Friday, September 09, 2022

It Is a Good Day to Die

Who the F*ck Do You Insects Think You Are? How dare you place yourselves above G*d. Really? What itsy bitsy teeny weenie little brains, inside your small, six legged FBI exoskeletons (filled with yella bug guts).

By what right do you dictate OUR lives? Taking from us that which was given to us, by G*d Almighty [and not (Foreign Born Mooselimb Traitor) the Amazing Ozama]. Enshrined in that Holy of Holies, the Constitution [as in not the Communist Manifesto, OR Mein Kampf (and Bezos makes $25 million a year, on the sale of just that one book alone!)]. Just because you sugg the Amazing Ozama's dick, you think that we answer to you? Really … what bazooms, what cretins.

In your sheer utter derangement … as you slither through the Garden, you have destroyed much. But know this, we shall prevail, yes we shall.

Whether it takes months, years, or even decades. However long the f*ck it takes? Once this sleeping giant awakens, every last one of you frothing maggots, will be sent back up Satan's anus, from whence you came. Until then, enjoy yourselves, really … have fun living the cawksuggah dream.

You wanna play G*d? Good Luck with that. You called down the the thunder, well now you got it.

(42 seconds, Kurt Russell, Tombstone)

I suspect they have actually contemplated/run the sims, on killing all two hundred million of us. And so far peeps, I'm batting a THOUSAND. And that ain't no bragg, just fact [you'll know it when I bragg … yes you will. And once or twice recently, I have been tempted (Rush ran a fair bit of my material, without attribution. No big, I was flattered)].

I am not afraid. Hey, don't believe me, find out for your buggy little selves. This isn't a game, and I'm not playing anymore. Things will all too rapidly spiral out of control. Anarchy ... the real thing, is headed this way.

Nothing would please me more, than to be wrong, and thought a righteous idiot. That would be f*cking great!!!.


Six months worth of non perishable food, at absolute minimum. Drinking water, same.

Whatever defensive weaponry you can afford. Whatever you can easily AND comfortably handle. Extra stock as well, especially for barter or trade. Or to gift any of your compatriots in need.

Survival gear … Radios of ALL kinds. Receivers, transceivers, CB, walkie talkie, scanners, short wave, ham. The Junta/Fourth Reich will shut down any and all platforms as suits them. Including of course, the cell phones of Conservatives. Do not wait until that happens ... to try out and evaluate your stock of communication devices. Batteries, chargers, yada yada.

Cold weather clothing. Count on no fuel or electricity. Bank on it. Buy extra, quality cold weather clothing to barter or trade, or gift your compatriots in need.

Multi-fuel gas generator, and stabilized fuel.

Silver coin of course, but also cigarettes (or nicotine gum). And that ain't no joke.

BEWARE of strangers. Keep your thoughts and preparations to yourself. When the dookie hits the big fan, you will know who your friends are, and who you can trust.

Just because I'm NOT paranoid, doesn't mean that the Frothing Maggots, Who Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus, aren't out to get lil elmo, to get all of us.

Decide now, today, this minute, this very second. What is your line in the sand? Are you men or are you mice?

The whole don't be baited/V-word thing is a canard, by the Conswervo Media Elite. Protecting their media empires [though I'm sure they mean well (snarf to taste)].The time to save the Republic is NOW. Not some other time.

And no, don't get sucked into obvious stupid nonsense, retribution (Twitter vid, Chicago/West Garfield Park. Near lethal cold cock/sucker punch/Knockout King, from behind). As really enjoyable to watch, as the vid was (we don't tell lies here, is there some point? We aren't Libturd Trash).

C o n s t a n t Situational Awareness (I don't care where you live?). Stay out of harm's way. Avoid trouble. But in DEFENSE of your life? Then yes, C-you-bye works, and works really well. But after the fact? Sawry … nooh, be smart, please.

In the Life of This Republic. Saving the Greatest Gift Ever Known?

It is a good day to die.


As usual ... comments are closed [we simply don't have the huss. To host any blog discussions (Ace always had en pointe participants/discussions)].


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