Hillary Clinton sends her warm love and regards, to our troops this Thanksgivivng Day.

Hillary Clinton takes 'wait-and-see' stance on US troop pullout from Iraq
Senator Hillary Clinton ..... An early favorite to win her party's 2008 presidential nod ..... said a decision on withdrawing from Iraq should be deferred until after national elections there next month ..... "I don't think realistically we know how prepared they are until we get a government on December 15," .....
Those comments are the latest sign that Clinton -- known during the eight years of her huband's presidency as a "bleeding heart liberal" -- has reinvented herself in the Senate as something of a hawk.
Pundits said Hillary Clinton, now flirting with the right flank of her party and with presidential aspirations, is showing a great deal of political savvy .....
Savvy, yeah, let's elect a great big savvy President.
Just Hillary.com linked with THE HILLARY BLOG SPECIAL
Bloggers sound off over Clinton's position on Iraq...
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