Thursday, February 24, 2022

War is Hell and Hell is Here

Twenty five images (in link).,hp1r

The pictures require no comment. As it is always so vulgar, to plant one's political flag. Atop still warm corpses.

"Pray" … sez noted commenter in the twitterverse. As the World is witness to Evil, currently slaughtering hundreds, in Ukraine.

And another? Notes the rapidly growing horror, that residents of large inner cities are forced to confront. Every single day now, in Biden's America.

And a barrel of oil, jumps almost ten percent overnight.

There isn't much that the IslammoCommieJunta, and the Fourth Reich haven't turned to shite. They, with the help of their handmaidens, WEF, the Creepfilth Tech Overlords and the Fake News Industrial Complex.

I gotta believe Xi, is now in serious contemplation, of moving on Taiwan. Putin, having obviously waited until the Winter Olympics, had put out the torch. Before setting Ukraine on fire. There are no coincidences. We wait, we watch, we see … what the "trigger" is, for China's attack on Taiwan.

Then the real war begins. Or in Biden's case, just and only time to change his Depends. The World is f*cked. And in linear fashion, so are we.

No pats on the back here. Something we studiously avoid (does anyone wear it well?). But we did strongly suggest, that everyone get on an active wartime footing, and quickly. Heck, common sense told you that. So the question is … wtf do we do now?

All we've got, is the People's Convoy. Making their very first overnight stop, in Golden Valley, Arizona, last night. And getting a most heartfelt welcome (six minute vid).

And all I can say is, that when they get to DC? They are really going to rock da f*ckin' joint! As now numerous smaller convoys, all across the Country converge. And join the whole, as it grows ever larger. And the sheer mass of trucks, W I L L  blow everyone's mind.


One p.m.

Are We Having Fun Yet?

As the (piddling) battle to place blame for Ukraine, continues apace. Back and forth, and back and forth. Frothing media ping pong …. Trump-Biden … Biden-Trump … rubber-glue. We get this lovely bit of leadership, from one of the (deranged lunatic) Junta's mouthpieces. And from his official gubment account no less!

White House deputy press secretary calls Trump a 'nauseating, fearful pig' who with Putin is 'rubbing their snouts together and celebrating as innocent people lose their lives

But no worries, noooh ... as bombs are falling in Kiev (and the first link in this post, of photos. Is very highly recommend). Another member of the Junta, is on the job, saving the day, saving the World … one John Fookin' Kerry:

"I hope President Putin will help us with respect to what we need to do to stay on track with the climate."

While all this idiotic, embarrassing juvenilia is taking place? There is a more dedicated, sinister undercurrent gathering force, the hatred that never dies:


That war in Ukraine, is driven solely by profits of some secret cabal, of Jews (dang, I never get invited to the meetings!). And this morning, I was treated to a new slur, that I hadn't encountered before …. Joobuki Theater.

Are we having fun yet?


Friday, February 25, Nine a.m.

Save Yourselves

Evil is Here. I've told you a hundred times now. 100. Get the f*ck out of the city. Get out … now. But no, don't listen to me. Noooh.

If you're man enough? Watch this snuff video. Of a 57 y.o. woman, descending the NYC subway steps. Attacked from behind, knocked down the stairs. And then is R E P E A T E D L Y struck in the head, with a hammer. Before the slimy insect with bloody hammer, departs with his trophy, her handbag.

(via BadBlue).

Hammer-Wielding Stranger Fractures Woman's Skull, Kicks Her Down Stairs in Subway Attack: Official

This forty second video is a perfect metaphor for everything that ails us. For everything that the IslammoCommieJunta and the Fourth Reich, are doing. To the Country, to the World, to you and me.

A "fractured skull and brain bleeding." 

Get out of the cities. Get out of New York. Get out of California (four months now, for me). Get out while you can. While you are still alive.

G E T   O U T !

I beg you. There is another world out there. A world where insects do not prey on human beings (ooh what a hater you are elmo).

A world of joy and beauty and light. Though Evil is here, you do not have to live in fear. You do not. You don't have to be a victim. Save yourselves.


Saturday, February 26, Eleven a.m.

We Got Us a Convoy ... Mutha Trucker

1:46 long Video, is vehicle mounted/moving camera, running the length of the convoy ("More than 1000 in New Mexico").

Ron Klain, Obama, and the rest of the Fourth Reich. Aren't smart enough to figure out what to do next? And how to counter truly massive peaceful, civil disobedience.

And in thus, the likelihood that people are going to die, by their hands. Is very, very high. Those are real human beings, real blood. Real murder. 

There is nothing they won't do, to stop its progress. Disrupt its arrival. Or cloud its message. Nothing.

They weren't elected. 81 million? Riiight. WE, the entire Country didn't vote for them (as the video clearly attests. And this scene will be daily repeated, all across America). And yes, after the Republic is restored. And after trials for Treason. Public executions are on the docket.

You Traitors know who you are. Enjoy your free trip to Hell, MuthaFuwkers. You've earned it! 




Sunday, February 27, Four p.m.

The Government is Working Harder to Stop the People's Convoy, than Putin

Summoning Satan. That is what the IslammoCommieJunta and the Fourth Reich, are up to. Klain, Obama, Rice, Blinken, Garland, Samantha Power. Plus all the horny butt-slammers at the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS blah blah ad infinitum.

I can't even begin to guess, what they have cooked up? In their effort to impede, stop, or destroy the People's Convoy. 

But try they will. And since they have shown no restraint, in their war on America. I do not expect them to be at all shy, in this continued attack on all that is Holy.

Maybe even a mass casualty event? Whom they can place blame for, solely on the Convoy. Something hideous, revolting, head turning. There are no depths that they will not descend to. And they don't want to screw this up. The Convoy has the potential to further disrupt their control of the Narrative. And that scares them more than anything.

I have to believe that currently, there are more people in (the illegitimate) Government. Working on stopping the People's Convoy. Than are working to stop Putin.

The Fourth Reich has already killed many hundreds of thousands of Americans. Directly, by their hand. With premeditation aforethought. With the Virus and the Vax. What's another fifty dead? A mere abstraction. Please do not underestimate their capacity for Evil. And yes, pray we will … that I am wrong.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Hold the Line

The Deranged Lunatic Left, are unreachable, they are lost in space. Free of any tether, adrift in a G*dless cosmos. No cord, no cable, no wire attached to their EVA suits. Connecting them to the command module.

So there is zero point in reaching out to them, across the aisle. Across the vast reaches of empty, vacuous, ideological space. There is no compromise, don't even waste the time. Their towering delusions are laser etched, inside their two inch thick titanium skulls.

Disconnected from the atomic, from reality. Completely and totally … lost in space. No oxygen, no gravity. Nothing that connects them to Planet Earth, in any way.

Sure, some restoration would be nice, some return to normal. But that just isn't going to happen. WE are Americans. With a belief in G*d and Country. And that's makes us, their enemy. Their mortal enemy.

The glorious past is no more, as the Deranged Lunatic Left rewrite history. While they try to destroy the future, at the same time. Erasing all Hope.

Events in Canada, defy any belief. (Paranoid) Conspiracy Theory, has now become real. All too. And the ease, and the speed with which a large independent Democracy, has been subverted? Is also unbelievable … astonishing.

The path forward? I am no longer able to speak my mind, and share my thoughts. Our Constitution has been revoked, including the First Amendment.

I can't do the time. For I do not have the health. To be proximal to or associated with, any of their made-up, fabricated crimes. Which now include Thought Crimes. Like the woman trucker in Canada (forty second video: "Chinada"). Who decided not to fly a large Canadian flag, on her truck's cab. And possibly/likely face arrest, or confiscation of her truck for so doing (flying her Country's flag).

But I will say this …. to the filthy members of the IslammoCommieJunta, and their power base, the Fourth Reich. F*ck you, and the granny stomping horses you rode in on. Allzewayup, wit a wed hawt pokah.

I have nothing left to lose. But then I'm repeating myself. They have already taken, that which is most valuable to me …. my Country.

There is nothing more you can take from me. Nothing more you can do to me. But if in your sheer derangement, you want to also take my dignity, or my Freedom?

Good luck with that. I don't give a f*ck who you are. Or whatever fascist dress uniform you are wearing. G*d is my wingman. I take orders from him. And he told me to hold the line. 

With my very last gasp of air, I shall.


Times of Fascist Doublespeak.

"The U.S. Capitol Police said last week they were aware of a Canada-style trucker protest coming to Washington, and are making plans to F A C I L I T A T E (the) First Amendment"

"working with law enforcement agencies and the D.C. National Guard"

"Capitol Police and the United States Secret Service have (also) been closely working together"

"the National Guard will create strategic road blocks throughout D.C."

"National Guard troops are encamped"

"Pending DOD approval, DCNG stands ready to provide support … as directed by the Secretary of Defense" 

Maybe it's just me? But I don't think the Fourth Reich understands the meaning of the word facilitate. Seems like they are going to eff ewe see kay … the First Amendment (in the arse). Rather than "facilitate" it.

And that is their end (locus) game. No telling what they have up their sleeve? During the next eight days, of The People's Convoy. While the Convoy is enroute, to DC. Starting tomorrow morning Wednesday, in Adelanto, California.

I'd bet dollars to donuts, that Helicopter Gunships, have been part of the discussion, by the Fourth Reich. And how they can further help 'facilitate' the First Amendment.

We're not in Kansas anymore. And these monsters and beasts are real, they are not make believe. This is no Country for old men.

Those Americans that the Great Reset could not kill, with the Virus, or the Vax? Disposing of them, with volleys from an aerial gunship? Is possibly an option. In which case, there will be blood. Lots of it.

Hold the line.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Now We Pray ...

As we travel upon the Wings of Heaven. As the first major battle, to save The Greatest Gift Ever Known, gets underway.

Take this Nation, and rescue it from out the cloven hooves, of the Satan beast … Obama+Reich 4.

Operation Overlord, the Allied advance upon the beaches of Normandy (held by the regime of the National Socialists). Synchronize watches …. February 23, Barstow, California.

Some of you Enlisted, have already made plans. Some of you Officers too. The rest of you?

Your orders have just arrived: ANY and all material support, to the Convoy to DC 2022.

Whatever you got? However much, however little. Virtual or atomic (deliver gift cards, or cash … D I R E C T L Y to participants IN the Convoy, in person. Avoiding any virtual interference of any kind).

Or you and family and LONG time friends, band together. And set up roadside aid stations … food, water, First Aid, propane, diesel (or card), clean clothes, blankets, toys, pet food, batteries, phone chargers/cords.

The beach landing zone, is three thousand miles wide. We will take major casualties, I'm Sorry. Professional Medical Personnel are strongly encouraged to request back-up, from family and friends. So that they can be available, on standby 24/7, for rapid deployment.

They cannot stop an idea.

But they can physically attack … the Righteous … with batons and bullets.

We now Pray …

Battle Hymn of the Republic …. Angela Primm, Choir


Thursday, February 17, Eleven a.m.

The Sound of Breaking Glass ! ! !

Yeah, I bought a copy of Hans Fallada's, Every Man Dies Alone (three or four years ago). But actually reading it? It's a thick dense read (in quantity and quality). 

And it's such dark and morbid material, to understand. But it clearly shows, without any question. How it really was possible, how the unthinkable actually came to be.

That a Country, an entire Nation … could completely lose its mind. And collectively, descend into an unimaginable Hell. Yet here we are once again, for everyone to see. That process is repeating itself, today this very minute.

Jeff Bezos' Washington Post, doxxing individuals, who donated to the Canadian Trucker's Freedom Convoy. Via the hacked donor list, to the Trucker's GiveSendGo account.

And Canadian banks joining in, willing participants in this Fidel Trudeau hypersonic rocket to Hell. Gleefully destroying the lives of people, who don't kneel and lick Dear Leader's boots.

Public shaming, scapegoating. Initiating a widespread response atomic, to those who would dare honk their horns in protest (those vermin!).

Anyone unable to see the direct correlation to Kristalnacht? Even if you don't actually hear the sound of breaking glass. These fascist events, ARE a mirror image of the Night of Broken Glass. These souless bots ignoring evil, are a clear and present danger to us all. Hitler's Willing Executioners. We now are living a waking nightmare.

I should be confident, that I don't have to nudge you to read the book. In order for you to determine your own personal course of action. But sadly, I am not.

I am confident however, that the undiluted insanity that I see, is all too real. Though still it is hard to grasp, how so many millions of Americans, have completely lost their minds, in 2022.

The wheels are coming off, all the way off of Society's wagon. So far down this road to oblivion, we have traveled. Which should be enough of a fright, enough of a scare, to prod us all into action.

But alas, many have become numb from the incessant pounding. Of these heavy fascist nails, right into our skull (the Gelato proprietor in Canada. Who quickly surrendered, under the massive onslaught of violent threats).

I myself, have way too often used the excuse of my vanishing health. To rationalize my frozen atomic gestalt. I mean, how much time do I really have left? Two years, three, five? I can't see it possible, I have much more than that.

I don't have cancer, I don't have AIDS. Or this or that illness, that portends a rapid demise. But taken together, the quantity and the nature of all that ails me? All my sh*t is broken. The cards I'm holding, aren't a winning hand … that's that.

What's your point elmo?

What little is left of me, what little time I have left. Is no longer an excuse, to rationalize my sittin' wit my thumb up my bum.

As much comfort as I would take, ignoring this now hideous world. Curled up in a ball on the floor. Me, and my future puppy (the only dream I have left). I earned a rest, some peace.

Too bad … ya little crybaby ... too bad. The L*rd already gave you blessings mighty, elmo. Gave you so much magic and joy, and wonder.

Now? Now there is glass to sweep b*tch … grab a broom.


Saturday, February 19, Four p.m.

Ian Miles Cheong, video, thirty one seconds:

"Justin Trudeau’s SQ (Quebec provincial police service) officers removed their identifying names and badge numbers from their uniforms in Ottawa"

And the nameless, badgeless  (Canadian) Gestapo, all lined up in attack formation. More closely resemble caricatures, from a science fiction movie (THX-1138). Than real world human beings, in the atomic.

This sh*t is getting to be scary. Those on the line, those holding the line. Are G*d's Righteous Soldiers. And I salute you.

Is there any difference between Cadesha Bishop, violently shoving from behind, 74 y.o. Serge Fournier, to his death. Off the the front of a Las Vegas bus, while he was standing with his walker, waiting to exit?

And the Ottawa police, on horse back. Trampling an elderly woman, also with a walker, acting peacefully (video receipts on demand). Officers riding right on over her, while on horseback.

That's right, there is no difference. Murder is Murder. By premeditation. Though yes, the woman trampled by horses, is still alive (Thanks Given).

There are many ways to look at the event, where the police plowed through a thick crowd of calm, peaceful protesters. And trampled them willy-nilly, using a large group of riders on horseback.

Lessee … the order is given by a Commander, regards a large dense crowd of people. Forcefully bowling them over, with a herd of jittery horses traveling on smooth concrete. Concrete covered with snow, water, and black ice. Large horses, shod with steel shoes.

That cover it?


Sunday, February 20, Ten p.m.

Nothing Will Stop Me … Nothing

Dancing On Our Graves … That is what these six legged, fascist filch are doing. Whether it's Ottawa's new police chief, openly, tumescently threatening Canadians. With his/Fourth Reich's eternal wrath. They W I L L hunt you down (like a rabid dog). For months (and months) on end. And destroy your life, totally and completely. Leaving nothing, nothing at all. Not even your Freedom. And they seem hellbent on taking your dignity as well.

Leaders of the Freedom Convoy, in Ottawa. Today, taking that high inside fastball, and hitting it right out of the park: "not going to be a punching bag" (for the Gestapo). And disbanding the Ottawa action, post haste.

The Ottawa chief of police, threatening beyond peaceful protesters. Where ONE cop was injured, in three entire weeks of protests. One.

In the summer of 2020? ANTIFA & BLM, injured TWO THOUSAND cops. Two thousand. And did two billion dollars, in damage.

Some Ottawa cops are proud, giddy with laughter. At the elderly (Candace Sero, full blooded Mohawk?) woman. Standing in the crowd, with the help of a walker/rollator. Who they then mowed down, with their equestrian unit. 2,000 pounds of panicked horse flesh, a herd literally on ice. Punting her flat on her side,  horizontal to the pavement, her hands still gripping her walker. Looking more 2D, than 3D.

She's currently in hospital, with serious shoulder injuries. One officer quipping, that they need to repeat/practice that maneuver. For their amusement, not the public's safety.

Or Queen of the Turdmonkeys Keith Olberman, joining in the laughter and celebration ("lol").

Or the woman on the streets of Ottawa. Asking a group of officers. Where she can go, to get a cup of coffee. And the officers then verbally abuse her. Before assaulting her. Maybe they thought she was making some kind of donut joke? You got me. 

The totality of all this Evil and madness. Has left my heart black and blue (cue Louis). As we are on a continuum, with things progressing. And all too soon, spiraling out of control. Every which way but loose.

What you do, in the days, weeks, and months ahead? I know not. What you have to contribute. What you can bring to the party. And I will neither joke nor hint (jiminy).

But I do know this. In three days, on Wednesday, the Freedom Convoy gets underway. Enroute to DC, leaving from Barstow, headed to Kingman. And then after, continuing East on I40.

What you do, to save America? And there's a whole lot to be done. Boy is there ever. But if YOU are not somewhere by the side of (3,000 miles) of road. Draped in a flag, snapping a salute, when the Freedom Convoy rolls by? Then don't talk to me, stay out of my face.

Skin in the game.

Are you in?

Or are you out?

I got my radiantly colored, 3×5 flag the other day. And already fitted it with some paracord, and a sprung plastic handclamp (let the wind do its worst, no worries).

I never wore the uniform. That won't stop me from snapping MY mofo'ing hand. With precision and fury. Nothing will. You will have to kill me.

Monday, February 14, 2022

America's Greatest Enemy

Our imagination has not fully prepared us, for what lies ahead. As we journey into darkness, to arrest this Evil. That has left this Nation, beaten and bloodied. And my spirit broken.

Confronting us, are an army of (thousands of khaki clad FBI) Traitors. Real actual Traitors, engaged in real actual Treason. With a crushing two handed grip, around the throat of Lady Liberty (and a couple of pipe-bombs, with kitchen timers. In their back pocket).

Six legged creatures, devoid a soul. These locusts now exiting Satan's anus. Are enroute to devour this Nation, as quickly as they can. Before they can be driven from the Garden (Durham is only the very tiniest start).

What are the current totals of dead Americans? Whose lives have been erased by the engineered Bioweapon fauxdemic. Or … its Frankenstein, even more life destroying mRNA antidote (delivered via hypodermic needle).

With not a second thought, or the slightest regret. North of half a million Americans, have been murdered. M U R D E R E D. Flippantly. Then casually discarded. Those were human beings. Past tense. And this slaughter continues apace, this very minute.

The Fourth Reich will have Zero compunction, continuing upon this path of large scale human slaughter. There is NOTHING they won't do, to keep feeding their insatiable lust for power. And of course, avoid the penalty that awaits them, for Treason (winkity).

Fake insurrections, fake wars, fake pandemics, fake elections.

None of this is fiction. But that it were. Sadly, it is all too real. And if we are to save the Nation? We must stand, we must face Lucifer, and not turn away from the searing blast of Hellfire.

The only Higher Power that they recognize? Is that which they can smoke, in their Government issued crack pipes.

The Nation's survival, is in question. Everyone need take stock, do an inventory. And devise a plan of individual and family survival, in the atomic. As well any possible contribution they can make, to the effort to save the Greatest Gift Ever Known.

Saving America from the Greatest Enemy, she has ever known … Obama and The Fourth Reich.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Fascist Filth

It's always nice to discover, that a previous post here at Anechoic Room. Has simply just disappeared. Vanished, into thin air. Well, disturbing actually. 

The post, from January 14, titled "Assassination of Conservatives is Next!". Is not even accessible via external search.

We don't have much left in the tank. To bother with migrating to another platform. Let alone much more to say. And our life journey, having run its course. We simply used this chassis up.

But that won't stop us, from reposting the disappeared link, below, in its entirety. Just our way of saying fungulo, to the fascist filth Brin and Page. Whose entire composition is Evil. Every stanknasty (knock a buzzard off a sh*twagon) breath they take.


January 14, 2022

Assassination of Conservatives is Next!

By the CIA and the FBI … they, getting jiggy with it. In the run-up to 2024. And anyone who has inside knowledge, of the Deranged Lunatic Left's activities and ambition's? They represent a serious political liability also, thus becoming a target for termination (too). Epstein was just a dress rehearsal. They are playing for keeps.

There are no limits or barriers, on the manner/method with which they will preserve the power, that the Coup has gifted them (I can't say it was bloodless. Her name was Ashli Babbitt. January 6th, is Her Day).

Byrd shoots all 5'2" of her, in the back. Murders her in cold blood. And is never questioned, even once … by Law Enforcement.

He is however, given a raise and a better parking spot (this is a preview, of what Equity World would look like).

The 2024 Election playbook of the Junta, contains all manner of formations, all of the evil methods they will employ. To keep Trump out, of the House of White. Up to and including his demise.

Or the demise of Ric Grenell, Tucker Carlson, Don Jr., Ron DeSantis, or Dan Bongino. And goes without saying Doctor Malone, Alex Berenson, or Joe Rogan as well.

If cheating on the vote count (again), doesn't do it? Maybe they will enact Martial Law. And suspend the re-count. If they don't suspend the election entire, first.

There are a multitude of plays, and simulations they are running. But they get very excited at the idea, of actually murdering President Trump (especially Hollywood AND the mullahs). Even if possibly, it effects a greater loss of political yardage, than it gains.

Or killing whomever might suceed him on the ballot (or in the public eye/fancy). Even anyone who has his back, or anyone who exposes the truth.

It isn't enough for them to merely silence. Cutting our virtual tongues out.

The first couple of years, of this blog's existence. We were completely delisted from Google search. In 2005 and 2006, completely invisible. Nothing (and we've been shadow banned the last two years. Plainly obvious with but a cursory analysis of incoming traffic).

Where in 2005, on a number of different search terms, and news discussions. We were the first or second hit on Yahoo search (and others). As we were on Google, before they let the mask fall, and removed us from the algorithm. We very quickly understood the power held by the 24/7 Evil, Brin and Page.

I'm sure DSB4 (Deep State Branch Four), has spent thousands of hours. Informing themselves what need be done, to keep firm their grip. Witness all the many new micro-branches. That pop up every single day now, at every Government Agency. And these bouncing baby new enterprises, are devoted to a singular task.

Dividing our World,  by the (quantitative) content of our melanin. For the joy it gives their black heart's. For the damage it does to our Nation. Dividing our World, by the (qualitative) content of our Character. And if you have Character, any at all? You are a Domestic Terrorist.

And they have the help and support of countless thousands. Hollywood, the Teacher's Unions … Labor Unions, Old Media, New Media … the Creepfilth Tech Overlords. Help from stealth operatives … George Soros. And other assorted foreign bad actors, and Governments.

They all are taking no chances. The Coup has suceeded, with the greatest of ease. They don't want to overlook anything, the second time around.

Whatever it takes. Whatever trickery or slight of hand. Whatever lies must be skull-pounded (below Tucker link, a written extract, of last night's opening monologue):

"Who's a threat to the country? That guy is the threat to the country (Matt Olsen, Assistant Attorney General), and the people working for him, and those propping him up, and the people spreading the core lie here, which is that American citizens who distrust the government or don't like its policies are terrorists"

Whomever, and however … they simply must die [like magic … say in a single passenger plane crash (like the State of Hawaii, Birth Records clerk. Who oversaw the immaculate conception)].

The Junta are old hands at this. And have no compunction doing Beelzebub's bidding. None whatsoever.

I'm not a fatalist. I (desperately) try to be a realist. I haven't given up … but we are facing very long odds. Staring up the long barrel, of DSB4's custom bolt action.

They are gunning for anyone, that they cannot cancel. Either virtually, or by any other method.

They are playing for keeps. Act like your very lives depend on it. For they do.


Sunday, January 16, 2022, Ten a.m.

"More to uncover … about the hostage taker, who had asked for the release of a Pakistani scientist."

Loose (but not too) quotation of radio broadcast, of the Islamic Terror attack, on Jews. Yesterday, in Texas, in a house of worship, during (live internet broadcast of) religious services.

This truly idiotic "reporting." From the FNIC, and (one of) their masters, the Federal Bureau of *ssmonkery (who are now directly writing the news copy, for the Fake News Industrial Complex).

It isn't enough, that the Junta directly attacks the health, of hundreds of millions of Americans. With their endless propaganda and gaslighting. About the effectiveness of the vaccine, and the non effectiveness of any (very well proven) treatment/therapeutics.

After funding and creating the virus in the first place (and who knows who actually pulled the trigger, on release of the virus?).

Now, they are giving Terrorists a free pass. To Kill Jews. 

October, 2021, Kamala Harris: “Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed, and it must be heard.”

You know, that Jews are Ethnic Genociders (who one day, just showed up out of the blue. And stole the land from the long time residents, the Palesplodians. And now them evuhl Joo's, keep Arab babies in their basement. In order to harvest their blood, to make their flat matzah bread).

And so … the right thing to do of course? Is to kill them [Jews (dummy)].

None of this is by accident. But it truly will be a miracle. If we survive.

Sunday, January 16, 5:30 p.m.

Evil Never Sleeps …

It's been more than twelve hours now. Since the FBA (Federal Bureau of *ssmonkery), and the FNIC (Fake News Industrial Complex), were married. In a public ceremony, in Colleyville, Texas. 

And one would think, they would be doing the usual things. That newlyweds usually do, on their honeymoon. But not the FBA and the FNIC. Nooh.

Instead, they are hard at work, very. F*cking America. Which actually shouldn't be any surprise to anyone (who isn't in a coma).

'Texas Hostage Taker Identified as British Citizen'

So, he still isn't a Terrorist, nope. He's a hostage taker. You know, like the guy at the multiplex, in a white, polycotton shirt (with a clip-on bowtie). Taking your ticket, and giving you half back.

Nothing to see here … move along.

And well, he isn't an Islamist either, nope. He's a Brit, a civilized chap. Adores the Queen, cheerio and all that.

And well, you would be very hard pressed to see the words Jewish, Terror, or Islam anywhere in the article. Even once.

"FBI agents are continuing to sift through evidence at the synagogue."

Good luck with that. But if the last while has taught us anything, anything at all?

Is that the FBA won't have much luck finding anything. With their heads so far up their own *sses.

8:00 p.m.

So loathsome, so contemptable the Left ….

Michigan AG Dana Nessel Suggests “White Supremacy” to Blame for Texas Synagogue Islamist Attack

Before spotting this link, I did in fact see an earlier snarc, in comments/threads … around the blogosphere. But it didn't take long, for the Left to rise to the occasion. And for that joking sarcasm, to become actual reality. The Left just can't help themselves …. deranged is as deranged does.

From link:

"many of which are white supremacy organizations (ed: Right or Conservative groups), and they traffic in hatred against Jews and other minorities. If it does turn out that is the motivating factor here, it would hardly be a surprise," Nessel said.

Or of course, the Federal Bureau of *ssmonkery (vehemently) talking out their arse: "acted alone." 

Which has already been proven, in real time, to be gaslighting. With the arrest of two young individuals, in Manchester, England. By British police, a few hours ago.

I guess they didn't get the FBA memo. To be on the lookout for middle aged white guys.

Heck, even Adolf Joe Biden, got in on the Islamic Terrorist love fest: "nothing to suggest it had anything to do with Jews or Israel."


Yep, that's a fairly loose quote. But I'll be damned if I watch the video of him again! (Remember, I don't get paid, let alone combat pay). Though it is noteworthy, for seeing him appear semi-cogent, for ten whole seconds.

It all kind of reminds me of the Don McLean lyric: the Day the Music Died.

Only today, after continuously begging for mercy, the Truth died. After being tortured non-stop, for 24 hours.

Monday, January 17, Three p.m.

'Why Was Texas Synagogue Jihadi Allowed Into U.S. Two Weeks Ago Despite "Long Criminal Record"?'

Umm … because he wasn't the parent of school aged children. With a dislike of teaching our children to hate. Via Critical Race Theory. Turning small children, into racists.

He hadn't attended a school board meeting, verbally expressing same.

And umm … he wasn't white. Nor was he middle aged. And he wasn't a Conservative. And he wasn't wearing a MAGA hat, on the plane. When he flew here, two weeks ago (that snarc borried from threads, Freep).

So obviously, he wasn't a domestic or foreign enemy. Not in the least. Wasn't in their database, like you and me. And Kamala has made it quite plain, the Jews are our enemy. Ergo, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend.

Connect the dots? That isn't the FBA's job anymore. Protecting us. Their job now, their ONLY job. Are as protectors and enforcers, of the Junta. That's it. 

Their prescence in Colleyville, was merely theater. To give the impression that they are protecting us (when they aren't).

More Jews are going to die. Lots more. "Never forget"? Forget what?

The Federal Bureau of *ssmonkery, think that just because they wear khakis. We won't recognize them, for the Nazi Mutha Fuwkers they are.

They aren't worthy of my spit.


Tuesday, January 18, Seven p.m.

Via Top Twenty Tweets/Doug Ross …. linking "HammerTime," on Twitter.

And number 13 linked tweet, is about CNN. Showing a screen capture, where we see in Red the words … DEVELOPING STORY. And the below included static chyron/under banner reads: "Shooter was factually Arabic, but morally White."

And Mister Hammer tweets: "I can't even caption this."

Me? I'd go with beating a dead horse, until your hands bleed (criminy … how many times do we have to tell you? He wasn't an Islamist, no. And he's wasn't a Terrorist either. And he wasn't going after Jews!).

Many on the Right, have a hard time wrapping their minds around what the Deranged Lunatic Left, is up to. The why's and wherefore's. And you will often hear the question: Are they intentionally lying? Do they know this propaganda is false?

But I'll reply, in repetition … the Left believes all of the propaganda, that they spew. So thoroughly, completely, and totally indoctrinated they are.

They DO believe we are evil, just because of the color of our skin. They believe that the color of our skin, does all of our thinking for us. That it dictates all of our actions. That it is the prism through which our entire lives are lived. Continuously, from birth all the way to old age.

It's such a small thought. Promulgated by such little people. And it fills up the entire interior space, of their thick skulls.

And while it is sad, and utterly pitiful. It is now extremely dangerous. And as I have already said a thousand times. It leads to only one place. A place of violence. 

Gee wouldn't it be great, to be wrong? Damn would it ever! But most unfortunately, I am not.

For Evil has arrived, Evil is here. I beg you P L E A S E. Get out of the city, as quickly as you can. No, it won't be easy. It will not. The stress, the physical burden, the financial burden, of my escape three months ago? Is crushing me. And my spirit.

Biden destroyed the economy, obliterated the supply chain (I bought a two foot length of 3/4", ferrous plumbing pipe, at Home Depot, the other day. For $20 !!!). And it is now beyond difficult, to start anew in another State. Well and truly.

But it sure beats the heck, out of being nonchalantly stabbed to death. By a complete stranger, in the light of day. Because of the color of my skin.

This is the hate, that Nobel Peace Prize winner Buraq Hussein Obama. Has infected America with. And it is now spreading like wildfire, in every major city. And it is a thousand times more deadly than Covid 19.

Save yourselves. I beg you.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

One of the most pivotal battles, of the Second American War of Independence, rapidly approaches.

It is possible, it will be the single most important. Think Little Round Top. For if the Convoy to DC is successful? The Nation may still have a chance of surviving.

But if it fails? Then it may be the beginning of a downward spiral. From which we and the Nation, will never recover.

I've generally avoided hyperbole, over the years. So that whence occasions of great import approach? My words have both meaning and worth.

More than Joe Rogan, and by an order of great magnitude. The Fourth Reich truly fear the Convoy to DC 2022.

The Canadian Truckers' Freedom Convoy, has demonstrated many things. The unstoppable power of mass peaceful protest, for a Righteous Cause. And that successful Protest? Already has its own page in the History Books.

It had also thrown a very bright light, upon the six legged little bug, Trudeau. Who scurried away to hide.

The most staggering cowardice, I've been witness to, in my lifetime (remember, we don't do hyperbole). Exposing him not as a leader of men. Let alone the leader of a Nation whole.

Not possessing even a dram of intellect, common sense, character, or empathy. Devoid of anything remotely similar. A revolting, unctious, creeptoid. Not only is he not a leader, he isn't even a politician. I'd call him a dildo? But he's actually a fascist butt plug. A pink … fascist butt plug. Whose major talent? Was to take a break barrel scatter gun. And blow his own foot, completely the eff off.

How difficult would it have been, to meet with the Truckers, really? Find some common ground, any common ground. But that not only isn't in Trudeau's inventory. It can't even be located in his imagination. His mind is completely filled with his own personal hagiography.

A politician, would have at least considered it, thought it over, consulted with his advisory staff. A Leader? Would have seized the opportunity.

So what's your point elmo?

An exceedingly LARGE number of individuals, currently drawing a paycheck at the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, IRS, DOD [and however many other double secret, domestic black bag/spook agencies (they've even got the Pope onboard, for that matter)].

Are all now crafting plans to prevent the Convoy to DC 2022,  from occurring. From taking place. From succeeding. Sabotaging it by whatever means? Up to and including murder.

Including infiltration, mechanical sabotage, supply or fuel interruption, road failures/destruction, flooding, gaslighting, false flag ops, manufactured dirt, or the planting of evidence of a crime. These Treason Monkeys have unlimited finances, resources, operatives and operational power.

And now? They are afraid. And we know how dangerous rabid wild dogs can be, when cornered. This is the Very First Time, that the Junta has had their confidence shaken.

We don't do hyperbole here. But everyone needs to understand.


It really is, it is here now ... in full hideous glory. And though not upon a field of battle, with demarcation lines. There will be blood. Real blood. And people are really going to die. Many lives will be destroyed. Whether physically or existentially.

The Gestapo are readying their plans now. No matter how many people the fiends put in actual chains. No matter how many lives they shatter. No matter how many they kill? And make NO mistake, people ARE going to die, by their hand. Directly ... by plan. Or indirectly, collaterally by accident. Without their slightest regret or remorse. And sometimes, those collateral numbers run high.

There is only one way they can succeed, only one. If we give up, or if we surrender.

Their psyops, will be specifically devoted to same. Painting the Convoy, or individual Truckers, with some of the most outrageous or heinous brushes. To try and turn the public away from their cause. And take away any and all support.

Whether planting or manufacturing evidence of drugs, weapons, explosives, prostitution, child pornography, slavery, bestiality, Russian collusion, Nazi literature or paraphernalia. Anything ... to take away some of the luster or some of the shine. To tarnish this Army of G*d's Righteous Soldiers. Who just happen to be regular, ole everyday Americans (nothing more, nothing less).

There are no rules in this fight.

The Jug Eared Mooselimb, holding the marionette strings, doesn't recognize the Geneva Convention. Like all the Jihadi who came before him. And why the Dungeon in DC, is filled to overflowing, FOR OVER A YEAR NOW. With people who have committed no crime, have never been charged, have never even been arraigned.

Want to see the Heavens open up wide? Want to see G*d's Pure White Light? Imagine Tens of Thousands of Semi Trucks, 20,000 ... 30,000 driving right on up to the front gates, of King Hussein's DC Dungeon. 

Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

And their diesel horns

Brought the walls a tumbling down!

This may be our last best chance … to save this thing so fantastic, so wondrous, so precious. This place, this land, this Nation … America.

And after? We can send all the Karen's, all the Commies, Socialists, Mask lovers, Vax worshippers, and all the rest of the Libturds … to Canada. And then,  all of the Freedom Lovers in Canada, can expatriate here. And yes, we'd have to build a wall, on our Northern border too.


Any maggots employed by the Fourth Reich, who specifically are currently monitoring my output? Lick the corn out my crack, Jack … (and well, they clumsily  h a v e  entered my machine in the past. Lamely attempting to intimidate).

Mebbe I'm just getting paranoid? Which has never ever been my style. But then Freedom, Liberty, and the First Amendment, have taken quite a serious beating of late. More than in the entire history of our Nation. Ever. Only a fool or an idiot, would believe they aren't reading, following, watching, monitoring members of the Right, Right Voices, or Right Media.

And of course, have openly admitted such. In their very latest (Global!) Terror Assessment.

You know ... Run Away Run Away It's Whitey ... Aaaah!!!


Wednesday, February 9, Four p.m.

Which Side are You On?

For a long time, the default (doodie), that prattled out the Deranged Lunatic Left's pie hole. Was, that by virtue of the color of my skin. I was a White Supremacist (that is, when I wasn't busy Insurrecting).

Then last month, they changed/updated my profile … because of my profile (the particular style of my proboscis). Now, I had become … an Ethnic Genocider (as well all of the residents, of the State of Israel).

Recently, last week. That again changed. Because of my love of Freedom, Liberty, and the Constitution. I was (drum roll please) … now a Russian Agent (how cool is that?).

And so too, were the nearly ten thousand truck drivers. Participating in the Canadian Freedom Convoy.

But, that didn't last long, nope. Today, this very minute? I've been transformed yet once again. Because I believe that the Democrats, interfered in the 2020 Election. Having engaged in a massive, systematically organized Fraud. And because I believe, based on a mountain of real, actual evidence. That Biden was not elected by the people. And thus, is not actually President.

The Fourth Reich has this day, declared that I am a Terrorist. Yeah, if it wasn't insane, it would be funny. But what it is, is scary. And that is by design.

They haven't quite figured out yet, how to murder 200 Million Americans. Those who believe in G*d, as well having a belief in the Constitution. Though I'm sure they have been studying various possible courses of action, as we speak.

And until they can dispose of 200 Million A M E R I C A N S ? Who don't worship Communism, Socialism, Fascism, the BRMD (Baby Raping Moong*d Deathcult), and Dear Leader.

Then at the very least, they would prefer we keep quiet. While they shove their New World Order, up our *ss. And they think that if they can scare us, or threaten us? We will keep quiet, while they have their way with us.

And somehow continue to coverup their crimes, and their participation in the phony election. It took more than a year, for Dinesh D'Sousa, to uncover and amass all of the clear evidence.

Incontrovertible evidence. Of the manner, method, and scale. A year of dedication, sweat, and toil. Presented in his upcoming motion picture, 2000 Mules. Evidence that the Gestapo (FBI), has had all along.

What, the FBI are going to investigate themselves? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. They (and the CIA) are the Coup, and the Coup is them. And them is the Fourth Reich.

There isn't any credibility to restore (to the agency). They are Traitors. As great or greater than any America has ever known. They are beyond dangerous. They are Pure F*cking Evil.

Though things could not have been more clear, then. When the vote counting was synchronously stopped, in numerous locations around the Country. And bulging suitcases, filled with nothing but hundreds of thousands of sloppily manufactured Biden ballots, then just magically appeared (in Atlanta).

When no investigation was then launched? What more evidence did you need, of the FBI's actual participation, in a real actual Coup. In the United States of America. And we're the criminals? Right (and for good measure, they say I'm an extremely dangerous terrorist too).

This is without question, the most dangerous time, in the entire history of our Nation.

The Foreign Born Mooselimb Traitor (now currently building an eyesore of a beachfront house, in Hawaii. Courtesy his instant massive wealth explosion). Spent every waking moment, while he was in the White House. Planting the seeds of this Nation's destruction. Every new hire in the FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, IRS, DOD, DHS, State Dept.. Had to first pass a test of ideological impurity.

Was their allegiance to G*d and Country? Or to King Hussein Obama, his gaawd Al-huh, and their nascent Fourth Reich.

We're talking t h o u s a n d s of Traitors, infecting every cubic inch of leadership and power. Toss in Obama's own personal, private, offshore (pocket) intelligence agency. And this is what you get.

Me … a decrepit, rapidly falling apart (getting my third pacemaker this year. And awaiting my ninth, major, invasive abdominal surgery as well). Sixty plus years old, bbbrat.

Me, elmo … am Officially, the most dangerous man alive. The skeeriest dude imaginable.


For just one reason. Because I speak the truth. About who they are, and what they are up to. They are afraid of my words [and those of every other Conservative, who won't bend (over)].

And now the Department of Homeland Security, has created the actual printer ready (pre)text. For Government sanctioned violence … against Jews (yep, that's the sound of glass windows being shattered!).

Conservatives, Whites, and Jews being a Clear and Present Danger, to the Country. For not believing the results of the pathetically fraudulent election.

These criminals dare destroy a Nation, then demand my silence? My death is the time whence I will be silent. Which suits them and Miss Diss Information (Cucksaki), just fine.

I told you the other day. There is another Holocaust now underway. I also told you, I don't do hyperbole. I only deal in truth. Life then, is so much less complex. No time, energy, or effort is expended in remembering all of the lies that have been told.

You go ahead and decide for yourself, if I am a Terrorist. That is, if you aren't afraid. And if you are afraid … then who is the Terrorist?

One difference between me and them? I don't feel the slightest compunction, or need. To have to do anything to/about Brian Stelter. I could care less what he thinks, what he says? It makes no difference to me. He doesn't even annoy me. Because my TV has a remote. It's easy enough for me to lift one finger, and change the channel! Buh-bye. Though he is a continuing punching bag, for lazy talking heads on the Right (hint: The Motion Picture Jeremiah Johnson).

He is not in posession of any reason, or sense. Any logic? Is entirely circular. His thoughts (if you can call them that), are simply unable to compete, with other ideas. In an open exchange of ideas. 

He repeatedly brings a (cracked, rusty toy) 99 cent souvenir pocket knife, to a transcontinental naval battle.

And after he has his head handed to him? After losing an argument, that he never had any hope of e v e r winning. Roly Poly … panties in a bunch, does what all the rest of the good little fascists do. He dictates then enforces the outcome, for everyone else, every time. Mandating inferior, failed, worthless ideas.

Meritocracy? How racist! Back when this was a Free Country. We could all laugh at Mr Potato Head. Such a ceaselessly proud idiot, was amusing.

Unfortunately, he is now Second in Command, at The Reich Ministry. After Miss Diss Information, Cucksaki. And the Fourth Reich's words, actually DO kill:

"your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth, should not be suppressed and it must be heard"

Thazzrite … ALL Jews are Ethnic Genociders … mass murderers (the ones that survived that fake Holocaust, anyway). And have stolen the land of Israel, from its previous inhabitants of five thousand years, the Palestinians (you know … the authors of the Bible). And them Jews, now keep Arab babies in their basement. In order to harvest their blood, to make their flat matzah bread.

I don't care what they think, or what they say. Really I don't. Lies are lies, are lies. However impressively stupid, or unbelievable.

But their lies are now causing a vertical uptick in violent attacks, on Jews. And this past week, simply too many attacks, on camera no less. To list or link.

The truth, does my talking for me. And in times normal, the truth would also simply speak, for itself. You would watch all this week's videos, of the attacks on Jews, yourself. But there simply are too many. And it would crush your spirit. Destroy it, as it has mine (hint: If you have never watched a jihadist beheading video? You DO NOT need to start now).

But no more. In resurrection of ghastly ghosts past. Words and language have once again been commandeered. Modified, weaponized. And the truth cut to shreds, with all manner of steely implements.

And all for naked power. In service to their naked hate. There is nothing noble about these evil beasts. They have no redeeming qualities. They serve mankind not. They are mankind rot. They serve only their Dark L*rd and master, Satan.

It is you Joe Biden, your administration, with the bulging veins in your neck.

Temple Congregations, must update emergency preparedness plans N O W. Not later. Including self defense drills and techniques. Including methods for dealing with poison gas, fires, and explosions.

Persons of the Jewish faith shall no longer travel alone, at night. Ever again in America. But instead, in a formidable group. And should quite seriously consider traveling to and from Religious services, in complete total disguise. Every single time. Even traveling different routes, each average day of your life.

Until such time as their entire Temple and Congregation. Can relocate to another State [that has the right to carry (Buck model #120, is the absolute minimum standby/substitute. $70 at Walliemart)]. Do not be a random target of hate.

So who is the terrorist, huh … me?

Or the Fourth Reich and their Department of Homeland Security, ginning up racial violence.

Evil has arisen, war is here. Which side are you on?