Sunday, January 22, 2006

Snowmobiles Pose Risks for Children

(HealthDay News) -- Snowmobile accidents are a major cause of multiple trauma injuries in children and adolescents and more needs to be done to prevent such injuries, concludes a study in the January issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Helmet use, reduced speeds ..... are among the methods that can be used to decrease injuries in children and teens, the Mayo researchers said. Children most likely to be injured included those who didn't wear a helmet; and those on a snowmobile traveling at 50 miles per hour or more.

Washing Machines Pose Risks for Adults

Australian man rescued from washing machine

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) — A man had to be rescued after becoming wedged in a washing machine while playing a game with his children, a newspaper reported Tuesday.
A fire officer pulled Robin Toom, 38, out of the machine after Toom became trapped while playing hide-and-seek, according to Sydney's Daily Telegraph. "I just hopped in there and couldn't even get the lid down and the kids came in and said, 'Ha, ha! We found you'."

One third of French don't speak English.

PARIS (Reuters) - More than one third of French people do not speak English ..... The IFOP survey for the weekly newspaper Dimanche Ouest France showed that 34 percent of those questioned said they did not speak English. The poll was carried out by telephone on January 19 and 20 and 1,004 people were questioned (I guess cowboy, hot dog, hamburger, Crips, and fiddy cent don't count?).

In other news, residents of Detroit, when questioned in a similar survey. Responded to the question: "would you ever move to France?" By answering: "hell no, Detroit ain't all that. But it's our sh*thole. France? What .... are you f*cking kidding me. France?"

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In even more news ..... Araf*ck is still dead. Assad: Israel is behind Arafat's death.

Syrian President Bashar Assad claimed Saturday that Israel was responsible for the death of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yassir Arafat. "Among the many assassinations that Israel has carried out in a systemic and organized manner, the most dangerous one was the assassination of Arafat," Assad said, addressing a conference of Arab lawyers.

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Baby Assad sig heils with style!


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