French Riot Photos the MSM Does Not Want You to See

A jihadi prepares for his now nightly clash.

Later seen here on the outskirts of Paris, ready to skirmish with the authorities.

An intercepted Mossad propaganda photo. The astute reader will notice the photoshopped mustache.

The leader of the French Frappe, known to intelligence officials as 'Maximus.'

Maximus' number two in command, known to authorities as 'Skates'

Seen here arranging invitations to another Benz/Beemer/Bentley Banquet.

An advanced weapons system, seized by the French Secret Service, during a smuggling attempt into Lyon.

Another vicious weapon used by the dreaded merry quarrelers

Before and after photos of the carnage.

Advanced and highly sophisticated communication equipment, recovered at the scene.
All photos by Clue Less/EDMS (Europe in Denial Media Services)
Breaking News ..... Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure have discovered a cell operating in the northern district of Paris, wire services are reporting. The highly popular website GammaBlaBlog has the leaked information. More as develops .... (9:11 p.m. Addendum)
basil's blog, Brunch 11/13/2005, Dessert
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy/Make me laugh/love you long time
MacStansbury's Welcome to the wonderful world of trackbacks
Wizbang!s Carnival of the Trackbacks XXXVII

A jihadi prepares for his now nightly clash.

Later seen here on the outskirts of Paris, ready to skirmish with the authorities.

An intercepted Mossad propaganda photo. The astute reader will notice the photoshopped mustache.

The leader of the French Frappe, known to intelligence officials as 'Maximus.'

Maximus' number two in command, known to authorities as 'Skates'

Seen here arranging invitations to another Benz/Beemer/Bentley Banquet.

An advanced weapons system, seized by the French Secret Service, during a smuggling attempt into Lyon.

Another vicious weapon used by the dreaded merry quarrelers

Before and after photos of the carnage.

Advanced and highly sophisticated communication equipment, recovered at the scene.
All photos by Clue Less/EDMS (Europe in Denial Media Services)
Breaking News ..... Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure have discovered a cell operating in the northern district of Paris, wire services are reporting. The highly popular website GammaBlaBlog has the leaked information. More as develops .... (9:11 p.m. Addendum)
basil's blog, Brunch 11/13/2005, Dessert
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy/Make me laugh/love you long time
MacStansbury's Welcome to the wonderful world of trackbacks
Wizbang!s Carnival of the Trackbacks XXXVII
Lies, lies I tell you!!! Chirac is manipulating the intelligence!!!
Oh, wait, they're not really fighting the jihadienne's, are they?
Never mind...
You know his drinking buddies probably say nice things about him. Why I bet the downtown Paris streetwalkers think he's a swell Joe too. And well, he does have that goofy smile.
But history will not be kind to the man. Me, I've said some pretty nasty things about Rather, Jennings, Kerry.
Something about graves, bladders, and beer. But Jacque, I feel sorry for him. In spite of the world and his responsibility to it.
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