Thursday, July 16, 2020

Spirit Rapers and Soul Reapers

How did I survive, these sixty plus years ...... being a nice guy? Helping everywhich grandma, with her groceries. Or recently, the neighbor down the street, with her defunct surround sound system. Or couple years back, the young mother with a brood of four. I, stopping to give her car a jump start. Breaking the cables out of the trunk. When no one else would.
A long line of cars racing past. She and her children, completely .... totally invisible.

Even last month, the clerk who unknowingly gave me a thousand dollars too much (and I had to stop and take the time, and explain it to her).

But lately, I've come to notice the footprints. Running down my back. People thinking I'm an idiot, and giving me the short end.

My reward, because I am a nice guy. Because I do stop, and take the moment or three, to help. Happy to help. Overjoyed. To not be selfish or greedy.

No more. They've won. I have become them.

No, I won't take back the sixty plus years. No, I won't. Nor, can you take them from me. But going forward. I'll keep to myself. Mind my own business. Keep my mouth shut. And when I see someone who needs a hand? I'll keep walking..... right on by. I'll pretend I'm in a Tyson fight, and it's the first round. Just like everyone else does.

Now, for me to give of myself? Only to continually get bum rushed or (attempted to be) pushed over .... bulldozed. By all and sundry. Is quite rather self defeating. (And) I'm no masochist. Integrity and character ....  in rapid decline. If not vanishing.

It was a glorious Republic, once. A world filled with joy and promise..... and hope. Even magic. And with enough wonderful people, carrying the L*rd in their hearts. To smooth over everyone's trying moments, filled with despair.

And Now? With enemedia's help, the circle is broken. Replaced with a fiery ring of hate.

It isn't that the inmates have taken over the asylum, no [though certainly, they have taken over (the heart, lungs, or mind of) New York, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, DC, Portland, and Los Angeles. Among others].

Hideous Monsters, have taken over the menagerie
 [did you see the video (tough to watch), Tucker Carlson's show, July 14. Of a young man, on a New York subway train. Wantonly stabbing a group of elderly riders?].

A Zombie Zoo.

Filled with Spirit Rapers and Soul Reapers. And actual murderers. Not to mention the woman who grabbed up a neighbor's little kitten [reaching over the (not high) fenced porch]. And then spraying insecticide down its throat, to the small defenseless kitten's death.

I vowed they would never take mine. My spirit or my soul. But like a thief in the night. I awaken to find my spirit crushed. And my soul stolen, from out my carriage. I now an empty shell, of the person I once was. A burned out wreck.

My bandoleer empty .… no more silver bullets, with which to slay evil or do good. Bugs, insects. Six foot tall, six legged beasties abound. And now have the run of the land. Everywhere you go. Everywhere you look. Everywhere.

Don't just watch your six. Keep an eye on your three and your nine too!

Though (future forward) trying to hide out from this world gone mad, in small town nowheresville?  Try I will. Anywhere but Los Angeles, anywhere but California. Anywhere but here.

My G*d, for over 244 years, others waged battle. Fighting against evil, against darkness. With nary a thought for themselves. Or their lives. And in humble, sincere gratitude, I did my itty-bitty little part. As best I could.

No more. I have nothing left to give. And I will avoid feeling stupid.

Either for simply lending a (sanitized) hand. Or giving a damn. By doing neither. Which of course, makes me a murderer (just like Chauvin).

I'll find that little place, somewhere. Wherever upon this earth that may be? To call my own. And live out my days in solitude. Reminiscing bout days gone by. When America, and Americans …….. were something to believe in.

Forgive me L*rd. Forgive me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 ....... 10:00 a. m. 

Susan Rice, as Biden's VP? Shows the depth of the DNC's cynicism. They (in their usual arrogant confidence), don't need a popular (or even pleasant) candidate. At all. 

Because the Election may already be in the (mail) bag. 

And should Biden (though we much prefer Bidet), ultimately, somehow prevail (I, like Jesse Waters. Haven't seen even ONE single Biden bumper sticker. And I'm in L. A.!). The current logical, legal prosecution of the previous administration's sabotage, of the incoming Trump administration. Obama and Biden's treachery, their treason. 

During the campaign. During the election. During the transition. And every day after. Will cease. Instantly. 

And all of the shadow governments, that existed during King Buraq Hussein's previous reign. Will await the turn of the switch. Back to the On position. Lerner and the IRS, will hammer the final nail. Into the coffin of Conservative media (Google, Facebook, and Twitter will hold the nails in place. While the fascists maniacally swing the hammer). 

The internet giants, having already destroyed the social fabric. Ending Cafe Society. People, in the atomic world. No longer holding forth, in the same space  (in the same time). The Kung Flu, finishing the job. 

Human eyes, seeing facial expressions. Agree? Disagree? [If you dare even speak politics, to anyone anymore (risking your own personal safety)]. Different thoughts and different ideas, spoken without words. 

You, and me, and a cup of tea. Have been replaced. Replaced with a unified virtual mob, of bat swinging bullies. With only one thought, with only one idea (depending on what the DNC has selected, for the day). No longer a society. But a monolithic boy's camp. With camp issued brown shirts. Not just practicing cancel culture. But virtual murder (publishing your home address).

Hans Fallada, wasn't writing about the (very recent) present (in his home in Germany, in the 1940's after the war). In his book, Everyman Dies Alone. No. He was writing about the future. Which has now arrived.

Saturday, August 8, 2020 ..... 8 a.m.

The only thing missing from Baseball's recent opening day ceremony? Was a raised altar, with candles. Upon which rests a small cradle. In which a tiny baby lay (for sacrifice).

Though yes, the Owners and the League did see fit to unfurl a continuous .... dugout to dugout to dugout black flag. And had all the players line up and embrace it.  While dropping trou, squatting, and then pinching a loaf on the American Flag (more commonly known as doing the Colin Krappernickel). Just a short while ago. To welcome Baseball back into the home. 

So, maybe if the Dodgers make the MLB playoffs? They can bring the missing raised Altar back. With cradle and baby. And as the crescendo of hatred builds, along with a fanfare of musicians standing next to the candlelit cradle. The heart of the little white baby is cut out. And the tiny slaughtery held aloft for all too see. While the Ram's Cheerleader Squad, solemnly precision snap twirl, giant BLM flags. 

After which the stadium announcer says: "It's time for Dodger's Baseball!" 

And those few minutes, that I watched this recent opening day? Remain the last I have viewed. Or will ever. Take your pro sports, and shove them up your *ss. All the way (though only a matter of time. Before the openly proud anti-semite, LeBron James. Runs for governor). 

Me, first sat in the stands of Dodger Stadium, during a game. Fifty-five years ago. And many a summer thereafter, a handheld (single digit) transistor radio, was pressed to my ear. During the months of summer. Gleefully listening to the jazz stylings of Vin Scully. 

No more. Not ever. Go f*ck yourselves.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020 ..... 12 noon  

Dark Clouds 

Yes, the libturd politicos' ability to extrapolate, and manipulate (borrowed) election data. While manipulating the media and the electorate, is now legendary...... historical even (Carlson: 21 people shot, at the same time and place in DC. Mowed down. And enemedia is EXCLUSIVELY stuck on Sturgis 24-7). And only through macro skullduggery (the Floyd Big Lie), are we even having this discussion. 

(Also) Tucker Carlson show: fentanyl can be lethal at 3 NANO grams. George Floyd had over 11. And courtesy of the just uncovered video (hidden by Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, for two months). Of cop cam number 5. We can clearly see [horrific it is (with foreknowledge)] a number of minutes ..... before being placed under the knee of officer Chauvin. Floyd was already in acute respiratory arrest, behind the wheel of his car (before being removed at gunpoint). Due to fentanyl toxicity (I imagine Narcan would have saved him? Perhaps I should check? And no, I'm not being snide). Floyd gasping, cryingly begging for air. Sensing the quite serious nature of his predicament. His lungs shutting down, no longer working. And without the Big Lie, we wouldn't even be having a discussion about the election's outcome (the Chinese act of war, the Kung Flu. Certainly didn't help either). 

An animatronic dummy, would be a more compelling candidate. Than Joe Biden. Certainly, a lot more fun. So one would think, Keisha Bottoms would be on the Veep shortlist. Generate some (any?) interest. 

 Or at least Oprah, or Beyoncé. You know.... build some momentum perhaps. Shoot, get a couple of votes even (with Nick Cannon as Secretary of Education). And of course, Michelle Obama (though I'm confident she will definitely hold back. Wait four years. And run on her own). I'm guessing at the possibility, they already firmly believe they have a wining hand. Standing pat. On a full house (of mail in ballots). 

I'm no conspiracy theorist. But I see a darker cloud. And I am a'tremble. 

Should it come to pass. That the election is contested (through the libturd's postal ballot, micro-skullduggery). And then litigated (possibly or likely part of the plan) 

It's a guarantee. That His Most Taco Bell Supreme, John Roberts. Will side with the anarchists, socialists, nihilists, ChiComs, islamists, and all the rest of the (molotov cocktail throwing) Treason Crew. In any temporal post-election ruling or action (or even any pre-election ruling). Once again, he alone will decide for everyone else. For a Nation whole. With stark finality. 

Let's hope my weather forecasting is wrong, way wrong. Pray G*d. 

Tuesday, August 18, 10 a. m. 

How Bizarre 

Watching the Country disintegrate. In real time. Rocking the remote. Tween Fox, and the rest of the cable lineup. Cept it's not fiction. And passively watching, via the streets of Portland. As a driver is pulled from his vehicle, and nearly beaten to death. For eight minutes? We all feel the cowardly knockout roundhouse, to the side of the head. From behind. And however many kicks to the face. And the ravenous crowd's joyous celebration. 

Me, I don't plant my political flag upon corpses 
But we have our George Floyd. The Election is game, set, match. 

Michelle Obama on everyone's DNC Convention lips, this morning. My take away? Her implicit threat of violence. The CHAOS will end. When we surrender to the mob. And vote for that big warm fuzzy, Joe Biden. Don't vote for him? And the chaos will continue, unabated. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 ....... six o'clock p. m. 

So, Joe Biden can't walk, talk, and chew gum. At the same time. And if you ask him to, you better have the paramedics standing by. And after that? You will be accused of elder abuse. 

There is no way upon this (G*d's green) earth. That Joe Biden, will meet President Trump, on the same stage. For a live television debate (five weeks from now?). Ain't never going to happen. 

By whatever manner or means. It WILL be avoided. Maybe he will conveniently catch a mild cold? And rather than scuttle the debate entirely. Biden will take part from a remote location. Allowing all manner of tomfoolery. 

Or, Commie-la Harris, will step in, to fill the role (though I'm sure they would prefer their hyper-rabid attack dog, Susan Rice. Who deserves an Emmy. For her breathtaking performance on CNN, this morning). 

Whatever they may do, to jigger the actual ticket? Now that they can no longer wind Joe up. And push him out in front of a live camera. 


Seeing Ellison Barber, now a political location reporter, for MSNBC? Wow. What a Brown Acid moment that was, this morning. 

And tearing down historic statues? Isn't that the taliban's calling card? 

Friday, August 21st, 2 a.m.

Lots to take away from night four, of the Treason Nation's gala senior prom. At least the minutes, that I forced myself to watch (and that's no hyperbole). 

Over and over, they pounded the nail .... Vote like your life depended on it. And well, many people are (going to vote). Because their lives, in too many cities now, actually do. And they currently have but two choices (in life). 

Move to a safer rural locale. Away from the runaway urban violence, arson, rioting, and murder. Move far away. And like yesterday (they are racing out of California as we speak. Just hang out at any suburban Goodwill donation drop-off, for just ten minutes. If you don't believe me). Or stay, and daily play Russian Roulette with your life. 

In either case? They will vote for  the President. Not Biden. Because their lives do depend on it. 

So, when the small army of trained parrots, lined up at the DNC shindig. Said to their mindless followers .... over and over again. Vote like your life depends on it? 

A goodly number of members of the previous Administration. And former members of various Government agencies (during the same time frame). Are facing real serious jail time (that Covid vaccine will come in real handy). For Treason. And all the attendant crimes in commission thereof. 

Vote like THEIR lives depend on it. Is the true meaning, of what they are saying. They don't give a fig about you and your life. Let alone saving the Democracy, that they have almost completely destroyed already (for either mere personal political gain. Or in support of a deranged ideology). They are G*dless insects, without any conscience whatsoever. 

There is NO way, none. They can win this election. They have alienated just about every voting bloc out there. In one way or another. Save for those who still believe, in the tooth fairy (or think they are .... the tooth fairy). 

And a number of those voting bloc's. Are beyond motivated to vote. They aren't counting the days, no. They are counting the minutes. The seconds even. Until Trump's landslide. 

Yes, I was surprised that Biden got through the speech, alive. Impressed even. I didn't think he had it in him. And I was trying to guess, what kind of intravenous cocktail he was given? Before taking the stage. 

Some B12, a little Valium, a nice slug of testosterone. And a dash or two of benzedrine. 

And I'm guessing, that is the last time. He will be near any sort of spontaneous environment  again. Did you notice? There were no microphones on the outdoor stage. When Biden went to the drive in. To merely watch fireworks. And say hello to the crowd. 

They will hold up his Convention speech. As proof of his cognitive ability (see, he can still tell a whole bunch of lies. Whoppers even). And no further proof is required. Let alone attendance at a live debate. 

And Commie-la Harris, will not survive scrutiny. During either debate, if held (whether Presidential, or Veep). About her actual conspiracy, during her time as California AG. To take away some one's First Ammendment rights. By arresting them. And actually putting them in jail. Namely the undercover journalist, who exposed Planned Parenthood. And their selling of (aborted) baby body parts.


Friday, August 28. Three pm.

Like Coachella 

But different. So, we'll send the homicidal anarchists, to the hurricane apocalypse zone, in Louisiana. Free of charge. We will even pay for the flights (Senator Rand Paul, will buy the first ticket). And since everything has already been destroyed. They can riot to their (sweet little) hearts content. 

And, we will even grant them their own privilege. To market it to all and sundry. Deluxe three day passes, camping, concessions, food trucks, hats, t-shirts, beer. Shoot, even rioting [sign the waiver and wear safety equipment (whites must buy insurance)]. We assume the MTV, won't bid the highest for the broadcast rights. And assume Netflix will. Though yes, it is likely Burning Man, may sue for copyright infringement. 

We also assume it will be the most watched (system crashing) 5G event evvah. 

Systemic racism? Sorry, it is actually THEIR systemic thought. It's freaking creeping me out. Forty years of systemic indoctrination, have paid off. Black on white hatred isn't their new religion. It's now the air that the left and the Democrats breathe. And enemedia has peddled for years. In their alternate reality. 

Is Vegas offering odds, on riots tonight in DC?


Saturday, August 29, Four pm.

Is it just me ...... 

Does Jacob Blake, merely represent another (failed) attempt at DBC (death by cop)?

Officers use all the non lethal options available. To prevent same. When time or the situation allow. But Mr Blake, did not.

Though I wouldn't discount the systemic thought infiltration. That assaulting police, then receiving a windfall, financial legal settlement. Is now a way out of the neighborhood.

It's a regular thing now. The world is upside down. Some (usually drug) crazed felon, assaults you in uniform, on the job (or after brutally attacking, and trying to take your life, flees). You attempt to stop him. Then after exhausting all non lethal means. You lose your job, possibly your freedom, your entire future. You have been canceled.

Your life is over. Except for the hatred and death threats that will follow you all your days.

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, a time to die;
A time to weep, a time to laugh;
A time to keep silence, a time to speak;
A time to love, and now a time to hate whitey

With riding crops in hand, the looney left are going to ride Jacob Blake's bullet riddled, but still very much alive body.. All the way to November Third. They won't make it. But his family (and bottom feeder Crump), will ride it laughing, all the way to the bank.

Though that won't be the only place laughter is heard. Gales of it will punctuate Tehran, Beijing, and Moscow.


Sunday, August 30. Five pm. 

The recent attempt to overthrow the duly elected President, of these United States. I was running the numbers. It was a not small army of people, engaged in real actual Treason, against these United States. Not make believe. Not fiction. Capital T Treason.

Media, and a truly infinite number of different platforms (dozens at CNN alone). Congress (no less). A multitude of domestic and global intelligence agencies (jiminy f*cking cricket). Domestic law enforcement agencies (it gets more skeery). The Department of Justice. The Department of State. Ambassadors. Uniform members of the Military (one half of the Vindman pair).

Not to mention ..... the Obama Oval Office. Including Biden (the Groundhog).

That's a lot of people, people. A whole bunch. A hundred? Two hundred?

Such a long planned endeavor. To topple the duly elected President of the United States. With unbelievable width, breadth, and depth. Many of these people in Government, are still collecting their paychecks. While CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, and the BBC, continue to debase themselves. With their nonstop location coverage, from Mars.

They not having to worry about keeping the lights on. Like a normal abusiness. By actually providing a useful product or a service [other than (pro bono) rewriting Goebbel's playbook. For this now virtual age. Such as no longer burning books (and Bibles) in the atomic (during say a Riefenstahl parade gathering). They merely cancel someone. From their home armchair (who needs fire for books. When they can save it for buildings, homes, businesses, courthouses, police stations, and cars).

I often daydream, about having the ability to stop time. And the enormous task that lay ahead of me. As regards that actually truly large army of people, subverting the Constitution of the United States. Creating and operating their own shadow Government (and yes media, operate their own shadow reality).

I, tasked with chasing after them all. Chasing each and every one of them down. And in V E R Y large numbers, tattooing their foreheads. With the satanic call of six six six. As befits this earthly platoon of bugs from hell. As they remain completely motionless, frozen with my superhero power (to stop time).

And Trump, going to Kenosha, on Tuesday? Heck, if he doesn't go? They will excoriate and vilify him, for not going. They truly are Satan's little henchmen, in dresses and sportscoats (and a few polo's).

The best part of course, is the President beats Biden, to Kenosha [though I wouldn't entirely rule out a Biden raid tomorrow (they are panicked and desperate. Coming unglued). Pulling out all stops, gambling, risking everything. In one single last ditch kamikaze campaign attack]. Whose frailty now saddens. And one can't help, with bated breath ..... wonder. When will Biden the Groundhog, finally leave his den (basement)?

We of course hope that he doesn't trip and fall. As he races downstairs, back to the basement. After seeing his shadow.

Wednesday, September 2,  Four am. 

Ted Wheeler, the Mayor of Portland (who apparently is moving). And facilitating its destruction, at the same time. ANTIFA anarchists and arsonists. Violent BLM rioters (now murderers) are all welcome. Peaceful protestors, are not. "We support the First Ammendment." Yeah, just not for you.

How dare PEACEFUL Protestors, even drive through Ted Wheeler's town, with a Trump banner. THAT really really rattled his cage. As well every allegiant treacherd in enemedia, too (CNN and MSNBC talking heads, were in full blown apoplexy. Clouds of steam, billowing out their ears). Mayor Ted, isn't just a dingaling (but that he were). He is freaking dangerous. As are CNN. And MSNBC, and Jeff Bezos. And every media platform gone over to propaganda, 24-7. Propaganda kills. Plain and simple.

These bugs have burned whole swaths of countless communities, to the ground. For more than three months now. WTF? Now the tiniest squeak can be heard (to stop). And Groundhog Joe, had to fly all the way to Pennsylvania, to evince that squeak (and the video from June and July. Of Commie-la Harris, urging more rioting. Celebrating it. Pretty much ends their chances in November).

And Frackin' Joe (in their panic, did they also just burn a good chunk of their base. With Joe's flip flop to pro-fracking?). His trip to Pittsburgh, only showed more voters. That the light is on, but no one's home. People embarrassed to think. That anyone else would think, that they are so stupid (as to believe Biden's idiotic lies). We're now approaching John Lovitz territory. And his SNL character. The endless liar. Spinning ever bigger, and bigger, and bigger yarns, tales, and lies. Rather fun, as a fictional character. Not so much fun, as a real candidate for President. Of the United States of America.

Beijing Biden, too skeerd to alienate even one Marxist (on a skateboard), in his rapidly dwindling base [but again, he may have alienated a few skate-rats. With his most recent comment on fracking (which may just be a sick pathetic lie. To blue collar workers in the energy sector. Pandering for votes he has already lost)]. And too skeerd of the mob as well [see attack on Rittenhouse. Attack on Adam Haynor. Or Aaron Danielson (BLM hunting him down like a rabid dog in the street)].

Try as they might to scare you into silence and submission. They have failed. But should somehow, they stage a successful stealth espionage attack, on this Nation, on November 3? There will be pink sparkle ponies running wild all across the land. Farting rainbows. The very next day. Of this I have no doubt.

I believe Trump's visit to Kenosha, inspired more than one to let go. Let go of the hate that enslaves too many minds. That required the Leader of the Free World. To go to Kenosha, in the first place.

People who do not submit to the mob. Who do not surrender their First Ammendment Are to the bugs at CNN and MSNBC (whose minds are all also enslaved by hate). They are labeled as foot soldiers, stoking violence, everywhere they go (oh yeah. That's a winning campaign strategy).

And trying to shame you, into submitting to the violent mob (I guess, if you paint your house black, including the windows. And fly a giant 40x60 foot BLM flag. From the roof. You might be spared in the next riot).

Give up your First Ammendment. Or we WILL burn you down. Your business. Your home. Your life. Everything. Now shouting it from the rooftops. I believe them. Soon enough, we all may be more familiar. With the Insurrection Act (I got to get busy reading).

Eight pm. 

Beijing Biden, would like to see "Real Fact Checking," at the debates. That is of course, if he even shows up for one?

I guess he is so far gone around the bend. That he can no longer hide his glee. At what is in store for America. If He and the Treason Crew, are able to wreck the election. And inject themselves, into the White House [once again (Obama took in hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars, in foreign donations alone.)].

(If they succeed) He Biden, and enemedia, and the internet giants. Will decide. Decide for you. What is or isn't the truth ("fact checking"). And you are not allowed, to disagree. Let alone, voice your disagreement. Anywhere on the net (this blog was delisted from Google search. Our first two years, on the net). Or even disagree in your own personal textual realm (they will be watching). The Stars and Stripes will be lowered, forever. From out front the White House. And the biggest BLM banner unfurled.

The Thought Police, will be knocking on your front door (Katie Hill, knocked on mine. During her Congressional campaign. I didn't bother to answer).

The indoctrinated will go along with it. Smirkily thinking it is some sort of game, rigged in their favor [you know, like the NYC subway rapist (in his cash bail-free city). Oops, I got caught (with my pants down). What time is it? Dang, I can get out in time to rob a Taco Bell. I'm hungry]. Losing the First Ammendment, will shut Republicans up. But in doing so, they not only surrender their voices. But their very freedom.

Don't underestimate how deranged, how depraved. How violent they are (rape as a tool of war).The depths they will sink to. To achieve whatever aim (is on their protest signs today)? They have tried EVERYTHING. In their attacks on our Nation, and its Citizens. Only Satan himself, knows what is in store for us next.

And if truth be told? We indeed do have at least one Foot Soldier, on our side (I cannot tell a lie). That of course would be the (unlikely) Salon owner, in Northern California. Who showed the world. What Nancy Pelosi looks like, with her hair down.

Her name of course, is Erica Kious. Whose life is now being canceled by the Fascists, as we speak. (Need I mention) including death threats.

Or as Mark Steyn said, on Tucker Carlson. Ordinary acts (getting a haircut at a barber shop). Are now illegal (editor: no one said fascists make any sense). But of course, not for the ruling class. Pelosi can have an entire hair salon, wait on her hand and foot. It all reads like bad fiction. A Hollywood movie. And but that it were [I've given up on trying to save the Republic (I've paid my dues, and then some [in my dwindling health])]. I dedicate my future prayers, towards getting out of Dodge,  alive. And a lil furry four legged blankie, after I do.

Thursday, September 3. Nine pm. 

For all the great minds in Hollywood and Silicon Valley? Helping with Biden's campaign. Unable to suspend their rabid drooling Hate of Trump. And everything you and I keep Holy. Merely long enough, to summon but one single cogent thought. That would effectively help propel Biden's campaign forward [other than censoring and erasing Conservative thought (on every platform). And giving cash donations, to anarchist groups. DIRECTLY funding the violent rioters].

Racist, racist, racist, racist, racist didn't work in 2016. Attacking people, whose vote you are trying to earn? But they are so proud of themselves, for coming up with that Big Lie. That they just can't help themselves (it just feels good. To be a coward) and so replay it again, in 2020. Over, and over, and over again. MILLIONS of people, who aren't racists. Will indignantly march into the polls AGAIN, for that very reason alone.

So, what does that leave them with? The Chinese Communist Party, attacks this Nation. Intentionally unleashing the Wuhan Virus, upon America, and the World. And as we are fighting this real war, against this foreign enemy. The DNC, Hollywood, and Zuckermaggot et al. Attack their other Fellow Americans, from behind. While they fight this war against the Wuhan Virus. Making it a political football. Instead of joining the fight.

Using it as a cudgel, in attacking Trump. And in turn, other Americans. Who have the temerity to support the President [see video: white lives don't matter]. Attack them in all manner, in all fashion. Now even real actual flamethrowers (no joke that).

In a time when our Nation is at global war, this is their major campaign strategy. Attacking the people, who hold the votes. Well that, and hoping that yet another black man, will attack yet another police officer, on camera (can you believe what they have done? It isn't safe. For a uniform police officer, to walk down the street. While on the job!).

How many people in America, are buying BLM T Shirts. So they can walk safely to work? Or home afterwards. There will be a tumult in America, November 3. And the ground will tremble underfoot. AS THE NATION MARCHES EN MASSE. Against violence. Against hatred. Against the Neofascists. Marches themselves into the polls (there you go again little foot soldier elmo. Fanning the flames and stoking violence).

And is Governor Andrew Cuomo on cocaine? That's not a joke, really. Threatening the President? Was it Henry Miller, who called them Cocaine Dreams?

The President, in Latrobe. Leadership on display. Suits up. Shows up. You Sir, have a Nation's Gratitude (and instantly countering the Atlantic article. On the tarmac, in the dark, after returning back from Latrobe. With great effective force. Understanding, that he has to stay at the helm. On guard. At attention. Every minute of every day. Until the polls close November 3rd).

Biden, meeting with Jacob Blake Sr.? And then in real time, showering him with the biggest, highest praise, and real virtue. While in his company. Jacob Blake Sr., an open, LOUD, avowed supporter of the extermination of the Jews [and to now many on the left, that has to take place first. Before any healing (you know, the reason Biden went to Kenosha)]. To the Biden campaign, merely a beyond cynical political calculation. By the hand, that's up the Biden handpuppet ass. Whomever that individual may be? Or maybe the left hand, up the puppet's ass. Doesn't know what the right hand is doing. And thus the campaign can indeed be described as a circus. The most macabre, we have ever known.

A calculation, that no one will notice. Or even better, no one will even care. That Biden has summoned the Dark Prince, his very self. And made a pact.


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