Sunday, November 01, 2020

The Wrath of G *d

It's often said, he's not in the retribution business. But 2020, is turning us, the Country, and the World, on its head. 

Today, I was accidentally, synchronously caught up in a Trump truck parade. Coming back this afternoon, from the Walliemart. At least a half mile long, or longer. I wasn't stationary, I was driving home. Mixed up in and around it (and merrily honking my horn, right along with). So, it could have easily been much longer. A mile or more. I was just happy to see it. But still staying focused, on getting my frozen goods home. 

But the excitement of it. The glory, the joy. The randomness of it. The size of it. Brought a tear to my eye. NONE of this is about Trump. No. It's about the Country. This Country. America. Citizens united, together in spirit. A spirit that had all but been decimated and destroyed. Pulverized into dust. 

Trump merely a man. One man. Who has brought back common sense. Sanity. And reason. And in such, has restored the Republic. With a lot of hard work, that. 

But in that parade. Right in the middle of it. I knew, without question. Without any doubt. Any whatsoever. That Trump WILL win reelection. 

Win, without restraint. Win without fraud. Without collusion or conspiracy. Win ... a free and fair election. 

As a sixth grader, I played hooky one fine day. Skipped school. To be first in line. To see Bobby Kennedy. One week before he was felled, by an islamic terrorist. And I, nearly crushed to death. As the doors of the junior college gymnasium, were thrust open wide. And a couple thousand people raced in. Over, through, and around me. 

Bobby brought excitement to my family. To our lives. To the world. But NOTHING matches the excitement, that President Trump generates. No one on the political landscape has ever. 

As the FNIC (fake news industrial complex), has purposely played loose and fast, with reality. Loose and fast ... with the Constitution. Along with the other creepfilth, like Jack Dorsey, and Zuckermaggot. And of course, all the freaks and spooks in the deep state. The CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Department of Justice, even the State Department. 

They all, raping us in the *ss. With unbridled joy, with vim, with vigor. And thus far, they have ALL gotten away with it. "Do no evil." Brin and Page's self fulfilling prophecy. 

They all think they are just so smart. Smarter than all of us anyway. But they aren't. They're kinda stupid actually. Well more than a little. So, we'll see. We'll see the morning of Wednesday, November Fourth. Where WE stand. Us, you and me. This Nation, under G*d. This upcoming morning, will reveal itself unto us. The good, or the bad. 

Will they, be just that much more stupid? And forcibly instill Joe Biden, in the White House. By whatever manner of crime. Whatever manner of manipulation. 

They had better not. But we know. We know they are capable of any manner. Of all manner, of evil. They have demonstrated it time and time again. Every hour of every day, for the last four years.  

And should they do so, it will be obvious. Obvious to one. Obvious to all. Obvious to EVERYONE. That they have perpetrated a fraud. And committed a real crime. Of epic proportions. 

Should they fail in their Satanic machinizations. And Trump does fairly keep the leadership helm. It's a given, that BLM and ANTIFA, will burn, will riot, and loot. And even kill. It's what they do. It's who they are. It is the heart of their depraved souls. 

But should they actually succeed in convoluting the election? Make no mistake, they well and truly WILL face ... the Wrath of G*d.

Not riots in the streets. But minds aligned with the Almighty. Running ever so silent, and running oh so deep. They will right this ship, and restore the Republic. And with them, they will bring it. They will bring the Wrath of G *d. Of this, I have no doubt. None. 

Thus far, they have been immune. Vaccinated against justice. Against the rule of law. No longer. For G*d is no longer amused. And should they make him angry? This, they will find out. 

They aren't Supermen. Of pure Aryan blood, and muscles of steel, no. Though they certainly have the mindset. They will not be able to run. They will not be able to hide. There are no caves deep enough. Or mountains high enough (though yes, some of them have their own  rockets to outer space).

They can raise the biggest army. With their trillions of dollars. But against the Wrath of G*d? They WILL be brought to heel. And WILL face justice. From and by .... His Hand. They will face his Wrath. Before being dispatched .... dispatched straight to Hell. For eternity. Which is a really long time to burn afire. Yes Sir. 

As night follows day. They will be sent unto the darkness. Back, back from whence they came. My advice? They had better keep their filthy slimy hands off, this Election. But they don't listen to me, no. Cuz after all, they are smarter than you and I. Yes Sir. THEY know better. THEY know everything ..... I mean everything there is to know. Satan's guut leetle, self appointed fact checkers. 

Let 'em try. They'll find out. That they are no longer in charge. In charge of the mind of this Nation. In just two days, this they will discover. Getting hit hard over the head, with reality. And it is really, really going to hurt. 

And I'll bet dollars to (Krispy Kreme) donuts. That morning, Brian Stelter blows his tiny mouse brains out. Wrapping his mouth around two side by side barrels (sure glad I don't have to clean that mess up). Sayonara Brian, reality ..... she's a beach. Yes she is. We're going to miss you (not).


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