Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bathe Yourself in Zebra Flesh

Swim Like Lions Through the Crest and Bathe Yourself in Zebra Flesh

(Primitive Radio G*ds)

Lions not Lambs. It isn't a bumper sticker. It is real. 

We can only save ourselves. 

But it most certainly won't happen if we don't even try. I think it is time to get the F off the couch, turn off the tele, and put down the remote. Drift my get people?

This sh*t is real. And it is really happening. Yes, it reads like pure fiction. Yes it is unreal. But truly desperate times require clear thinking and a cool head. The task at hand is rather unpleasant (no sh*t). And people really are going to die. That is our future. My G*d.

Without a lil huss, a little get up and go, some action? Called Skin in the Game. Then the Republic is lost. And likely we will never get it back. 

Their reach will grow. Their grip will tighten. Their control will expand. This madness is simply spiraling out of any and all control. The time is now. We won't have another chance. This is it.

As daily the tears now flow. As I look around at the buildings, still standing (Helloooh Rush!). And knowing it is all changing, by the minute.

Not maybe, not future tense. But now. This second, in real time, as you are reading these words. Brick by brick, the FiMTH-FOSA's (Frothing Maggots That Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus), are taking apart The Greatest Gift Ever Known.

Feeling disconnected, the colors of the seen landscape taking on a faded, aged Kodachrome feel. Red/Blue/Green no longer, but a changed, yellow gold representation thereof. The world, our world, is no longer.

And well everything now is digitized, stored up on the cloud. And for a fee? You can actually take a peek.

And why I own a vast collection of a n a l o g vinyl records (take a sewing needle, tape it to the end of a rolled up cone of notebook paper. Insert the needle in the grooves of a rotating gramophone disc. Smile). Even a slew of them durn CD's [I actually could play vinyl in the car, IF I really wanted to (have just the turntable for the job)].

Music to have, music to hold (I've even got a fairly large collection of vintage music boxes. And sometimes, I even stage a "concert"). Atomic books filled with glorious art [I even have a signed/numbered Sorayama litho. Of his most incredible work, ooond no … not depicting ssssex (I couldn't afford the original. Which was only $35K. But was re-priced at $70K, the next day of the show, at the Bane Gallery. With Hajime hanging around, watching me. With my eyeballs superglued to the artwork that I bought)].

Some people drink, some people drug, some people gamble … I SHOP [I bought a vintage/35 years, Japan, Seiko automagic, 200M diver yesterday. For a whole sixty five dollahs (love that old school sweep second hand!)].

And why I deleted my eBay account, two years ago. I've got all the kwap I want (and then some). Even picked up the much vaunted Oppo 970 yesterday also, for a whole twenty bones (with remote!). At the local GuutWillie.

But that all just magically disappears into the Woke/WEF fascist black hole. The FiMTH-FOSA'S would take ALL of that from me (go ahead and try Mofo's, go ahead!).

I guess somehow that makes me evuhl. You know privileged … Middle Aged White Guy [we better kill him, and kill him now! (But first, we'll take all of his sh*t. Cuz he didn't earn it [musta been someone else, who worked as a professional dishwasher, in three different cities [the fastest way to get a meal/job, in a new town])].

In your bunkers, hunkered down. Take some of the joy and splendor of the World gone by with you. Bring your toys, and your joys with you. There is no telling how long this contretemps will last?  Me, I will never give up. I will never surrender.

They can have my Country, when they can pry it from my cold dead fingers.

Need any more proof that the world has gone completely mad?

(Via Freep)

Insanity on Stilts

Now short guys are becoming trans tall

"Short men are now getting their legs artificially lengthened so that they magically grow several inches taller and get all the girls who didn’t look at them until they had to look up to them"

I usta think that the Doctors who performed endless cosmetic surgeries, on the rhinoplastic cripple Michael Jackson. Were lower than low. But money and power do strange things to people.

And the apex predator Jackson, used that to his advantage. To prey upon vulnerable children.

And we used to visit and read Gab, regularly. We deleted them just now, today. Their obsession with all things Jewish, makes me squirm. Today it was the antique trope, that Joos run Hollywood. I'd explain the mechanics of Jews and Hollywood, but frankly it is grade school stuff.

One word …. Hitler. The Jews left Europe. En masse. Artists, actors, musicians, filmmakers. And came to Hollywood. Let me know if you need help with that one?

Muhself? Was a brilliant filmmaker, if I do say so myself (see, I really can bragg!). At fifteen years old, was producing feature news stories, for local Los Angeles television. In 16mm, before ENG! [Now, I can record and play back 4K video, on my (candybar) cell (bought used for $200!). The old video tape machines, were literally the size of a refrigerator].

It's the old saw, you can't pick your parents. There are Jews in the world, deal with it. I never self identified as Jewish, ever. Until I was forced to, in gratitude. For those w o u l d stand, and actually take a bullet for me (Evangelicals). Not knowing me, never having met me.

And seeing the joy and light in their eyes? Fills me with an everlasting glow.


Two p.m.

Are You In, or Are You Out?

(Via Rantingly)

FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans

"Friend, 37, a respected 12-year veteran of the FBI and a SWAT team member, was suspended Monday, stripped of his gun and badge, and escorted out of the FBI field office in Daytona Beach, Fla., after complaining to his supervisors about the violations."

And further in Miranda's newstory, we get to the rancid meat of the matter.

Go along, get along. How it was possible for Germany to fall to Nazism. How it was possible for the Holocaust to take place. Such behavior now commonly referred to as The Banality of Evil.

"Many agents, who joined the FBI in the wake of 9/11, are keeping their heads down because they are close to their 20-year retirement with full pension. But he says they are equally disgusted at being forced to take part in the politicization of federal law ­enforcement."

You all have to make a decision. And you have to make that decision now, today. Are you in. Or are you out?


As usual ... comments are closed [we simply don't have the huss. To host any blog discussions (Ace always had en pointe participants/discussions)].


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