Thursday, August 25, 2022

Crosses in the Ballpark

Alternate post title: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Lots of lyrics in this Universe. Lots of truly great lyrics (understatement). Especially of course, those by one Paul Simon [though ALL of Artie's many talents, in all of their glory … are a wonder too (producer of his own album of majestic musical art … "Watermark")].

But the imagery, the magic, the saccharine sweet flavor of those four words? Git it for me.

Crosses in the Ballpark

Superficially/first glance, could be the one, two, or three b-ball players. Stealthily buried, in a major league stadium? Their love of the game, so profound [I haven't watched ONE single game. Since opening day, back when. When the entire Dodgers team, dropped to one knee, and wrapped themselves in Satan's black flag (and Vin Scully started spinning in his grave, at warp speed)].

I mention it out of my respect for the wonder and majesty of Gawt almighty.  And the passing of my Dear Friend, Master James. Whom the L*rd did seem fit to provide me with, in times of trouble and woe.

A man who LIVED life. And entirely on his own terms. To the very last minute.

And for the month that he was my friend. I was the richest man alive. 

Which takes us to today. This moment. This moment of great peril in our lives, and that of the Republic (Sean Davis/Federalist, on Bongino, Tuesday: "The FBI is a threat to the Republic").

So, they control/ monitor all comm. Like wow. Duzz that make them Supermen? Super Nazi's … yessiree. But reality is they just aren't that smart.  Plenty greedy to be certain. Pea brained even. That they would even attempt to rape Lady Liberty … in the *ss, in the light of day. And think that 200 million Patriots, would zip their pie holes, and run away … skeerdy cats.

So the future is bleak, yes indeed. But me? I am no longer able to provide accurate temperature readings. Cuz well … loose lips sink ships.

We are at War.

We are currently under attack.

But I will say this, them b*tches gunna squeal. Oh yeah. With 200 million deeks up their arse.

Hey Fourth Reich … got Vaseline?

And the horses you rode in on.

Have a nice day …



(Via Doug Ross)

Whether it is Dizzy Lizzie Cheney, Jackwad Dorsey, Pig Greywall, Zuckermaggot, or Hildabeast (and let's not forget, Samantha Power is in charge of the Ukraine money bag!).

These filthy f*cking monkeys will sell us to Moloch … into slavery. For a fistful of dollars.


The Internal Revenue Service Is Not the Only Armed Agency to Worry About

(Via Bongino Report)

And don't forget, many State agencies are armed to the teeth. Especially in Newsom's California.

Me, usta laugh back when. At peeps living atop a hill. And having a tripod mounted fiddy cal. No more.

Me? I'm as ready as I'm going to be. Considering that I am housing challenged. Living in my car near two months now.

Finally embraced the suck, sold the four door sedan (bought twelve years ago, for cash. Specifically so as not to have monthly car payments). And bought something (with payments) that allows me to sleep horizontal [even a 24" tv, and DVD player (as yet uninstalled)].

I'd give actual specifics on some alternative defensive weaponry, that I've acquired. That will quite easily do the job (and then some). Very advantageously priced. But again, we are at War. We are currently under attack. I can't even give you hints.

Loose lips sink ships.

So even if your current budget doesn't allow for something expensive/sophisticated? There are a fair number of alternatives. That will keep you alive in a time of War.

Your life, the lives of your family, and your friends mean nothing to them. They are just in the way. They are traveling at full throttle, head on. With a destiny darker than most of us have ever known.

The morning of Wednesday, November 9. We will awaken to Hell on earth. I hope and I pray, that you have something to hold, other than your johnson. Though of course, in the alternate universe that the Deranged Lunatic Left inhabits. That IS a weapon.


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