Friday, June 25, 2021

My Spirit Bleeds

Sooner, rather than later. The Cackling Pantsuit, will supplant the potted plant, in the White House. As they now have run out of road, on this happy happy joy joy road trip. With Joe at the wheel, of the rented (stolen) transcontinental motor coach. Large Aviators covering his blank, low wattage, idiot stare. 

Those sunglasses aren't fooling anyone, nor hiding his pudding brain. Everyone knows he's got a freshly mixed box of chocolate Jello, congealing upstairs. I mentioned in earnest, more than six months ago, this is elder abuse now, as it was then. Their evil knows no limits. No constraints. Not even a second thought or a tiny wince. They take pride in their destructive power. 

Though yes, Kamala stepping behind Joe at the microphone, and pulling him back to the podium, before he went another step. Putting him back on his page (the Florida building collapse/100 dead?). Shows she has no interest in being his wet nurse. And she is making it clear, that Commisar Harris is just as capable of destroying America, as he is. Showing that he can't hold the stage. And she easily can. As well manage it. And it's time, time for him to go. 

The only saving grace. Is that she is less well liked than Joe. And just like Joe, only through massive fraud can she win an election. 

Where light once shown in the garden, now they rampage. Where light once shown, they now take the G*d given day, and turn it into a Satanic night(mare). No diff between Biden or Harris, in that regard. Both evil in their own special way. 

The question for them now, is how to milk the rapidly approaching "crisis." How to maximize Biden's physical incapacitation, if not complete failure. How to gain the most political yardage? Put points up on the board. Maybe some new state of the art, eco-friendly burial? That makes Greta Thunberg happy (for say half an hour. Then, after thirty minutes, it's back to Greta Doomberg, tightly grimacing once again. Like a Dr Seuss character, the Grimace). 

Heart attack or stroke? Followed by death. The whole pomp of a State Funeral (preceded by the lengthy drama of the race to the hospital. As a Nation is glued/frozen to their screens, waiting for news of Biden's death). And then Cackling Pantsuit, standing by, resolute (maybe even next to her Resolute Desk). Ready to helm the ship of State (and she has been working with a Court ordered, professional behaviorist, on her lethal cackle. Before anyone else is seriously injured). And continue the war on G*d, on Country, on Whitey (and his apartheid state. And on that other apartheid state, as well. A two-fer). 

In no time at all CCP Joe, will either kick off this mortal coil. Or commit a faux paus that is so off kilter. That no one will dare to defend him or the smell. And they themselves will call for his exit. His full on (assembled from multiple parts/passages) 25 seconds, Dementia whisper festival, was quite charming. We will wait and see how many encores it receives. Before they drop the final curtain on the SloJo Show?

Though SloJo [cribbing from elmo, like the Obamessiah before him (even Rush borried a little here and there from anechoic room, for that matter)] mentioning F15's and Nukes? He was acknowledging the Right's argument, for bearing arms (against government Tyranny). And stating standard weapons be ineffective, against. Ergo, we can do away with the Second Amendment, in its entirety. Because muskets are worthless against (the fascists and the fascist State), the Second Amendment is no longer needed. And no, you don't have the right to defend yourself against harm from an intruder/attacker either. 


Below, is a Fifty four second clip, of some leftist asshats (who obviously are clients of the same elite fashion/lifestyle guru/consultant, that Jack Dorsey avails himself of). Getting in the face of a uniform officer, while he is on duty. Pointing their fingers right in his face, and shouting some nasty trash. Stupid and childish, but still very vile. 

Noteworthy only for the clear view provided, into the empty mind, of your typical ANTIFA/BLM footsoldier. Paid professional anarchist. Sleeping in some of the finest hotels. And traveling in comfort and style, to each local racial fire. Where they have brung tanker trucks, full of high octane gasoline. 

There's no there, there. Empty space between two ears. Engaging in conversation with one? Would be like trying to have a conversation with a houseplant. Waste of your time, and only annoys the (potted) plant.


I can't tell you what to do. And I most certainly can't tell you what to think. Though I have strongly suggested on more than one occasion, y'all be thinking for yourselves. Myself, it is just too easy to lose track, of the serious nature of these times. Caught up in the minutiae of daily life (surprise car repairs, dddamn!). Forgetting that Satan is now in command. Rules the existential roost ... between now and eternity. Unless he is stopped. 

I have to constantly remind myself, that in order to come to grips with all that is going on. I should be on a war time footing. I would add, Active Wartime Footing. Failure to do so, is just simply failure to launch. 

The Goosey, black boot march, isn't just dependent on the deranged lunatic Left, for soldiers. But on the silence and acquiescence of too many, on the Right. Even both hands up in surrender, as a chosen path of least resistance. Hearts and minds need be kept on alert. Kept whole. Enjoy what beauty and joy they haven't already destroyed or taken away. In the strength of your mind, is our survival. As they seek to destroy the hearts and minds of the citizens. In order to bring the Country to its knees. 

Active Wartime Footing, includes defense of your spirit. Not just your physical being. Keeping your heart and your mind safe, keeping your soul intact. 

Intact during this heathen, ghoulish nightmare (in the the middle of the street. The murder of the happy, young Puerto Rican couple, dragged from their car. By a  l a r g e , swarming lynch mob. After the Puerto Rico Day parade. Raining down a blizzard of bullets. From a number of shooters). Keep our souls from being crushed, by the devastation of being witness to these daily murder picnics. In all these Democrat run cities. While Biden blames the licensed gun dealer (oh yeah, that makes perfect sense. But then it does to whichever overpaid flack is tasked this week. With scripting Biden's part, of this deranged, macabre stage play). 

So take a little joy where and when you can. But in general, let go of the frivolous. Dispense of anything that which you can do without. Declutter. Tighten your game, your grip. Keep sharp. Get your existential weight down to welter class. 

So you can't move the big heavy bag around, anymore (not that you ever could). And your knuckles haven't much firmament left. But at least maybe you can keep the speed bag waltzing (as you once rather enjoyed). And keep your mind sharp along with. Keep some rhythm to your heart and soul. As they disrupt the whole of life, in every way. 

As they continue in their war to destroy as much as they can. Before they are stopped. If ever. They are political killing machines.

In the image of Terminator/Schwarzenegger. And all of the other large scale, mechanized robot soldiers. On a smoky nighttime battlefield. Some in flight, attacking from above. An army of borg's, dispensing massive destruction. 

Even though millions have actually died, in the wake of their political mayhem. They will work their way up to actual terminations. Flesh and blood death, by their own hand, in no time. In no time at all, Killer Kamala, who hates Whitey more than Joe! 

They have shown no limit to their derangement. They have shown no remorse for any of the destruction that they have visited upon our lives, and our society. Upon the World whole. Death is the game they will now play. Their heinous recent past, was just the warmup for up close and personal.

After she is done suffocating the feeble Joe. Cackling Pantsuit, will be leading us down the primrose path. Towards a gathering of Satan's soldiers, draped in black velvet. And holding gleaming scythe, most elegant.

All roads now lead to death and destruction. To human slaughter. By the Left. The deranged lunatic Left. 

The last line of defense? Thought, thinking for one's self. Sharing those thoughts in speech. In support of G*d and Country. Dispensing truth, giving a clear view of reality. Even though purveyors of same, are now dangerous criminals, sez the beyond corrupt Judiciary. 

Rudy Giuliani, criminal. Not because he is, but because they say he is. Just like that, just like the rest of their endless lies and fabrications [is Jon Stewart really that dense? That he thinks the Dems, told just one, single solitary lie. One lie, only one time (Covid lab leak)].

****  (Giuliani) as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020," the ruling said. 

Those statements, the court said, "were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client."  ****

It's all so creepy. In support of their torrent of lies, they destroy the lives of people who expose the lies. And those whom they cannot intimidate? They will need to find a place, for all of the bodies that will pile up. As too many people won't believe the endless stream of lies, anymore. Having developed a level of herd immunity. 

They won't be able to build jails and internment camps, quick enough. Though you can be pretty sure, they will award no-bid contracts. For those that they do build. And it's a guarantee, that those camps will be served by rail service (they are already building a rail line in Northern California, as we speak. High speed no less. Toot toot!). 

I have never been in War. I have never been in combat. What is now here, what is now at hand. Requires no uniform. Requires no formal announcement. For it has already begun. Is already underway. Whether you are ready or not? They most certainly are. 

Turn and run, hide my head in the sand. Or stand and deliver. Many times I'm discouraged, and want to bury my head in the sand. Others, I lament the in pocket throw-weight. And daydream of having a little more, on tap. It all a scourge upon my soul. Never having been to war, it now has come to me. And though they have not yet pierced my skin, with their blades of war. 

Inside, my spirit bleeds.


Seven p.m. 

Gerge Floyd, DBC (death by cop) 

So, the Ford Idea Bureau, has hard, incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's Treason ($50M from the CCP). Literally, the hard drive (on Hunter Biden's laptop). And they have had it for years now. And in the absence of any movement, on bringing Traitors to justice, on behalf of the Nation. What does the Ford Idea Bureau do, instead?

The FBI, being bearded by the State of New York, is trying to lynch Trump ... (instead of joining us in the real world). For either not tipping the chauffeur. Or tipping too much/letting him take the limo home? Or some other silly nonsense like that. Circuitous and roundabout by the FBI, through local New York State prosecution (spelled persecution). 

Take your pick, either one. The classic indictment, of a ham sandwich. This is the current state of affairs, of the Deep State (and its' nearly unlimited power, through an unlimited number of however many different agencies. And in turn countless employees/operatives). Add in the pure derangement and criminal corruption of the Taco Bell Supremes. Toss in the end of the Free Press. And what do you have? 

You have history repeating. Some very dark history. That it is taking place, in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Is breathtaking. 


In many years gone by. The man who sold the Fentanyl, to George Floyd. The Fentanyl, that George Floyd overdosed on (autopsy: 4x lethal amount). That drug dealer, would be prosecuted, in George's death. And certainly not the officer, who was derelict (by whatever degree?) for not recognizing the symptoms of a narcotics overdose (and in turn, pushing a Narcan inhaler, up his nose). 

And most certainly not prosecuted for murder! They never needed the testimony of the drug dealer, to convict Chauvin. And so the dealer was never offered immunity, and never testified. He wasn't a hard man to find.

Coincidentally, he just happened to be in the car, that George Floyd was driving, in the minutes and moments before his world famous death. When George swallowed four times the lethal dose of Fentanyl. To avoid those drugs being found on his person. As the police were pulling him over. 

George would rather die, than have to go back to prison for a parole violation. And he got his wish. DBC .... (death by cop). All Floyd had to do? "Was tell the cop, he was overdosing. But he refused to save his own life. Because it would have meant a return to prison. A horrific way to go. 

And I'm sure the drug dealer got a whole bunch of wishes granted. More than one. He had Santa Claus on speedial. Including a chunk of the thirty million dollars, the City of Minneapolis, gave to George Floyd's family (before Chauvin's criminal trial even began!). And the family and Crump (I assume without even checking, that Crump is involved), kicking a little of that back to the drug dealer. For preserving the image of the recently departed, Saint George. 


How do you spell insane? How do you spell unbelievable?

****  The Cusicks (arrested today, Friday) are two of 32 people arrested this month (June,) for their alleged participation in the protests at the Capitol building on January 6.

In a press release issued Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted that 500 people have been arrested so far. “I assure the American people that the Department of Justice will continue to follow the facts in this case and charge what the evidence supports to hold all January 6th perpetrators accountable,” Garland said.  ****

While all of this insanity is going on. All of this glorious worship of their own Treason. One would think it obvious, that this great a diversion of law enforcement manpower and the Judiciary. Will only lead to an even greater increase in crime. 

With such a perversion of justice, and this much political persecution. Further breakdown of society will follow. Especially when the seasoned professional criminals catch on. That they have all been issued get out of jail free cards. Even hot coco and a free ride, to the location of their next crime. 

Knowing, understanding that the justice system is now more corrupt than they are! Call it systemic racialism. In order to make up for the previous centuries of systemic racism? We will now have to enact racist policies. To undo the damage of all that racism. 


You don't need a passport, to cross over the Southern border, of the United States. It's wide open. No documents, no ID, no medical records? Heck, even if you've got the virus, we don't care (just remember to vote for Kamala in the next election, Thank You). We don't care why you are here (hey moe-hom-ed, you dropped your quran, buddy!). 

Speaking of care. Some of you will get hotels. And free luxury jet travel to a number of wonderful destinations in the heartland of America. It's springtime for Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder. 

But if you were born here, and maybe you are an individual, with a mind of your own? One of them anti-vaccers even. And you don't have that digital vaccine passport yet. Oh man, you are to be shunned by all of society. And you will not be allowed to fly anywhere. Let alone take the train. 

I guess if you tell them that you just crossed the border, have no ID, and you don't speak English. You can travel carte blanche. Play your cards right, I bet you could even reach Maui. Tell them you have an invitation from Joe and Kamala and Chuck and Nancy and Mark and Buraq. Printed. 

Tell them that Trump. Is a bad man. And millions died waiting at the border. At the steel wall of death, built by the bad orange man. And Saint Jesus Joe has rescued them all from the pit of the Great Graxx Beast. As he was about to devour us. Joe is our Savior. He is the light, he is the way. And that b*tch really knows how to build Socialism back better. He did it the old fashioned way, with blood dripping from his iron fist (and there's plenty more where that came from). 

I'm gunna pencil in Joe for the Nobel, this year. And confident they will even award it posthumously. Should Kamala forget to set the parking brake, on Joe's wheelchair. While she momentarily stops, at the start of the down exit ramp. Ooops. 

At the ribbon cutting ceremony, for the King Hussein in the Membrane, presidential library. And here everyone was worried about Joe, and the sharp edges. On the giant pair of cardboard scissors.

Monday, June 28th, Nine a.m. 

Happy Monday 

Ten flags, arrayed behind a ten cent dictator. 

Having less than ten percent of his brain, left. 

The simple task of reading off of his teleprompter, exceeds his ability. 

The picture on the, main page (the other day), of CCP Biden, standing at a lecturn (doing the pinched finger gesture for teeny/tiny). The 2D compressed (well rehearsed) picture, giving Dear Leader the appearance, of being Angel Winged. With five pairs of flags. Arrayed in a staggered line of ten, behind his shoulders. 

Those flags were micro-positioned to the millimeter. That now is their only game. Optics. Though to some (Mara Gay), Biden's flag festival, makes him a hater. An extremist. But then their rules don't apply to themselves, ever. And they are making it up, as they go along. Everything is racist, everything. And in thus, we must kill Whitey [Euphoric Utopia to follow (72 virgins)].

The Junta does not lead. They do not serve the citizens. In any way, shape or form. Not even the/their true believers. None of that nonsense, of serving your community, your fellow citizens. Merely and only solidifying their grip on power. And maintaining/preserving it as long as possible. 

Preserving their power, so they can destroy even more of America. Even if it means tanks rolling on the Election audit rooms/facilities. The forensic audit that is now underway. Lest a sliver or iota of truth somehow manage to escape the building's confines. 

There now is only one way they will leave office. And give up the ghost.  They haven't any guilt, for any of their runaway criminality [every single last thing is Trump's fault. Past, present, and future. And I hear that the spread of the Delta Variant? Is my fault, because I'm a hesitater. Yep, White racist hesitater (kill him, kill him now!)].  

Their crimes, are many orders of magnitude greater than one would have ever thought possible. And as more people come to know, come to understand. That fascists have actually seized power, in a real ... not make believe coup. Shrieks will be heard, the land itself will rumble. The earth will clap a mighty thundercrash. 

It isn't possible for this macabre fiction to continue uncontested. It isn't. For the Constitution to be eviscerated, shredded. For every law to be ignored. For thousands upon thousands of children, to be hand delivered unto organized sex traffickers (with Zuckermaggot's platform, readily facilitating such). For truth to be twisted into a pretzel. Without any logic, other than power.

Something's gotta give. And I believe that will be the lives of the citizens who won't go along. In order to get along (with fascists and Traitors). That's when the real fun will begin. And it's going to start pretty dang soon. Bodies will be piling up in the streets. Believe that. 

None of this other insanity was thought to be possible. And yet here we are. Surrounded by horrors unimaginable. Large scale death and destruction is the course they have charted. And no deviation will be tolerated. It's Seig Heil, love the fascist State and Dear Leader, or kiss your lily white ass goodbye. 

That isn't to say that the virtual war will stop. High, low, inside out. Upside down. They will destroy as much as they can, as quickly as they can. As long as they can. Anyway that they can. Words and ideas erased, in service to erasing G*d, and erasing the human lives who defer to a higher power.

The freeze frame pic (in above link), of Kamala, a couple of miles from the Mexican border (as close as she got. As close as the Secret Service dare let her go. The Cartel would have demonstrated who was in charge of the border. If she got any closer). The still pic, which opens the video. Shows Kamala, clearly out of her element. But then they have already proven, that the requirements for the job of destroying America. Are not that stringent. 

And she will pass with flying colors. She has half of this more than idiotic droolspittle, well memorized (root causes, root causes, root causes). And will keep repeating it, until everyone's ears bleed. Next of course, will be that they are doing it all for the children (no, not the thousands who have already been trafficked. Or the thousands more yet to be!). 

Root causes had its beginning in the virtual lexicon, with the arrival of the French Riots [and at one moment, in the history of the internet. If you entered:  "Cause of the French Riots," in your Google search window? The first link shown/listed on Google. Was to a blog post here, at anechoic room. Of the same title (though damned if I can find the November 2005 link now!)]. 

So I was amused to see that Commisar Harris, has dug it up, resurrected it. That's what is in store for us. A fascist dictator, who is 



Remarkably Lazy 

Childish, stunted even 

And she can't wait to get started. As President of the United States of America. Chomping on the bit. Unable to wait for her turn, as the lead destroyer of America. . 

Her "visit to the border." Sent a loud and clear message, around the planet, that the border is open. Wide open. And the business of helping you to resettle, is in full operation. And it was also a way for the Junta, to thank the cartels for their help. In erasing the border, the rule of law, erasing free and fair elections, erasing Whitey whole. Erasing the Country built, upon the land that Whitey stole. 

Of course she was there for what, an hour or two? Stopping in Texas (for a can of diet soda, and some jet fuel). On her way to her California home (in a lily white neighborhood). So she lives and works in DC. Is paid well. Though what her work product is? And yet she's been home to Cali, four times already. 

I imagine she will follow exactly, in King Buraq Hussein's steps. And spend every waking moment of her term as president, flying around in Air Force One.  Campaigning for reelection. Every single minute of every day. Pomp and Circumstance, for breakfast lunch and dinner. 

Pausing only long enough at each stop, to get her airticket validated. For the requisite Affairs of State. In order to cover the entire travel costs of the entire campaign (hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. Now easily approaching a billion. With the staggering size of the entourage). I imagine King Hussein wore out an airframe or two. And however many engines. While campaigning nonstop for six years. 

An abuse of power that was all too obvious. But they couldn't wait to toss out all of the rules and regulations. In honor of the first foreign born, mooselimb, Traitor president. He's now drawing a sizeable pension and even larger executive expenses. Just down the street from the White House (that is when he isn't at his luxe digs in the Hamptons or over on the Vineyard). Not including his travel and security. 

Much of his secret government still intact. The unseen evil hands. They all lending succor to much of the evil in our world today. Murtilizing the world whole. 

Giving the bomb to the shii caliphate? Easily the most nonsensical thing anyone, anywhere could do (talk about playing on the freeway). In thus, their desire to hasten the Iranian ascendancy to becoming destroyer of worlds? Makes sense only in the context of their rabid, drooling Joohate. A demonstration of the lengths they will go to, to satisfy that lust (and yesterday's airstikes? Mere window dressing. A scene from their ongoing deranged kabuki theater. Just and only ... more optics). 

And all of Obama's henchmen are still on tap. Or have risen up the ranks. Whether they are in media, or in the Deep State. Even four star generals like Milley, themselves ask how high? When the Obamessiah tells them to .... jump. And I gotta believe that fourth star on his shoulder? Came from Obama, his very self. 

Happy Monday!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

More and Greater Evil With No End in Sight

Switching the radio on, this morning, at five a.m.? 

"Now that isolationist President Trump is out of the picture." 

(CBS radio, In their fecal coverage of day two, of pwezzidunce Biden, at the G7. The direct implication being, pink sparkle ponies are now running wild everywhere, farting rainbows. Now that bad orange man has been successfully deposed, in a Coup). 

It never stops, this fake news industrial complex sh*t storm. It's been a while, since I've used the descriptor BRMDC here in anechoic room (Baby Raping Moong*d Death Cult). Or in the windmills of my mind. 

Though it is handy to have on hand. In one's thought inventory. Because concisely it does encapsulate the whole there of Islamism. Whether it's full tilt boogie radical Islam. Or merely only ... casually deranged terrorists [say taking one day off a week (from killing Jews). To play soccer with their bro's?].

Looking way back, to the Iran Iraq War. And the human waves. Marching on foot, across the desert, into enemy fire. Without either artillery or armored vehicles. Let alone body Kevlar (though WND is reporting this morning. That the Taliban have just seized a major quantity of weapons, tanks, armored vehicles, and ammunition. Courtesy of Biden's Afghan withdrawal).

The sheer number of deaths in the Iran Iraq war, in such a short period of time? Was incomprehensible. And back then, not having any understanding of fundamentalism. And fundamentalists. I could only laugh. It all seemed rather bizarre, comical, fictionalized. I mean really, this isn't a Luarel and Hardy, or Three Stooges movie? And they are using real boolits? What the hell! These people are crazy, booby shooby, twisted. 

And in the context of a Western society, comprised of individuals who have a respect for civility and the rule of law. Islam still employs the same savage behaviors. Even when not on the battlefield. The Quran instructs them to engage in lies and deceit. Even signing peace treaties. Having no intention of honoring them. For any strategic gain, or military advantage. Taqiya and Hudna are foundational tenets of Islam. 

So if one wanted to know the truth, about events in the Middle East? Merely turn them around, 180 degrees. From whatever the members of the Squad say. Flip them around to discern the truth of the matter. They are duty bound to Allah. To lie, to obfuscate. 

Any dishonest behavior is fair game for them, when it comes to the destruction of the State of Israel. Lying and propaganda are all in a day's work. Heck, even marrying your own brother. And if someone launches 4,500 rockets at you, over the course of a week and a half. And strangely, you decide to return fire? You are a terrorist (ed: see elmo's 180° rule). 

The Squad doesn't answer to we the people, this Nation, the Constitution, or even G*d. They answer to their different master. And there is no other, but their's. It isn't one/same for everyone, no. There is one, and only one, their's. And if you dare say different? (Well G*d help you). 

Just like all of the myriad fascists, stuffed to overflowing out the windows of the White House. Who have seized power. And slit the throat of Lady Liberty. After gang raping her. There is but one way, their's. But one thought, whatever they have decided is today's hate filled meme (masquerading as anti-racism).

Or who today is worthy of canceling or completely destroying. Or even actual imprisonment. And somewhere in there, if they can somehow lend a hand. To usher in a climate where real physical harm befalls Trump voters? They are without shame, without a moral compass. Let alone the means to be a child of G*d, and a participant in a fair and just society. 

Their brains don't possess the ability to understand the minds of those, that they are attacking and destroying (with abandon). We are Conservatives. We voted for Trump. We are abnormal. We need to be destroyed. At any cost, at every opportunity. We are monsters. Pink monsters. Who can readily be identified (and marked for destruction), by the frightful, shocking American flags on our pickup trucks. 

One need only watch the leaked tape (from ONE human being, hidden deeeep inside the fascist State!). [That is if you are able to get around the endless pop-up and click through ads at the host site?! (f*cking *ssholes)].

Showing ANTIFA shock troops, breaking windows/doors and entering the Capitol Building. With military coordination and precision. Just because they are evil folks, doesn't make them ineffective at the creation, and dissemination of .... evil. Injecting it into society. They are really good at what they do. And evil is what they do. With large scale, well financed planning and conspiracy aforethought 

So now today, we have that one tape (out of 14,000 hours of buried/hidden/suppressed security video, from that day at the Capitol). Quite c l e a r l y showing the deranged lunatic Left's, false flag operation in action. Smashing their way into the building, on January 6th. 

And for the last six months, almost a hundred people, have been rotting, wasting away in the JoeBama dungeon. The District's Gulag, 23 hours a day, in solitary. Held without bail or arraignment. As the JoeBama Fraudulency completely empties Guantonamo. 

It is hard to believe that things will get worse than this? That things will get worse than they are now. Before they ever, if ever get better. But we as a Nation, are in completely uncharted waters now. Beyond fiction. A nightmare beyond imagination. 

And as the Junta gets stronger, solidifying their grip. They get bolder. Less circumspect, more in your face. Now, we get Dr Jill Biden (when she isn't pointedly sticking it to Kamala), yanking on a dog leash. While barking commands at Joe, in public. Her little yapping Pomeranian. And persons seeing such, could only laugh and snicker at lost and bewildered Alzheimer poopy pants. 

They have been (literally) getting away with murder, since day one. They had no problem discarding millions (!) of lives, behind their successful stealth Covid attack. An unholy alliance, the likes of which have not been seen since 1939.

And how many more will die at the hands of the m i l l i o n s who have streamed across the wide open Southern border, in the last twelve months? Without so much as a background check or Covid test.

'Biden admin dismantles VOICE, Trump office for reporting crimes by immigrants'

Murderers and rapists, child molesters, and gang bangers. How many little children have been sold into bondage and sexual slavery. Because of the intentional knowing actions of the Islammocommie Junta? Thousands and thousands and thousands. And that my friends is no exaggeration. Those children are not garbage, they aren't trash. And yet they have been ever so casually discarded by the JoeBama Fraudulency, as such. Its pure f*cking evil. Not in my name, not in my Country's name! 

This isn't the Wizard of Oz. They aren't suddenly, magically going to be gifted a heart. They WILL get more depraved, more insidious, more insane, more evil. The forecast is for more and greater evil. With no end in sight. 

The weight and gravity of events, is now greater than my shoulders can carry. I'm being crushed. Getting out of the city and out of California (it's going to take another month of cleaning, sorting, packing, discarding. Damn. Before I can finally make that happen). Should help my disposition, tremendously. 

And after I get the f*ck out of Cali? I may have a different feeling about burying my head in the sand. Or expatriating. Though mouthing off, helps with the spirit (at least until they arrest me for some made up thought crime). But it doesn't move the ball downfield. Yes, occasionally it can be effective in making a difference (I helped stop Obama, from taking us to war. In Syria, in the fall 2013. "Another Red Line" was some water that I hauled/carried).

But through all of this, I can't escape the feeling of helplessness. Chained inside a cage, unseen in the darkened dungeon of the Emperor. Fed rotted scraps, between the abuse. As my mind shows signs of wear and tear. Trying to come to terms with being a witness to this brutal ... savage rape and murder of Lady Liberty. 

Disappointed in myself, for not doing more than just mouthing off. And well, if I had done my duty. And somehow, some way had managed to get to DC. To peacefully stand and be counted on January 6th? I would now be currently counted, in a daily and nightly head count. As a prisoner in the Federal slammer, in DC. 

Not that I'm afraid of jail. Only if I'm going to be martyr to a cause? I want a return on my investment. There are people who now are doing the time, but have never done the crime! They are now actually putting people in jail. For thought crimes. Speaking up and/or out out, against the Islammocommie Junta, or the Election, or the Covid caper? Speaking is now a crime, a thought crime. 

So while I can understand those who do bury their heads in the sand (the checker at the local supermarket, who has two kids. With whom I've chatted). I don't know if I could? I don't know if I could even try. But I get it now. This unbelievable Hell that they have wrought, is unbearable for so many others as well. 

Yes, mouthing off (here) does help to vent some steam. But with each passing day, it does nothing to hold back the endless explosions of insanity. That the Left launches at us. Nor does it make it easier to navigate through the minefield of madness. That they have transformed our world into. 

I'm getting pummeled by their lunacy. Beaten up by their Treason. My spirit devastated. My soul blackened and charred. Maybe, if I ask Santa? He will bring me a fleet of fully loaded and fueled F16's, and some patriot pilots (to go along with). Wouldn't that be great! Yeah baby. 

Maybe Santa can also bring me a van full of suitcase newkes (to go along with that fleet of aeroplanes)? Just in case .... the planes are grounded by weather.  

At least then, we would have some options. And the Nation would have a fighting chance. A glimmer of hope. Now, the extended forecast is unbelievably grim. More and Greater Evil, With No End in Sight.

Monday, June 14th, Two p.m. 

You Can Have Mine ... for Free 

I've encountered some black on white, and a whole bunch of brown on white racism, the last few years. Never really bothered me. I mean small minds, inside of little people? Their problem (not mine). I can give Thanks to the Big Guy Upstairs, that I am not them. Thank the L*rd, that I'm not a tiny little, six legged bug. 

But now? It's starting to bother me. The open, unfettered proud hate. The hate whitey badges, that far too many now think are really cool, to wear in public. Because they have been taught, that only black lives matter. And whitey? You need to spit on him. 

These are the infinite seeds of poison, that King Hussein in the Membrane planted. And they now are flowering. All across the land. And their pollen carried on the wind, to the four corners of the earth. 

Current and future generations to come, now destroyed. And I can't see how it is possible that we as a Nation, will ever recover? The bloody compound fracture will ever mend? A land of once so much glory, and so much light. We were so spirit blessed by the Almighty.

In the streets, open wanton violence is not only accepted. It is now the everyday norm. Because you know whitey, he and his privilege? He needs to be taken down a notch two three four. The peptopanzees ... they deserve it. BLM's hate, is a righteous thing. Don'tcha know. 

Not much rattles me. Even under duress. Even when directly threatened. As has happened a couple of times in the past few years. I kept my cool, because I had a job to do.

The preservation of self, no place for anger there. That is the province of the haters, and the space they inhabit. It is their District, not mine. Heck, the last time it happened? I was even tempted to laugh in their face. But I knew that would only prolong the encounter [though I have upped my blade game since. To a Strider Tanto (even have the BG-42 new in the box. If I ever tire of the ATS-34?). And three ounce hot sauce. And a green light saber, at night]. 

But today, one of the little scuzzy roaches got the better of me. Openly displaying their racism, to my face. And my words made it very clear to them, that this pink monkey wasn't going to put up with it. At all. A little verbal lesson given. For free. At least maybe next time, they will pause for a small moment, before openly displaying/dispensing hate? 

But there is no holding back this tsunamic wave of hate. That the deranged lunatic Left, has unleashed upon the land. And in such, I can't help but feel that sooner, rather than later. Whitey is going to give back what they have been given. Even a lil extry, a gratuity if you will. 

I'm not hoping for, or welcoming such. No. Not my style, and never has been. But to think it not possible? To think it is not on its way? That big, speeding forty foot wave. Will run you down quicker than your your little feet will carry. And it will drown you. And for what? 

I look back on the glory and light of this once great Nation. And all of the wonderful people who shared in the light. That the L*rd had bathed us all in. 

And now the darkness. It is so sad. And reduces me to the tears of a scared baby child. They have manufactured this evil. They have injected it into the citizens. And now arisen, the filthy zombies be. 

I will not become them. I will not be possessed of their hate. It is their's, they can keep it, all of it. Me? I'm going to hide out from the world. I'm going to keep to myself. And in such, maybe I can avoid contact with this poison ivy, that produces festering, open red blotches of hate. 

But I will not be much surprised when others respond to the hate, in kind. And the streets run red with blood. GHUA? No, he already did. He gave us this land, this life. It is Lucifer we must now contend with.

I now must a l w a y s remember that hate abounds. I must never forget, I mean ever. That it covers all of the ground. From sea to shining sea. Hate is now the lay of the land. Sorry, I ain't breathing your poison air. I ain't gulping your Kool-Aid. Choke on it freaks. Just like our dear Four-X-Fentanyl friend. Good riddance. 

Good riddance to someone who would bash a pregnant women's head, into a wall (but then maybe that's just me). Good riddance to the now too many haters, possessed of a violent disposition (the gentleman driving, who randomly pulled into a gas station. And then began to beat a small middle aged woman. All the way down. All the way down into the ground, while she was merely pumping gas). 

But of course that hate and violence? It is the (privileged white) victim's fault (stupid). Just like the Squad, blaming Jews. For the four thousand rockets, that Hamas launched into Israeli homes. Continuously, nonstop for eleven straight days. If you can't see that that truly massive terror attack, was the fault of the Jew's? Then you must be buh-blind!

You can try and take my mellow. But you will not succeed. It used to be a free Country (remember that saying? "It's a free country" ?). But now? This entire Nation ... is imprisoned by their hate. And Lucifer smiles, taunting. While jangling his keys before me. 

I refuse, absolutely. To succumb to the hate. I refuse to let Beelzebub dictate my fate. Should it come to pass that I am no longer able to keep an even keel? Expatriate I will. I will be free in heart, mind, and spirit. You can keep your hate. You can even have mine, for free. 


Put a cork in it (skank)

'Emails: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel Sought Arrest of Business Owner to Thwart Fox News Appearance'

(above link is a must read) 

It is killing me. This once glorious Nation. This gift of G*d. Destroyed so easily, so readily. Without any compunction or regret. By little insects, vermin ... cockroaches. Scurrying about. Spreading their political frass, everywhere they go. 

The deranged lunatic Left? Now completely indistinguishable from the National Socialists, in Germany, in the 1930's. The only difference? Yep, the uniforms. That's it. And well ANTIFA does indeed make the effort, to be National Socialist fashionable (black on black). 

As some members of the species are de-evolving (into insects actually). They are taking the rest of us down, with. I now get how some conclude that G*d does not exist. When evil like Dana Nessel, brusquely slaps one upside the face, and laughing maniacally ... all the while.

But me, I'll blame those who are responsible, Lucifer .... and his disciples. Like the stanknasty ho Dana Nessel (put a cork in it skank. We can smell you from here!). 


What do you call five hundred lawyers, at the bottom of the ocean?

Too little too late. 

Lawfare, and it's practitioners? Even Satan won't allow them them into Hell.

'Depositions of election workers in Georgia ballot case delayed' 

****  Among those set to be deposed were Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea Moss. They were election workers who worked in the absentee ballot counting room at State Farm Arena.  ****


Dennis Miller: How do I know the color blue to you, is the color blue to me?

****  They came from as far away as Bradford for this Islamist march on London. The screams to destroy the Jewish state were loud, the streets were full and the flags were waved. In the shadows of the birthplace of democracy, and the statues that commemorate our national heroes, Islamist flags stood proud and high. 

Only a few miles away, at Sky News HQ, Journalists worked on yet another human interest story prepared for them by the Hamas propaganda arm. Far away in Nigeria – Islamic terrorists commit genocide against an innocent Christian population. 10x more Christians have died in the past few months than Palestinians – none of those Christians were Hamas terrorists, and still nobody cares. ****

You know they say you can't pick your parents. Me, never bothered to worry about being born Jewish. It takes all kinds to make the world go round. 

But the old joke, about the chosen ones. And the snarc: umm (L*rd) ... couldn't you have picked someone else? 

I called the ball on Fox News, years ago. When they started running/displaying AP (Al Qaeda Propaganda), wire service. In their scrolling under banner news feed. So it's no surprise that Sky News in Europe, is now sugging the mooselimb thingy. 

So even if one or two or three Fox show hosts, get it right. Doesn't mean the network as a whole does. Or that they even care. Let alone ever bother to try. It's all about the Benjamin's. Not G*d, nor Country. 

And if it isn't about the Benjamin's? Killing Whitey ... will do just fine, in its place:

Dinesh D'Souza (in video console) 

****  "Leftists are now trying to portray 'whiteness' as a plague–an incurable ailment. The violence of their rhetoric suggests that they are issuing nothing less than an invitation to genocide"  ****

Wednesday, June 16th, Four p.m. 

Hate, the Joy of ...  

Guvna (Commie Monkey) Newsom, speaking at the Los Angeles area, Six Flags amusement park today (Wednesday). Talking about masks. And why not? Everything that city, county, and State government does. Is a circus act. With plenty of clowntime. 

So many breaking stories the last couple of days, of the fascist State. Too many for me to dive into, and absorb/comprehend. Or give any comment. The staggering depth of their limitless Treason. Various domestic security/law enforcement agencies. And it becomes all to a fast breaking story, incomprehensible. Unbelievable. Vicious and cruel. 

The numbers of real actual Traitors, in these agencies, also incomprehensible. Actively engaged in subverting the Constitution. On the taxpayer's dime, paying off their mortgages via their weekly government salaries. Getting paid to rape and murder Lady Liberty. It isn't one, or only two FBI McCabe's, going rogue. It's hundreds and hundreds of jackboot political thugs. Recruited since a forever. In all of the security apparatus', in concert with the State Department. The DOJ. And now even the uniformed military. They have been at this a while. 

And you gotta believe, the next movie to play at the neighborhood 12 , Propaganda-Plex. Will be some NASA themed bent/broken gender orgy in space. Though I'm not sure if it is a training film. Or merely a recruiting pitch? Though produced of course, by the members of the CTO (creepfilth tech overlords).

But will still screen at your kid's junior high, during homeroom. After the film's theatrical release. Though I'm pretty sure, this will be Zuckerberg's first Academy Award win. And of course the obvious title? Deep Space 9.

All of the paid/salaried Gubment employees, combined with the vast number of deranged lunatic Leftists. Who go out trophy hunting. Trophy hunting White folks. Like the gentleman who was just arrested, for same. It's a massive attack on all that is Holy. 

"I saw him, and had to have him" (and then shot him in the back). His confirmed, actual internal dialog, upon initially seeing one of his victims. During a multi-day multi-state, race murder spree.  

Has the planet seen such joyous hate? Possibly. But that we had never seen it again. But it has come home again. To roost, it has come to stay. And the randomness of it. Is essentially terror. Taking the public space. And turning it into a kill zone. 


We all have a job to do. And me, I'll do mine. And will remain on station. Until they pry my cold dead fingers, from around the keyboard. 

So much of the world, so much of our lives, our communities, our existence. Joy and Beauty. Has gone up in the flames of the Reichstag Fire, on January 6th. 

And while many saluted Adolf. A few too many alive, admire his administration skills. So, don't hate. If I say the Islammocommie Junta is doing an excellent job. Of manufacturing Evil. And destroying everything Holy. 

The joy and happiness that hate brings the deranged lunatic Left? Can best seen in this video of evil. Where a woman attacks a McDonald's employee (who wouldn't mix/combine two different fountain drinks, into one). 

And then (in the middle of the video), Miz Berserk, apologizes to the woman she struck in the face. So she can come in closer, to again strike the employee in the face, a second time, with her fist. F*cking evil (and you have been warned. Crush your spirit it will). It's open season on Whitey now. I am aghast, and tremble at what is next?

Saturday, June 19th, Seven p.m. 

Freedom Pass Anyone? 

So let me get this straight Jon Stewart .... the obviously engineered, gain of function bioweapon, Covid 19. Likely came from a (CCP military bioweapons) laboratory. And not from a local ranch market, in Wuhan. 

Is that right Jon? You figure that out all by yourself did ya? [Stewart, who personally ... with his own money, imported the racist, political saboteur (in violation his foreign national, work visa) Trevor Noah]. 

A local market where they sell all kinds of crazy things (in the first ever known case of transmission, in the history of both species). 

OK, I got that Jon. It is no longer a wacky conspiracy theory [of/by the bad orange man. And his (living, breathing) knuckle dragging troglodyte army, wearing red earthquake/volcano hats (magma)]. 

But then Jon, some bribe taking flunky [Fifty million from the Chinese. And however much money kicked back from Iran (in John Kerry's diplomatic pouch). Out of the $150 Billion gift, from Obama?]. Biden, now with Alzheimers (he was a dimbulb before) and now also with poopy pants. And who didn't leave his basement for the last six months of the campaign! Biden got 81 million votes. Riiight. Eighty one million people voted for this sick joke? 

And we're the conspiracy loons Jon? 

Biden got more votes than the (first) gay, the (first) mooselimb. (First) foreign born, the (first) guy who also walked on water? Biden got significantly more votes than Tingles' idol, the ObaMessiah? Biden got more votes for President, than in the entire history of the Nation? You betcha Jon. I mean, as long as you are an expert on pandemics. Might as well be one on election fraud too. 



And the depth of cowardice, that the Taco Bell Supremes display? Never fails to impress. In a normal world, two plus two … equals four. In a normal world. But this is a time beyond. A time most extraordinary, in our Nation's history. Not since its founding, and the Civil War, has there been such a direct, fully lethal challenge to its survival.

****  Justice Samuel Alito, in a dissent joined by Justice Neil Gorsuch, railed against the majority’s decision in what he called "the third installment in our epic Affordable Care Act trilogy[.]" Alito asserted that, like in previous ObamaCare cases, the court stretched to find a way to keep the law in place. 

"Note one can fail to be impressed by the lengths to which this Court has been willing to go to defend the ACA against all threats," Alito wrote. "A penalty is a tax. The United States is a State. And 18 States who bear costly burdens under the ACA cannot even get a foot in the door to raise a constitutional challenge. 

So a tax that does not tax is allowed to stand and support one of the biggest Government programs in our Nation’s history. Fans of judicial inventiveness will applaud once again."  ****

Every branch of Government. Every agency. Every domestic security bulwark, every foreign. Every beat of the Junta's heart, is bedeviled, and Treasonous. And with the greater Judiciary, now tossed into the cyanide mix. Quite a gas cloud choking Lady Liberty. 

It's quite a very, very well populated and formidable barrier, to this Nation's survival. At this point, it looks like the downward spiral will continue. Uninterrupted. Unimpeded. Total collapse. 

Into the rabbit hole of lunacy, derangement, and flames of Satanic Hell. There is no honor among cloven hooved beasts. They removed their horns. So that we did not recognize them, in the light of day. And thus no one called out their approach. No one sounded the alarm. 


Obamacare was just the precursor, to the complete and total destruction of health care in America. Now for good measure, the JoeBama Fraudulency is preying upon the most vulnerable in our society, Seniors. And completely gutting Medicare. So that it is a big, worthless nothing of a failed bureaucracy. Just like... exactly like Obamacare. A big fat zero (but I'm pretty sure your ACA counselor/guide will still ask if you are registered to vote? And will fix that for you too, if unregistered).

The only thing that can possibly be next? The only avenue that they have not yet traveled down. Is precognition. Pre-Crime. Arrest prior to the commission of a crime [though yes, much of the fiction of the Insurrection, on January 6th. Was pre-planned, prescripted. By the Ford Idea Bureau (starring Efram Zimbalist Jr). Before the actual unveiling of the stage play. Produced long in advance for bwain dead audiences, far and wide].

So instead of merely/only fabricating contemporary lies, on a daily basis (anything/everything associated with January 6th). People will now be arrested, placed in jail without bond or arraignment. And charged with maybe, possibly doing bad things, doing them sometime in the future? On some random day, on some make believe calendar. On whichever day the ministry of Propaganda, sees that their ratings are lower than pleases. Lower than a miece's cheeses. . 

It will be called the "You Look White, Law." Ergo enjoy our spite. Feel the full power and might. Of the fascist State. My honkie dee-light.

Biodermal conversion therapy, will become quite popular ... in Beverly Hills. Though rather expensive in the very beginning. Of the Great Milk Purge. And Digital, genetic purity cards will be issued to those tested. And through laboratory testing, able to prove a minimum of 6%, African DNA. Even if they look mighty white (hey, why get beat up and sent to jail for no reason. And then get beat up again?). 

And these genetic purity cards are not to be confused with Governor Gavin Newsom's digital vaccine passport. That isn't a vaccine passport. It's something else. But they haven't fabricated that reality bending, Orwell sponsored wordplay yet. 

But I'd bet dollars to donuts, that free or freedom will be incorporated into the impending, sick linguistic salad ... Freedom Pass Anyone? 


And so guess what? The Pentagon, weren't the only ones indirectly funneling money ($39 million). To a Chinese bioweapons laboratory. To further gain of function, Bat coronavirus research. No. 

Guess who else was funding this evil? That's right, the fascist filth, whose company motto is. ... Do No Evil (the Sick jokes write themselves).

It all is so incomprehensible. How many people, how many entities, how many businesses, how much media, and how many government agencies. Doing evil. Satan's army is huge, vast. Now seemingly neverending. Stretching to infinity. 

Satan, he doesn't play by the rules. He makes them up as he goes along. He knows the score, and that is why he is winning. Too much of the populace, is in a slumber, unaware. They dare not look evil in the eye. That isn't their job. And is my fear, we will not defeat evil. Too many just don't care. Can't be bothered. Fighting fascists is outside their comfort zone. 

Go along, get along. And well it isn't me that was deplatformed, it was someone else.

Besides I've got a business to run. I can't risk making waves. If I go against the grain, if I cause a stir. Someone might drop a dime on me.


I wonder, what he would say about all of this. If somehow ... we could channel Hans Fallada's ghost? And ask him a few questions, about current events.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

What Is to Become of Me ?

In this world of not merely ascendant Joohate. But where it is now the accepted norm. Propagated by the JoeBama Fraudulency, the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC), and the Creepfilth Tech Overlords (CTO's). Even of course their partners in slime, the Deep State. And all of the other insects in the hive [and no we aren't forgetting the NFL, the NBA, and MLB (does anyone even watch any of that sh*t anymore?)]. 

Joohate is the teet that the youthful King Hussein in the Membrane, suckled upon. The mother's milk of his entire being. The undilute consistency of Obama's political oeuvre. When he gazes out into the world, it is the only thing that he sees. 

It is his only mission in life. The end of the State of Israel. Supplanted in its entirety 100%, by Palestine. And not just on a paper map, in the virtual/two dimensional. But in the atomic. As has been thus, since the beginning of Obama's grooming as a political operative. He learned to walk politically, by stepping on and trampling .... the flag of the State of Israel (when he wasn't busy squatting on the Stars and Stripes).

And he Obama, Rice, and Zuckerberg, are currently running the show in the Oval Office. Together, in concert. And divergent, apart. But all collectively, sharing the profit. Each taking the political and financial spoils of their choosing. In the manner of their choosing. Obama, sitting in his home office. Just down the street from the White House. And Zuckerberg, from on his cell. Rice probably has her own personal tunnel, or at minimum her own zipline. From whichever nearby luxury digs. 

The end of Israel and Jews all around the world. Is the nourishment and sustenance of every Islamist in the caliphate (even Trevor Noah). Obama is no different. Every one of those four and a half thousand rockets, that Hamas launched into the homes of people living in Israel. Raining down death from above, for eleven straight days (of which, eight hundred of those rockets, landed in Gaza. Killing, dozens and dozens and dozens of Palestinians. Yeah, even murdering little Palestinian girls too. Lots of them). EVERY SINGLE ROCKET ... was bought and paid for ... by Obama himself ($150 Billion buys a tremendous amount of death). 

I'm not sure what other proof anyone else would want/need? Obama's actions are testimony to his prurient political derangement. He doesn't just hate Jews. He now has on his hands, their blood. Which he smilingly wears as a battle decoration, a ribbon of gallantry ...  in service to hate. But then the citizenry have stopped thinking. Stopped using their eyes, their ears, their minds .... quite some time ago. And the Islammocommie Junta, is continuing Obama's legacy. With the utmost zeal and pomp. 

'Watch: Tony Blinken Declines to Confirm Israeli Sovereignty over Golan Heights' 

****  Secretary of State Tony Blinken declined Monday to confirm that the U.S. recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, when asked directly by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) about the issue at the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  ****

The deranged lunatic Left .... taking our world. And not just turning it upside down. But turning it inside out. What is to become of us all? Now, a demonstration of Joohate, is a requirement for entry into the salons of the elite. A badge that need be shown, if you want to hang out with the ruling class. A badge worn with honor. Virtue Signaling? No, your own personal lack of virtue. Signaling to one, and to all. That you drink the Mooselimb Kool-Aid. Drink it with verve, and with gusto. Just like Mia Khalifa.

****  Leaders of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) will vote in September on a declaration to call for an end of the United States government’s aid to Israel.

According to a report in the Los Angeles Times Saturday, the resolution will also ask its members to vote in favor of “the international campaign for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against apartheid in Israel."  ****

Me, I just have to come to terms with the new reality. In all its splendor. That there is a really good chance, I may not be able to live out my days, here in America. Safely that is. And that I may actually need to expatriate. Leave the Country of my birth. If I want to stay alive? 

There now is just so much hate. And it is being spread by so many people. Like a fast moving aggressive cancer, it is growing. Spreading throughout all of the organs and tissue, and into all of the limbs, to all of the extremities. The far reaches of the land. 

There is no chemo for America. Not when so many now accept Joohate. When so many embrace it. When so many cast it up into the wind. That it may be carried to every corner of the land. 

Kill Whitey, spit on G*d. And oh yeah, the planet is melting (and in thus, we must surrender our sovereignty. And fling wide open our Southern border). That pretty much sums up the deranged lunatic Left. I'm no longer surprised by much of any of their insanity. But this below link? There simply is too much evil in the hearts and minds of the Left. And sadly, that isn't going to change anytime soon.

****  An Illinois school district is under fire after they confiscated a little girl's Bible while she was reading during recess, the American Center for Law and Justice alleges.  ****

But that I was wrong? But that this isn't happening. Any of it. But that would be denial. Would be a fiction. And could easily cost me my life. I have to accept reality. And start making plans for leaving. Will I go? I don't know. But I most certainly will have to be prepared, at a moment's notice. Bailout bag at the ready. There is no way around that. I need to get busy. I'll not let the haters take my life. Let alone even lay hands upon (go ahead and try mofo. Go on. But no crying beach, when I make you eat your hate, all of it. Want some ketchup?). 

Reality? Reality is that the King and Queen, of the Islammocommie Junta. Tell the great unwashed, that if they are hungry? In these times of hyperinflation. That to quell that hunger? They should just eat cake. Or at the very least, cookies made in the likeness of the Queen. Made on the government dime, at taxpayer's expense. 

I won't live out my days in fear. Events unfolding, will determine my course of action. But this burned out broken down chassis of mine ...  how many years do I have left? I'm due for my third pacemaker, in another year (though in the total context, of my global health? That is actually the least of my ills. If you can believe that).

In this moment, the greatest threat to my well-being? Isn't the beyond devastating Peripheral Neuropathy, in my hands. It is my broken heart. Crushed and shattered. In thus I weep, I cry as I watch Lady Liberty a'dying. And the weight and gravity of it, becomes too great a burden to bear. 

We wait. 

We watch. 

We see. 

What is to become of me?

Wednesday, June 9th, Nine a.m. 

This Evil is Just Starting 

It Won't be a Holly Jolly Christmas (sorry, most likely we will be getting a lump of coal .... the swearing in of ingrown Kamel Hairris) 

Everyone waiting on the sidelines, in advance of CCP Biden's retirement. Whenever that may be? Or of course, under whatever set of cloudy/mysterious circumstances. Though I imagine they are going to try and keep him propped up, just as long as they possibly can. Whatever it takes? In to keep the current payola machinery spinning smoothly and uninterrupted. 

No matter how much major corruption, or felony criminal fraud and Treason is exposed. Or how many six year old girl's legs, that Biden oogles and talks about longingly. 

They will keep the stumbling, mumbling Alzheimer's patient front and center. Whatever it takes to not interrupt the flow, of the destruction of our society and institutions. The destruction of our Nation whole. That we see rolling by our window, each and every day. In this land of awe and beauty, and once glory, that we may never get back? I mean not ever. Forget Christmas. 

But in advance of that moment. The entire globe, is positioning themselves, for what is to soon follow .… Commisar Harris. 

Everyone, good actors and bad. Trying to paint a picture. Of what the future will actually be like. Instead of merely what it might resemble or possibly look like. 

The stakes are incredibly high. Many see an i'll wind blowing. That as bad as things are now? They won't just get worse. This Country will crater, and at an extremely high rate of descent. BAM! And the landscape will be more post apocalypse, than advertised rebirth/renewal. The inflation monster isn't just banging on the door. He is ripping it off of its hinges. 

Deutsche Bank Issues Stark Warning About Rising Inflation: Economies Are 'Sitting on a Time Bomb'

Crime rates and murder? Have also gone vertical. The sovereignty/border/security of this Nation, was simply casually discarded, their first day in office. Thrown in the trash. Our security and prosperity was further degraded, knee-capped, the next day .... shutting down the Keystone pipeline. 

And the very essence, heart and soul of America. Was fed into a meat grinder. As we were told to shut up and eat, Sausage made from the Constitution. 

So the only ones looking forward to Commisar Harris, becoming the next/new figurehead of the Junta (instead of Joe)? Are those that have run the sims. And the numbers come back in their favor. They feel confident, that they have successfully gamed the (what passes for a) system. Whether they be domestic or international players. Whether they be good or bad actors. 

What that means is that things will get so much worse, for us, the average person/citizen. If that was even possible. That at the absolute minimum, it will be a once a century event. It is most certainly not going to be a picnic in the park, under a shade tree. It will leave a mark. It will sting, a lot. Bruising our bodies  our spirit, and our souls. Rocking our world. This evil is only just starting. They have only just begun.

Thursday, June 10th, Seven a.m. 

War is Hell, and Hell is Here 

"Decline in purchasing power." An alternate meaning, of this torrent of inflation that has just flooded our world (definition courtesy unnamed link). Giving it a more practical context.

 Things don't cost more. You simply are able to buy less of them. You have been robbed, of the value of your money/earnings. Without your acceding to, without your acquiescence to, you are being paid less. Heck, they never even asked. They just took, stole .... from you. As if they care? That's right. They don't. They ONLY care about themselves. Their wealth, their GREED, and their stolen grip on power.

'Emails reveal plan by Hunter Biden, associates to conquer turbulent world for money'

****  Evidence in FBI hands, shows Biden called Italian region Present, lobbied French Ambassador. And targeted sovereign wealth funds. 

The email is one of thousands, that lay out the audacious ambition of Hunter Biden and his business colleagues. To cash in on the Biden name, to approach foreign countries (while his father was then in office, as the Vice President of the United States). . ****

This financial tsunami, inflation. Follows right on the heels of the Kung Flu tsunami. Which has raged on, for a year and a half now. And this new one, is going to drown those who were somehow able to survive the first. The Biden Inflation Tax (BITE), plain and simple, is an attack on the poor. 

The very people, who comprised a good chunk of the sixty million. Who actually cast a valid vote (for the wannabe child molester. Who has taken at least fifty millions dollars in bribes, from our sworn enemies. And they are still in office!). 

And this is their reward. Invited collateral damage (please, go stand over there. Yeah, that's a good spot. Right in the center of that large bomb crater). Like the lesser percentage of Palestinians, who support Hamas. And their loyalty reward? Eight hundred rockets (out of 4,300) fired by Hamas, into Israel. Landing in Gaza, instead. Somewhere near half of the Palestinian deaths, in Hamas' recent terror onslaught? Were autogenicide. 

Suicidal masochism. Such is political/ideological derangement, it knows no bounds. You want to kill yourself? Great. Leave us the f*ck out of it, Thank You. 

At this point in time. It would be hard to find some aspect of existence. Some part of our lives. Or some part of the Country. That the Islammocommie Junta, has not set on fire. Or already burned to the ground. 

They have obliterated just so much. Impacting our lives, in so many ways. And in just the mere blink of an eye. And as we speak, this very minute. They are still destroying whatever glimmer of joy, beauty, and hope remain. They never rest. So I will give credit where due. They are good, they are really good at what they do. Evil is what they do. They do evil. And evil never sleeps. 

And in the last months, and days. I've had to do some work under the hood. And replace a few circuits/wiring harnesses. To keep my brain able to keep firing, on all eight cylinders. And in thus, I simply would be derelict. If I did not rehash some recent past points/posts. And re-ring the bell. 

And LOUDLY SOUND the ALARM siren. 

These are times steely serious. Certainly the most extraordinary in my entire life, in the sixty plus years I have been alive. 

Folks, you need to get on a War Time Footing. And the bell is sounded, because you need to do that .... now, today, before you go to sleep. As in not tomorrow, not next week. Now. 

Discard any frivolity in your life. Any goofing off. Any mindlessness. Any at all, toss it aside. And redidicate the whole of your life. To this real actual war, that is now underway. This war against all that is Holy. That has devalued American human life, to nil. 

Our old lives? They are gone. Whoosh. As is our old world, vanished in its entirety, gone. Lace up your boots, lace 'em tight. The party is over. War is Hell. And Hell is here. My G*d, it really is. Ignore my words, at all our peril.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

We Ain't Getting the Country Back ...

Until We Take It Back 

alt: Free Teeties and Weenies! 

You Lazy Arse C*nts, You Get Busy (and you Cowards and Surrender Monkeys get moving too) 

Where is the rage? Y'all just artfully twiddling your thumbs (ooooh fancy!). Or plainly sitting on them. There's no action. The big fat zero. It's as if things are all just business, as usual (as usual). Maybe y'all just be lazy? Fat and (totally) fooked up (my head hurts with all this politics stuff, sneef. I just wanna binge watch that new series that I got. Don't bother me). 

These acts of Treason. This destruction of the Constitution. By these virtual platforms, and fake news outlets. Every career beauracrat in most every government agency, all the thieving politicians. This injection of hate into the glorious garden. Where the sun shown for so long. Now pitched into darkness. And what is the response to this new bouncing baby, fascist police state? Water, water off of a frisky duck's back.

I thought by now more than a few pulses would have been quickened, by events? Or even a quickening, ala Highlander. A redoubling, firm more direct approach to the eradication of evil. But it seems, this is not to be. Sadly, no. 

As time passes, this Evil has become at home, entrenched. Tentacles extended. And the less likely it will be, that it will be effectively dealt with. I'm at a loss, as we suffer this unspeakable loss .... our sweet dear Lady Liberty. She dies alone, bleeding in the darkness. Her cries of despair go unheard, unanswered. 

Exemplar 1)

A horrific read. The deranged lunatic Left isn't just trying to kill the First Amendment. They will quite readily kill its practitioners. With zeal with fervor, zero regret. Zero. 

 'Andy Ngo Confirms He Was the Victim — Again — of Antifa Mob Violence in Portland' 

Insects, with a taste for human blood. You wanna give out Pulitzers or Nobels? Huh? Well here's your man .... *ssholes. And I bet he can use the check! 

It's like the weather report, low clouds and fog. And when they lift, when the fog burns off. Left in sight is this bloody horror, that has supplanted our world. A real live freaking monster movie. Six foot tall carnivorous insects, everywhere. As far as the eyes can see. And blood dripping from their jagged tooth snouts.   

Now, I get the attraction for possessing a time machine. Going back, to cut this growing army of (CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, DOJ, IRS, USPS, CTO, FNIC) Traitors off. Cut them off at the pass. BEFORE they get to town, before they destroy our little light up on the hill.  As they now have already done. And make sure (with extreme prejudice) they will never again be able to attack, all that is Holy. Ever again. 

Now, tis possible this is the road to Hell. The driver slumped behind the wheel, passed out. His foot taped to the (glued and screwed) gas pedal. Unalterable. Immovable. And soon we will reach terminal velocity. And then? Then there will be hell to pay. My words? Meaningless in the context that this Evil will not be stopped. That we WILL lose everything. The garden will be taken from us. And replaced with Gettysburg. A sea of death. Americans slaughtering their fellow citizens, killing each other. Only this time, blacks wish to kill or enslave Whitey! 

Atomic battlefields. Armies of hate with a hunger that need be fed. Not mere virtual musings from virtual monsters . Not a science fiction movie. These insects, not content to merely lord over us, in their fascist socialist utopia, no. They want blood. Lots and lots of it. Real blood. And if you don't think so, you are a danger to those around you. Yeah you are (Whitey). 

Exemplar 2)

****  Yale University hosted psychiatrist's talk titled 'Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind' where she confessed to fantasizing about 'unloading a revolver into the head of any white person' and said white people are 'out of their minds'  ****

Exemplar 3)

****  Black Lives Matter protesters in Racine Wisconsin bullying an elderly disabled motorist, and disrupting the traffic during last night’s demonstration were caught on video which also shows no police presence as the chaos unfolds.

The woman in the video that was sent to us this evening is desperately trying to call help! Of course, the sender confirmed that he sent this video to every major news outlet but everyone ignored the fact that BLM harras a disabled person.  ****

(Myself, couldn't bring myself to watch. Sometimes, it just gets to be too much. This madness, this Evil laid bare.  And now has made itself right at home, here in America).

Exemplar 4) 

And readily the most hideous. Fauci, playing G*d (gain of function) while attacking G*d, attacking Country, the Citizens, and attacking all that is Holy. One little bug, one little insect. And with Zuckermaggot's help, damages just so much grain. Our Nation's spirit silos depleted, destroyed. These are not men. They are not Americans. They are not citizens of the world. They inhabit a dark space. And serve a dark master.

****  Tucker: Two-faced Fauci pushed draconian measures despite data

Jun. 04, 2021 - 9:45 - Fauci faces heavy criticism as 3,000 more emails are release. ****

The deranged lunatic Left, has already erased G*d from the schoolyard, from the public square, from the face of publicly owned corporations. From life. From books. From thought. From art even. 

The day comes, all too soon. Where rivers of blood will flow in the streets of America. As day follows night, IT IS COMING. Much I wish I were wrong. Wouldn't that be f*cking great! 

And I'm pretty sure, that that will also be the Joo's fault (because you know, they have an "insatiable desire for war." Sssshhh, but don't tell anyone. It will be ours and Brin and Page's little secret). Get rid of them Joo's? And we will all be one step closer to magic sparkle ponies running wild .... everywhere. Up down, all around, pink sparkle ponies running through every town. And A-hole-C's gramma, why she will even get a new roof [after that Netanyahu guy bombed the shizzle out of her comfy Puerto Rico abode (bet you think I'm making that up?)].

If you currently are not on an active wartime footing? Then you are just pumping slugs into your foot. Boom, boom .... boom. You lazy arse c*nts , you get busy saving this Nation. And you get right quick about it. Or forever kiss it all goodbye. GET TO F*CKING WORK!!! 

Must I paint you a picture? Jiminy, it isn't rocket science. It's more like donuts, just a dozen or two, of you. It isn't that hard. It's pretty damn simple really. Over six months or say a year. You just have to be willing. To man up, put on your apron and gloves. Do some cleaning and tidying. Willing to claim your seat, at a platinum altar, up in heaven. At the L*rd's right hand. And here on earth, the human beings then can once again enjoy a smile. In the company of family, of friends and neighbors. The insects having been vanquished. And the garden returned to us one, returned to us all. 

Remember joy and beauty? Remember peace, and calm, and tranquility? Remember ... prosperity? You don't get busy, they will forever be a memory. Gone, gone gone. You have been called. YOU pick up the phone. Answer the L*rd's call. If you need directions? Plenty of clues abound.

The stench of Satan is all over the election. And those who participated in the fraud. Planned it, funded it, executed it. And those who covered it up and hid it from view. Or remained silent, did nothing, or propagated the lie. There is nothing majestic about Satan. Give him his proper stencheful due, nothing more. A one way ticket to the bottom of the lunatic Left's outhouse. And then look the door. Chain it, permanently. 

But then maybe you all are enjoying enslavement? Finding it easier to go through life without your tongue. Or without your balls. Without either. Impotent silence. The fascists telling you how to live your life. That is, if you can call it living? We ain't getting the Country back, unless we take it. 

Got it?!? 

And all you clowns saying we are still the most free country in the world? F*ck You. And the surrender monkey horse you rode in on.  I want my country back, not some third world sh*thole, like the one in the below video:

****  Shocking video shows teen set woman’s hair on fire on San Francisco bus

Teen strolled over to sit beside woman, held up lighter to back of her hair and tried to ignite  ****

I don't have much time left. I don't have cancer, I don't have AIDS. But just so much of me is in disrepair. So much broken. Impresses even me (hey, I'm still alive!). And without the BIG hammer (major pain med). I can't go for a walk around the block. Or some mornings, even manage to get out of bed. Getting a shower is a real big deal. And I've only just started my sixties. 

But I will not surrender. I will not live on bended knee. I will not. Too many gave their all, their everything. For Me. Absolutely nobody, no one. That's what they did, for me. Me. What now is to become of me, I know not. But I know I will die standing. Whatever you bring. You cannot make me bend, nor kneel to your Satanic master. The debt I owe to those who came before, will be paid. 

But without anyone manning up, stepping into the box, taking a high inside fastball. We will never be free again. And I see nothing to make me believe we have a chance without. The horror of these Traitors, and the misery they have brought? Pales in comparison to the cowardice and surrender that is forcefully drowning my spirit .... until it bleeds. 

It seems maybe some are taking a really long view. Maybe kinda sorta somehow wait them out?  For when the Junta possibly stumbles or somehow falters. Makes some sort of irretrievable, stylistically fatal faux paus. That takes them off their game for a moment or lengthy pause. 

In the mean time, the defensive atomic movement is couched around small and local and in turn additive continental attrition. Call it the ten year plan. 

Fair to say I am no milstrat, but I don't know what anyone is waiting for. Some signal, the Batlight in the sky? A formal announcement? Hey dildo's, yeah you .... we have taken over your government and your country, and now you do what whatever the fook we tell you to do. And just for kicks, we are going to start raising prices five percent a month, until you squeal. Doritos are now five bucks. And lumber? Hey, we're only going to raise it five hundred percent. Only. Because people who own homes? They are just so dang racist. 

And oh yeah, wear a diaper on your face, stupid (imprinted with verbiage attesting to the humanity of a movement whose aim is that Whitey should die. For the collective good). While we patent a screwy vaccine, and then force you to take it (Nuremberg? Shirley you jest). Though now they are trying bribery, gambling (but no prostitutes), before the iron fist falls once again. 

And because we support the family, we are going to close all of your children's schools too! And then? Electronically propagandize them until their eyes and ears bleed (orange man ... bad, orange man ... bad, orange man ...). 

We will teach them to hate. Hate the Country. Hate Whitey, hate Joo's. Hate their parents. Hate themselves, hate themselves enough to cut off parts of themselves, in order to be whole. We will open your borders and turn your world upside down. Inside out, top to bottom.

And they only needed two years to do it. Starting with the fraudulent FISA warrants/Spygate. And just as evil, the free press, in conspiracy with them. With the Deep State's war on citizens of a different political stripe. The destruction of any/many. In service to the few, the Joebama Junta's outright Treason. And they are still in the White House. 

I look at the Constitution, wherein it says that these rights are given to us, by G*d. Gee oh dee. Gawd. Among those rights, the First Amendment. Nowhere in the founding document, is the name Mark Zuckerberg mentioned. Anywhere. G*d is, but not Mark. Strange that, because the release of the Fauci emails, clearly show that he, Zuckerberg. Thinks he is G*d. I know that I didn't vote for him. Well, for anything. Maybe we can vote him off the island? 

And maybe we can vote some of those other cockroaches off the island too? Like Bill Gates.....

****  So Bill Gates is another agent of China. Not really a big surprise, but using his search engine Bing to block results of the 1989 Tiananmen ‘tank man’ image? That’s a new low, even for Microsoft and their mediocre software and search engine. Image of Tiananmen ‘tank man’ from 1989 were blocked in the US, Germany, Singapore, France and Switzerland. ****

So this war rages on. Soon enough, not just the virtual, but the horror of loss of life ... in the atomic, approaches. They have no connection to reality. They make it up. Create it whole, from clear vapors. Right out of thin air. In whatever truth pleases them this day. Whatever that may be. One day, you are a loyal, patriotic American (with a passion for the Constitution). Yeah you are. The next? You are a wanted domestic terrorist with a price on your head. That quick.  That quick you are languishing in jail.

'Government Seeks Retribution for the Biden Resistance' 

****  The prosecution of the Oath Keepers is critical in fueling the notion that groups of armed, pro-Trump vigilantes organized an assault on the seat of American democracy. 

The U.S. government’s vengeance case against the Oath Keepers, a group that publicly declared its opposition to Joe Biden’s presidency, is now in its fourth iteration with no end in sight.  ****

This is it. This is the end. 245 years. A whiney whimper. Not even a scream. As a lad of five, I was quite fond of the Marine Corps Hymn, yeah I was. Now, if you enlist? After? You can receive free gender reassignment surgery. I mean free, no monthly payments. Man, I gotta tell you what a racist Country. They give away free Teeties and Weenies, to everyone who wants or asks!

Monday, June 7th, Nine a.m. 

The Accordion Effect 

Alt: Say a Prayer for Me 

The Islammocommie Junta's micro dimensional leadership style (destroy America at all cost. At any cost. At every opportunity). Has other benefits as well. It telegraphs to our Chinese enemy, that we have surrendered. Well in advance. Far, far, far in advance. China is now definitely feeling it (in below link). 

And it even gives Putin, a zest for public life. Getting to poke fun at Biden. Vis a vis human rights abuses of those currently jailed, behind the space alien attack in DC, on January 6th.'

****  'The Guangdong province announced in May that it was planning to build between 25 to 30 biosafety labs in the next five years

In the next few years, the world could see almost 60 maximum security Level 4 virology labs in operation. The Guangdong province announced in May that it was planning to build between 25 to 30 biosafety labs in the next five years. 

"What could go wrong?" questioned Human Events senior editor Jack Prosobiec  ****

And the Islammocommie Junta's micro dimensional leadership, now oft shares it's central nervous system, with the vile, odoriferous Treason monkey, Zuckerberg. And through his machinizations, the little snot nosed maggot not only manufactured Biden's Election win. Via a giant enterprise of criminal fraud. 

But on any given day, Zuckerberg now actually sits at the head of the Junta table. Having inserted himself there, using pocket skullduggery. He is truly one dangerous individual. In these times of already extreme peril.

****  Dr Dale Brown raised an interesting question on Twitter about a curious redaction from the emails of Dr. Fauci that were released last week.  On March 15, 2020, the mega-rich founder of Facebook sent a fawning email to Fauci, thanking him for his leadership and offering to “share a few ideas of ways we could help you get your message out….” 

After discussing how FaceBook can become an “information hub” for “authoritative information,” encourage people to practice social distancing, and offering to do a video with Fauci, the email closes with a final offer that is completely redacted. ****

And the Satanic nature, of the Deep State. Is now its only persona. Existing only to feather their own political and even personal nests. Reveling in their political greed. While celebrating their ability to change the axis of the earth's orbit. As they luxuriate in what they have managed to pilfer from the til. Or squeeze from foreign interests.

And in the pursuit of that greed. They employ no practical constraints on their unelected power. None whatsoever. They do as they dang please. With taxpayers money. And in collusion/conspiracy with whomever they wish. Be it the FNIC (fake news industrial complex), or the CTO's (creepfilth tech overlords). Buttering their toast on both sides. And all of these operatives together in concert, schtupping Lady Liberty, in da heine. Tag team rape of our Freedom. 

****  Pentagon gave $39 MILLION to Dr. Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance - the charity that funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab accused of being the source of the outbreak, federal data reveals. ****

It is all so really quite extraordinary. Beyond belief. Forget conspiracy theories. It is all now so unbelievable. Even I'm having a hard time staring reality in the eye. WTF is now every other word, of my internal dialog. Any given day's sequence of events, could easily be mistaken for a Batman sequel. And in thus, I'd have to at least go with Buscemi, playing Fauci (instead of Pitt).

It all so disturbing. It is all so hard to believe. That just like some television series from years past. Wherein they would explain away some bizarre plot twist/storyline. That comprised the last episode, of the previous season. 

And in the first episode of the new season, they would reveal that  the lead character of the series, had been asleep. And they were actually only dreaming, all of it.. And that none of it, none of the unbelievable events from the last episode of the previous season. Had ever happened! 


So I guess Jackwad Dorsey is guilty of crimes against humanity then, aye? Banning Trump, right. I gotta wonder how two legged feces like Zuckerberg or Dorsey. Are able to look themselves in the mirror. What is it that they see? What is it that they smell? It's just too darn easy to dismiss them as delusional. 

But then I'm fairly comfortable in the belief that they are incapable of seeing themselves, as we see them. We, able to see/smell them as they really are.

*****  Twitter declares access to its platform a 'human right' amid censorship of conservatives

The Nigerian government banned Twitter after it deleted a tweet from President Bush arrested. 

Twitter declared a free and open Internet to be "an essential human right in modern society" Saturday morning after the Nigerian government banned access to the social media giant following a dispute with its president – even as critics say it suppresses conservative content and bans its own users.  *****

Me, still trying to get the f*ck out of California. But the packing/sorting/vending/discarding is going unbelievably slow. And will take at least another month. But I cannot wait to get out of the social, regulatory, tax cesspool, that California has become. It now seems like nothing more than a prison. Say a prayer for me.