Sunday, March 26, 2006

How much would you pay to kill a member of Al Qaeda?

'Al Qaeda Tested Poison Beer, Burger Plot'

CBS - LONDON An al Qaeda terrorist ... told accomplices to sell beer (injected with poison) at soccer games, or poisoned hamburgers from street vending stalls ... Waheed Mahmood claimed during a meeting in Pakistan that he had already tested the poison plan ... (according to Babar). Babar, plead guilty to several terrorist offenses in New York, said the plan was raised by Mahmood during a meeting at (a) Pakistani home, outside Lahore in 2003.

Babar, claimed Mahmood said "you could get a job in a soccer stadium as a beer vendor. You just put poison in a syringe, inject it in a beer can and put a sticker on it, which would stop it leaking, and hand them out." He said he also suggested getting "a mobile vending cart selling burgers, just poison those. You could set up a shop on a street corner and sell poisoned burgers and then all you have to do is leave the area."

Each day goes by, and more foogin stupid libs blather on about Dubya, and Cheney, conservatives, Ben Domenech, Berzerkeley baby studies, and whatever doodie comes out of Kos' butt. Prattling on endlessly about the golden light of magnificent enlightenment that they bathe in ..... G*d's gift to humanity. Without which we could not see our way in the dark. Well you stupid mother f*ckers. Militant radical islam IS the darkness.

The question is .... can it be defeated? I'd like to think so. But more importantly, will it? The assault on truth, and reality by the brain dead left has been rather effective of late. Long term, there is no telling what they can do. But the taste for infidel blood by the insects of Islam will never be quenched in my lifetime. Whether or not future generations submit, or rail against? I do not know.

To American service personnel fighting the good fight, in moments dark and despaired. In noise and confusion. In heat, and smoke, and horror, and blood. Squish one of them bugs for me .... will ya.

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5:45 a.m.

Brokeback Media/Springtime Edition/Love is in the Airwaves: Bill Maher & Michael Ware version.

8 minutes, thirty eight seconds: Windows Media Player (very high quality video).

Time Magazine's Baghdad bureau chief Michael Ware, has been drinking. Bill Maher is simply drunk on his own ego, as usual. Together this heartfelt romance will leave you teary eyed. And with a longing in your loins for libs. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is not required to watch the gauzy scenes of foreplay, but will definitely help bring this warm love story into sharper focus, as Bill and Mike slowly get it on.

Rated XXX for onscreen brain farts, intellectual pud pounding, and other assorted wastes of words and network airtime. With the ability to make most any reasoned watcher of the left and media, squirm in their swivel chairs. This short is the winner of six International Hurl Awards. Now playing at an internet website near you (concept via Rubin).

6:25 a.m.

Winds of Change sees Bill and Mike, through a more serious prism however.

The Mudville Gazette's Open Post


Blogger AnechoicRoom said...

Even not very long ago, Japanese soldiers have been found hiding out, alone in the bush, on an island in the Pacific. Refusing to surrender. After four decades.

While one could theorize that victory is something Muslims might understand, in their "honor" societies? The militant radical Islamic bugs however, know only those 72 skanks waiting for em in Allah's barnyard brothel. I have no doubt that Israel maintains a nuclear option, when it comes to Iran (maybe they will surprise us soon?)

Americans are stuck in front of their flat panels, watching American Idol. While Mo is droolingly putting in a shift it at the bomb factory.

Is it beer-thirty yet?

8:02 AM  

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