Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bring Back the Guillotine

They Will do ANYTHING to Stay in Power. They will do everything … to subvert our efforts, to save what little is left of the Republic.

Up to and including political assassination, yes really. Maybe you haven't been paying attention? [The Birth records clerk in Hawaii (single passenger plane crash). Jeffrey Epstein, and on and on].

The Darkest Days Approach.

Taken together as a whole, the list of crimes they have committed is staggering. Going all the way back to the Amazing Ozama's formal terms in office. Lois Learner's 300+ trips to the White House. To meet with Chucklehead, and plot the IRS's targeting of Conservatives, Conservative media, Conservative organizations and non-profits.

The non prosecution of Hildabeast, for running her own personal (not too) secret, parallel government.

The non prosecution of (dyed in the wool Black Supremacist) Eric Holder, for Fast and Furious.

In recent times, it was actual conspiracy (Biden, the Logan Act), to completely shred the Constitution once and for all. To end free and fair elections, once and for all. Essentially ending the Republic.

Bringing the vast resources and might of the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DOJ to bear. Spying on political opposition. Destroying public and private lives, their livelihood, their finances. Taking away their actual Freedom. All in collusion with the largest internet/media outlets/purveyors.

There is NO turning back for them. Pell mell they are dragging us all to Hell. They have, and will kill ... to keep Bad Orange Man from bringing them to Justice.

There are no circumstances under which they will go peacefully. None. They will continue the further destruction of our Freedom and Liberty. 

While it is possible, that Conservatives will prevail, in the upcoming Election? And somehow overcome the massive/lengthy planned corruption of the process. It is highly unlikely. A repetition of massive Fraud taking place, is the most plausible. For a number of obvious reasons.

Or … even instigating planned violence. Thus requiring the Declaration of Martial Law. And in turn, the suspension of the Election, completely bypassing the entire process.

Even possibly (here we go again) some new engineered disease/virus outbreak or pandemic. That they have on (dry) ice, in one of their countless top secret bio (weapons) labs around the World. Awaiting the green light.


Power Mad.

Cowards and TRAITORS (don't bring that sh*t around my face ... really).

Frothing Maggots … That Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus (FiMTH-FOSA's)

They don't care what they destroy, or whom. To them, it is all in a day's Treason. A game. And we're the Domestic Violent Extremists? Riiight.

(Via Rantingly)

Biden accused of pressuring FBI to fabricate ‘extremist’ and ‘White supremacist’ cases

I've said it a zillion times before, and I'll say it again. The Junta/Fourth Reich, the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), and the CTO's (Creepfilth Tech Overlords) are good. Really good at what they do …. Destroying America.

Foreign born, Mooselimb Traitor … Hussein da'Membrane, is succeeding in his mission to drive a wedge through the entirety of America. Cleaving the Country in two. Nevermore to be whole again. Through endless propaganda and lies …

( Via Rantingly)

Influencer says he was offered money to spread anti-Trump Jan 6 lies on TikTok, brings receipts

And violence, bloodshed, and real actual war approaches. If for some strange reason, the Midterm Election actually takes place. AND it isn't riddled with another couple of truckloads of Fraud.

Then the Left will turn out en masse. And once again, our cities will burn. Either the evening of the Election, moments after the polls close. Or the morning after [buy your plywood now. Put in an extensive stock of fire fighting equipment, materiel, and supplies. AND rehearse. Get guaranteed commitments for the provision of very well armed security.

That is you haven't left yet? And how many years now, have I been beating my readers over the head (with an aluminum bat) to get the f*ck out of Dodge?

(Via Doug Ross)

Before you become the victim of random, senseless violence. Though there is nothing random, about being targetted because you are White.

Arizona is "Open Carry." Which when I first moved here, now almost a year ago. Took a little getting used to.

Muhself, just threw down for a rather tasty piece of hardware (that I didn't even know I wanted!). And going forward, I will be strapped. It was a long/slow mental process. Thinking about, and evaluating the why's. As well the practicality. And evaluating the negative aspects. Part of the decision? Was the severe arthritis (formula car/motorcycle wrench) and neuropathy (chem exposure) in my hands. And the need to accomodate easier, simpler, safer, more secure/confident deployment.

I simply refuse to be a victim. Period. No apologies. And I don't give a f*ck who you are? Really. Or even who you think you are [the FBI, thinking that they are duly authorized law enforcement agents? Rather than the illegal (immoral) goons/thugs/Treason monkeys they actually are.

It is time.

Time to bring back the guillotine.

And yes, we aren't a heartless sort, nope. That would be a blade made with space age BG-42 alloy steel (same as my mild vintage, sub 4", Mick Strider, pocket folder).

We don't want heads to roll, so much as we want them to fly. Fly into the sticky hands of a wide receiver. Who grabs up the nearly deceased's severed head. And presents it to a mirror. So with the last little bit of oxygen, still circulating? The departing FiMTH-FOSA (Frothing Maggot That Has Flown Out of Satan's Anus), takes that snapshot with them, to Hell.


Sunday, September 18, One p.m.

I'm Sick of Hearing It

That it was (only) upper level, senior FBI. Directors, Assistant Directors, etc., who have hijacked the agency. And they completely bypassed the rank and file. Who normally provide oversight/checks and balances.

Riddle Me This …

Well if a few/handful can engage in Fraud, Corruption, and Capital Treason. In service to the DNC, the CCP, the WEF, and Beelzebub.

Then why can't a few agents band together, and arrest the Traitors? In service to G*d, Country, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. As well arresting the woke f*ck rank and file, who raided Mar-a-Lago.


Did someone cut off your balls? What the f*ck. It IS Nazi Germany, all over again. The Banality of Evil. No one does anything. No one says anything. They just turn away, and ignore it. While the Killing Machine grows and expands. Consuming human life, and a Country whole.


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