I Pray That These ARE the Days of Miracles and Wonder
(Paul Simon/Boy in the Bubble)
Plain and Simple … Saving America is a Suicide Mission. Let's get that clear.
Are you personally willing to die?
Are you willing to give your life?
I mean REALLY.
This isn't a joke.
That is what it is going to take. That is not hyperbole. Surrendering your life, either in death, or life imprisonment.
There are NO circumstances under which they will peacefully give up their stolen, ill gotten power. NONE. The FiMTH-FOSA'S (Frothing Maggots That Have Flown Out of Satan's Anus).
They … more than likely will corrupt or postpone the upcoming Mid-term Election. Take your pick. By whatever means or schemes?
And I'm also more than sorry to say, that there is NO way that they will allow Trump to return to the White House. Whether through their continuing, nonstop lawfare attacks. Or blowing up the Electoral College. Or … through outright assassination of his person (yes, they have already run the simulations).
His return to the White House, means jail and imprisonment for hundreds of Traitors. His return to the White House, means the end of the FBI. Its complete and total demolition (see you, bye).
Evil Walks Among Us.
It is not fiction.
It is real.
And it is happening.
It's not a Rod Serling, weekly TV serial.
Every town now is a Bidenville.
Filled with hunger, and cold, callous, harsh desperation.
You are going to have to decide what your course of action is? And what you are willing to ante up?
And in defense of your person, from any and A L L, who would seek to do you harm?
You must be ready, at the drop of a hat. To take another human life.
It's in our hands. The cavalry isn't coming. And while the Good L*rd IS on our side. We. Us. You (and me) … are his earthbound agents. We are his hands. It's up to us. And no one else. And it will take everything that we have. Up to and including our very lives. Our bodies, our souls.
One week I'm of the belief that ultimately, we will triumph in the end. And the next? I'm not so sure. They have amassed seemingly unstoppable power. These Traitors are many in number. They are embedded in every agency, every branch, and every strata of Federal Government. As well Local, City, County, and State.
And those charged with our very safety, our actual security, as well that of the Nation's? Are actively engaged in its destruction (I told you a long time ago. They ONLY reason they are pimping War in Ukraine? Was to castrate our Military).
YOU are but one person. But, there are two hundred million of US.
Even if it were possible to mount a naked forward charge. All two hundred million of us, at one time. It would make Pickets little romp, look like a busy afternoon trip through the drive through, at Taco Bell.
They are waiting and ready for any mass effort. Drooling. They well and truly are deranged. They would all have uncontrolled spontaneous emissions, should such ever transpire.
YOUR solitary efforts will be in secret (make damn sure of that!). YOUR solitary efforts will be anonymous (make damn sure of that!). YOUR efforts will be required. YOUR efforts may cost you your life. But without all our efforts, it is already over.
I will never surrender. I will never give up. With my last breath, I will rail against the Evil That Walks Among Us. There is nothing complicated about that. And yet … it is beyond the Deranged Lunatic Left's comprehension and grasp.
They can have my Country, when they can pry it from my (severely arthritic/neuropathic) dead fingers.
I will see you all in Hell.
I'll bring the Champagne and tall crystal flutes.
I've never drank warm Champagne.
But I'm looking forward to it.
But I am not looking forward to my own demise [I made a promise to Dee Oh Gee. That I would do something for myself, get a puppy. Having been accused of pathological generosity, by Joseph Curl (one time abfab editor of Drudge. When ten or so years ago, I hauled major tonnage of the site's water)].
But I will leap across the Grand Canyon. To save The Greatest Gift Ever Known.
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Sunday, September 25, One p.m.
If You Are Not Currently Armed?
You Need to Be.
(Via Doug Ross)
'The Biden DOJ is being fully weaponized against his political enemies.'
"The most horrific case yet might be the story of a Catholic activist from my hometown who had 30 FBI agents sent to his house yesterday to arrest him in front of his wife and seven children."
"In October 2021, he was counseling when a pro-abortion protester leading people into the building threatened his son and yelled obscenities at him. Houck then pushed the man away from his son."
"He was never charged for it and the man tried unsuccessfully to sue him."
"That was until yesterday when, according to his wife, 25-30 armed FBI agents raided their home at 7:05 a.m. His wife said they entered the home and pointed rifles at them as their kids began screaming."
"Nobody responsible for the nearly 100 attacks, including firebombs and vandalism, on pro-life pregnancy centers has been charged by the DOJ. But a pro-life activist … is now facing 11 years in jail."
Let me spell this out for you people. This is a War, and it is currently underway. The opposition are illegal, immoral, extrajudicial TRAITORS. Who have neither the rule of law, nor any Constitutional basis, for their actions.
Engaged in crimes against the Citizens of these United States. Of course, they are only committing these acts … against Conservatives.
My friends, they are shooting unarmed Citizens, in the back. The murder of Ashli Babbitt, was a war crime.
This will only continue, if you let it.
A sub four inch, pocket folding knife, IS fifty state legal. And don't let anyone tell you different (and that of course includes law enforcement).
Exceptions? Yes, the cities of Los Angeles, Oakland, etc.. As well many campuses and Universities.
A five inch (or less) fixed blade, is also fifty state legal. If worn in plain view.
Arizona, where I live, allows for the open carry of guns or knives (of any length). As opposed to concealed carry (which requires a permit).
No, I cannot tell you what to do. But I can say what I believe will be required to save the Country.
And that is not to submit to Fascism.
If they dare lay hand on me?
Two p.m.
I would also add … the Easton Hyperlite, 24" ALX50 aluminum kiddie T-Ball bat. For around $60, at Walliemart. Makes an exceptional home self defense weapon.
And at the same retailer, Gerber has a number of different machetes, under fifty dollars. I usta keep one by the bedside (with a self modified grip/safety sling). But I no longer. I am limited in what I can safely use/deploy. Due to arthritis and neuropathy in my hands (can no longer grip/swing a machete).
So try out/practice any of my suggestions, for yourself. And see what's comfortable?
The superb ease/balance/handling of the kiddie bat, instills great confidence.
My number one fave? Is the 7" fixed blade, Buck #120 (around $200). Lightweight, handles like a dream. Unmatched at any price.
P.S. Study Abbie Hoffman's writing (in "Steal This Book"), on self defense knife fighting technique. It's THE Bible. Though perhaps not even a couple of pages (if that?).
Five p.m.
We would be derelict for not mentioning the Schrade "Smachi," smaller sized machete. $20 at Tractor Supply Co.. Incredible fit/balance/handling. And receives our highest recommendation (and includes woven nylon sheath).
There are three "different" defense items, that we haven't mentioned, and won't dare … Loose Lips Sink Ships. I don't need to be giving the gutter scum ANTIFA … any ideas.
Lastly, we haven't mentioned firearms. Not our area of expertise. But we most certainly have enough familiarity, to be comfortable in our own knowledge base.
So we'll lightly touch on the matter. And speak in generalities.
IF you want/need/acquire, then you must get some range time in. When comes a time to discharge? That isn't the time to be fumbling around (literally in the dark). And thusly there are budgetary considerations.
My thoughts are if you really are in a moment of true need? Then you need something you can depend on. First time. Every time.
And that means a wheel gun (revolver), and not a semi-auto. Though yes, my LAPD friends/acquaintances absolutely swear by their Glocks.
And I would lean towards a three five seven, in stainless. Because of its weight and build. Durable, strong, and not as shifty in hand in actual use (as a lighter weight three eight). And of course, never actually loading the more potent rounds. But thirty eight's.
If you discharge a three five seven round, indoors, in a confined space? You will permanently damage your hearing.
Long gun? Same deal … no pump or semi-auto. But a side by side, break barrel. Simple, less complex, fewer parts. Much less to go wrong/malfunction. And if you ever saw the autopsy photos, of Tookie William's victims?
Then you wouldn't want for any more firepower. And looking at those horrific photos? You could clearly see there was no redemption for the sainted children's book author (toot toot tootsie goodbye). He, having discarded human lives (plural), like so much garbage.
Yeah, so calmly we are discussing the single most serious matter, of our entire lives. Saving the life of these United States.
More serious to me, than the huge mass removed from my colon, more than half a dozen years ago (I was a celebrity in the hospital. It being so big. And get this … No cancer!).
More serious to me, than the near death that I experienced. Before the implant of my first pacemaker, seventeen years ago.
They indeed ARE coming. If you are ready for these bugs, these insects? If you make the proper preparations? Then there will be no panic. No fear. And fear is what they are selling. Don't buy even a nickel's worth.
Once these cowards and Traitors get a whiff of their own fear?

Photo direct link:
Monday, September 26, Nine a.m.
The Military assault on Mar-a-lago, the Military assault and arrest/detention of the Pro-Life activist in Philly. One has to think about the why's and wherefores. What's in play? What are they up to? The reason for their madness.
In first year engineering, it is called the cut and fill of a level roadway. They are prepping the ground, paving the road.
For the public arrest, chaining, shackling, perp walk, humiliation of one Donald J. Trump.
Are you armed yet? Have you practiced the use/deployment of said weapon? Are you ready?
They are coming.
Make no mistake.
They want guarantees. Of the outcome of any and all upcoming elections. Just like the last one. Are you listening to me now? EVERYONE is a target.
This is what it looks like ...
(Via Doug Ross)
The FBI’s Matt Gaetz Operation Sidelined An Effective Republican Voice At A Crucial Time. That Was The Point
There is nothing they won't do, to remain in power. And to destroy the Republic.
As usual … comments are closed [we simply don't have the huss. To host any blog discussions (Ace always had en pointe participants/discussions)].