Monday, July 25, 2022

Knock Knock Knocking on Hell's Door

Eyes Wide Open (in a Blind World)

I'd dearly love to be wrong, about future events unfolding. But there simply is no other possibility … open warfare upon these shores is eminent. Approaching all too rapidly. As in real blood and guts war.

It will happen. Whether you believe me or not. Whether you are ready or not (hint: ammo prices and availability have returned to a more normal state).

Deranged ideologues, beyond greedy corrupt politicos, power hungry tech titans, and the little itty bitty bugs in the Fourth Reich (CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, DOD, ad infinitum). Who are quite properly fearful of lengthy prison terms, for their outright Treason.

The Junta/Reich aren't just ready to kill, to preserve their own ill-gotten power. They are looking forward to it.

The end of this once glorious Constitutional Republic, IS past tense:

What we save? How much? What is left? How much is destroyed?

Think Ukraine. What you see on TV, is entirely possible … here in America.

The Left's disconnect from reality, is complete. As is their complete disconnect from G*d and Country. But here's the thing. That doesn't only apply to the Swamp/DC. But the madness, the insanity, the idiotic wokeness extends to pockets all across the Country.

People whom you would assume, are immune in your community? 


Don't trust a single living soul. I mean it. Not one. Play it close to the vest, in all your affairs. Mum's the word.

Trust only G*d, and Trump. The rest will have to prove themselves by their actions.

Assume everyone actually is out to get you. You will live longer. Daily life has now become an actual game … of Russian Roulette.

I'm not ready to die. I'm not willing to die. But I am willing to try and do whatever I can? To save the Greatest Gift Ever Known. Even if in the process, it/they kill me.

In my case, that isn't very much. Though yes, words can be powerful weapons. Look how much they have destroyed with their propaganda and hate. Propaganda destroyed Germany, and nearly the whole world.

Me, I will N E V E R surrender to the Fourth Reich. Period. Yep, talk is cheap. But look what surrender got five hundred J6'rs.

In your case, you dear reader, perhaps ... maybe: One Man, One Plan?

"Each of you. Each of you one. One man, one woman. Shall devise a singular plan of their own. With which they bring something into play."


[NEW VERSION] Battle Hymn of the Republic - YouTube

The Battle Hymn of the Republic as sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Included are scenes from The Patriot, Gettysburg, …


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