). And he's got the editor, of Time magazine on. And I'm more than a little taken aback, as he (the editor of Time) goes on to describe Trump as: "a pussing boyle." I lost track of what came after (failed in my basic function. Rather perplexed and flummoxed I was). 

As they both commiserated, on the gargantuan task. That lay ahead for Biden, in his future Presidency. Like what the heck are they going to do, with all of those smaller pussing boyles? That voted for Trump. That are likely going to be kinda standing in the way. Of the unpackaging and assembly, of Utopia. 

I couldn't help but feel, they were a wee bit less than candid. On what they would like to see happen (to those pussing boyles, that voted for Trump). The vibe I got, was re-education camps (would be needed). And then machine age, large scale industrial human ovens,  after that (if further required to switch Utopia on).  

I bet you think I'm joking. I'm not.

We aren't living history people. We are re-living it. 

Yes, there are differences, certainly. But not in the mindless, G*d less depravity ..... of the Neo-National Socialists, on the cusp of power. Propaganda works. It works really well .... yes even on its purveyors. 

We haven't gone quite that far, down that road (to Hell). Yet. As a Nation stands poised, at the ready. Should such unfathomable calamity, be near. 

We saw what happened the last time (in history). When such individuals came to power, in a large advanced modern country. And just how quickly the gates of Hell, were thrown wide open. And insane madness unleashed upon their fellow countrymen (first). And then in turn, the world. 

It is not a (bad) dream. There IS blood in the streets. And if they are not stopped in November? There will be more. More than one even dare imagine. My mind frazzled, by the weight and gravity of events unfolding. 

With each passing day, we are pushed further and further back .... in recoil. As each new horrifying anarchic evil presents. I have no clue what is next. Only that we can depend on their madness. Their insanity. On their depravity. Their propensity for violence. On their celebration of their G*dless future. They dropping to one knee, in salutation to their Dark Prince [as the National Anthem is played (for the last time?)]. 

 We can be grateful, that Biden is not an effective, fiery orator. Though he certainly tried to act like one today. Playing an angry fist pounder (with some of that peaceful protestor fire, in his belly). While denouncing Trump (regards the endlessly regurgitated Atlantic magazine propaganda). And I gotta believe, he got a lil toot of benzedrine, again. Before his little AFL-CIO, staged mini rant. 

Biden trying to project strength, and leadership. And failing miserably. Looking like a pullstring doll. Possessing but three or four phrases. And then repeating them, each time the string is pulled. 

Much of America, knowing it is all a lie. A hoax. Everyone except Sleepy Joe. Who doesn't know yesterday from today. Or what city he is in. Even his home address? He hasn't a clue. I'd love to see a reporter, spring any such similar question, on Sleepy Joe.

 I'd love to watch Biden fish around in his mind, for even the time of day (maybe he has one of those watches, that speaks the time. When you push the button?). No one dare ask. Nor anyone dare tell the Emperor, about his clothes. And some still believe, there will be a debate. Jiminy. 

It's hard to tell, who the hand is. Up the puppet's arse? Who is the mind, making the decisions. Writing the script. Rehearsing Joe, before he goes on stage. 

Though I'm sure, everyone drawing a paycheck, as a White House correspondent. Knows. Knows he and the campaign are nothing but a charade. Of which they could care less. They, enemedia ..... have a President to destroy. Via endless embarrassing (but not to them) childish rounds of gotcha. 

So they've abdicated their moral authority. That once came with their profession. They've vacated  their status, as members of any community. Even as Americans. They live and breathe, only to grow hate. And spread it far. Spread it wide. 

Because America, is filled with nothing but white racists (it isn't their fault though. Because it is in their DNA. And, there is no vaccine). So you must simply raise your fist. And shove it down grandma's throat. 

She deserves it. 

Wednesday, September 9. Five pm. 

In a world that has gone completely mad. A violent sexual predator (and repeat offender, high on PCP), Jacob Blake (Jr). Is a man of great sterling character.

And the President, of the United States. Is a rapist.

At this rate. The fake news industrial complex, should run out of ugly nasty vile, political attacks. Within a week. I mean, how are they going to be able to top themselves? It's boggling.

Space alien? Or (lab created) half man, half lizard. Or, he has a neural implant. And his mind is controlled by (yeah, you guessed it).... Putin.

I could go on. But I wouldn't want to give them any ideas.

Unbelievably, CNN (Tucker Carlson, has really whacked them upside their head. It's showing), is now back to Russia, again, today (Trump, beholden to Putin). I guess the (hot mic) video. Of Obama in confidence, telling Medvedenko, that he was surrendering the United States. To Putin. Doesn't have anything to do with Russia [as most of Obama's Cabinet (and senior staff), are standing close by, ready to return to the White House. If Biden wins (I'd hold off on buying or ordering any drapes and furniture. Just yet)].

That tied his giving the Islamist global terror machine in Tehran, One Hundred Fifty Billion Dollars, cash money. In Treason and Cowardice. And Biden was half of THAT recent elected Presidency.

With all of these endless bizarre attacks on Trump. It's like they took an internet course, on hypnosis. And think they have mastery, thereof.

Or maybe, it's just one of a litany of Big Lies. That they keep telling. Over, and over. And over again. In thus, showing near mastery. Of Goebbel's dark craft. Having already earned their degree. And now working on their Masters.

And Fox, is giving waaay to much airtime. To what the cat dragged in. Don't even dignify any of this stuff. There is a world of news out there, to report on. It's not that hard. I did it for a year and a half. As a heavy water carrier for a TLD. There's no excuse, that's just laziness. Really, really lazy.

And I continue to be impressed, by the quality, strength, and power of this Administration. I. E. Robert O'brien, National Security Advisor. 

And Senator Ted Cruz, as Supreme Court Justice? Wow. Like Christmas that. But I think I just heard a few hundred thousand leftist heads exploding ....... 


We, all give and send our prayers, to the President. In this beyond epic struggle, against this vast evil swarm of hungry locusts. The Biden campaign/enemedia/antifa. As great a security threat to our Country. As the Pandemic. If not more so. 

I wouldn't mind having a time machine. So I could read about this moment in history. One hundred years from now. Oh wait, I forgot. The planet is melting. We won't be here.

Saturday, September 12. Eight pm.  

EVIL is here. 

EVIL walks among us. 

Two Sheriff's deputies, sitting in their patrol vehicle. Adjacent to the commuter train station. Were just now assassinated (unshown video: "by someone in dark clothes and a hoodie"). In the city of Compton. At seven this evening.

There are no words. 

Sunday, September 13, 2020. Twelve noon. 

AP Wire: BLM "protestors" (my scare quotes), blocking the entrance, to the hospital emergency room (where the two Sheriff's deputies were taken). And shouting: "We hope they die." 

These are the fires, that racial arsonist extraordinaire, Buraq Hussein, started all across this Nation. And which Beijing Biden, and Commie-la Harris, have poured a tanker truckload of gasoline upon. 

But it isn't racism, no. Because only Whitey hates, it's in his DNA (said the foreign born Islamist traitor). 

There are no words.

Five pm. 

Jake Sullivan

I've been playing much closer attention, to the various Biden and Harris campaign advisors and spokespersons. Spending time, actually watching and studying them (and no one fookin pays me.... yeah, I want/deserve a badge or ribbon. Believe that).

As skeery they all be. In their derangement and lunacy. And the ferocity with which they spin their media evil.

This guy Jake Sullivan, scares me the most. And in study, appears to me. The most likely hand, up zee puppet's arse. The mind of Biden. Even the voice.

His mannerisms, his being, his carriage. And of course, his eyes. I mean I am actually scared. Really scared. Like looking at Satan, his very self. Into the eyes of Evil. Chills me to the bone.

This is what Fascism looks like people. There are no other thoughts. There are no other ideas. Certainly not your's. Only their's. It isn't even up for discussion. And with the imposition, of all of the recent societal mandates, by the likes of Satan's wingman (Gavin Newsom). Tyranny, is already here (if the California taxes hadn't already squeezed your walnuts).

They, being Fascists. Will summon Satan, and all his powers. To defeat Democracy. Crush it. And destroy the election in any manner they may try. In every manner they will try. They could care less, who received enough votes. To fairly win. It matters not to them. It is not even a passing thought. We are too stupid to vote for the correct candidate. And cannot be trusted, to do same. Stupid, racist rednecks.

As many they believe the First Amendment needs "guardrails." And the tech/internet titans have already implemented. Across all their platforms. They will have no problem, installing them ...... on the election.

Have the car gassed and serviced (with an atomic road atlas, in the glove box. Or under the seat). Have your go bag near the door. Have a few two way handheld radios. As well a battery operated am radio (often called a portable). Be ready ..... for the worst. . And pray. Pray for the best.

Friday, September 18, 2020. Eight pm. 

So earlier, in the day. I'm watching that little Kapo Monkey, Wolf Blitzer. Going on and on about masks, and social distancing. As President Trump's plane, is taxiing to the righteous and glorious Minnesota crowd. Gathered, at the airport hanger. 

Its beyond comprehension. These propaganda bots. The idiotic childish nonsense they all spew (likely even in their sleep).

So, if Hollywood is high school, with money (right)? Then the Fake News Industrial Complex, is kindergarten on LSD.

It's all now a really, really, REALLY bad trip. I can't take it anymore. I need to seriously start work, on the creation of my superhero power. Of being able to stop time (and then being able to tattoo the foreheads. Of bugs like Blitzer. With a giant 666).

Then, at Four thirty this afternoon, Dr Scott Atlas, was on CNN. Being brusquely haranged, nonstop. Over and over again. By the utterly deranged harpie, "interviewing" him (erin burnet?).

Ultimately, when she cut him off. After fluffing in his face nonstop, for five straight minutes. He took out his sword. And left her intellect bleeding on the floor:

"I believe we do have a herd mentality."

[It was wonderful and glorious. This Trump guy (that's our President). He's got some extraordinary giant individuals in his Administration. Thank You L*rd. We will take all the help we can get. Yes we will]

And so events currently unfolding? I'm reminded of a song, from the Wizard of Oz. Where there are all these people, in this big ginormous house, nee castle. And they all break out in song (as characters are want to do, in a musical). Sumtin like ding dong da w..... is

Obviously, as we have previously mentioned. We are no longer concerned about optics. Only the saving of the life of this Nation. And trying to stop it's murder. While it is being attacked. From within (by the likes of the aforementioned).

Think a parry with the left hand. Deflecting an attack. Ala Bruce Lee. And with the visceral (vowelish) Kiai (of course).

blah blah blah....... 

Saturday, September 19. Five am. 

I'm watching Liz Mac, on Fox Biz (a repeat, airing this morning). And she has (the giant human being) Stacy Washington, on the show (Trump Voices, 2020). And inside, I'm crying tears of joy. In gratitude. For the L*rd having sent us another righteous soldier. In this tumultuous battle against evil. Thank You L*rd, Thank You. Thank You.

 And while you're at it. You think that maybe you could vertically drop a big yellow school bus. From a height of oh .... say five thousand feet. On Mittens Rahmnee? Just asking L*rd. I know you are busy. And if you could also light a large magnesium chips fire, under that stanknasty skuzzball Murkycowskiing? I'd appreciate that also. I Hope you don't think I'm being greedy L*rd. In the four months left, in this President's term. We're going to really, REALLY need that Supreme Court Justice confirmed. And seated. BEFORE they start finding hundreds of thousands of ballots. In broom closets and attics, in Democratically controlled districts. Three weeks after the election. We're going to need that bat. As the hundred mile an hour fastballs, start whizzing by, millimeters from our ears. 


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